GAME OF THRONES #10:The Children ACT 49 Chapter 4-2014 *Season Ending*


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This season has been hit and miss for me. Whereas in the previous three I couldn't think of a single episode that was poor or mediocre, here there were a couple that had me scratching my head. A lot of scenes just felt weird and out of place. Rushed and poorly done.

That said, there were still a few standout scenes and characters.

Oberyn was great. Well played and he had wonderful depth to his background and character. It's sad to see a lot of "good" characters go. But I guess that's a bit of a theme throughout the series. Dumb people and people who honor a code or have a strong desire to defend their morals die and get others around them killed. While the savvy and those who do the morally convenient thing stay. Having not read the books, I guess people like Snow, the Onion Knight and Brienne are doomed and people like Arya, Sansa and Littlefinger keep breathing.

The interactions between the Hound and Arya were wonderful. He has such a sad story. From what I understand from Comicbookgirl19, he's not so sympathetic in the books. But in the series it was heartbreaking seeing Arya just leave him there.

Jaime has evolved nicely, turning into a proper human being. Most interactions with Tyrion were awesome. Tywin's, Bronn's, Jaime's. Everyone.

This last episode was great. The battle was a little underwhelming but all in all a good romp. Is Varys leaving because he thinks whatever happened will be linked to him? If so, he's a smart guy.

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First Post
This season has been hit and miss for me. Whereas in the previous three I couldn't think of a single episode that was poor or mediocre, here there were a couple that had me scratching my head. A lot of scenes just felt weird and out of place. Rushed and poorly done.

That said, there were still a few standout scenes and characters.

Oberyn was great. Well played and he had wonderful depth to his background and character. It's sad to see a lot of "good" characters go. But I guess that's a bit of a theme throughout the series. Dumb people and people who honor a code or have a strong desire to defend their morals die and get others around them killed. While the savvy and those who do the morally convenient thing stay. Having not read the books, I guess people like Snow, the Onion Knight and Brienne are doomed and people like Arya, Sansa and Littlefinger keep breathing.

The interactions between the Hound and Arya were wonderful. He has such a sad story. From what I understand from Comicbookgirl19, he's not so sympathetic in the books. But in the series it was heartbreaking seeing Arya just leave him there.

Jaime has evolved nicely, turning into a proper human being. Most interactions with Tyrion were awesome. Tywin's, Bronn's, Jaime's. Everyone.

This last episode was great. The battle was a little underwhelming but all in all a good romp. Is Varys leaving because he thinks whatever happened will be linked to him? If so, he's a smart guy.

Yes, I believe Varys thinks Tyrion's escape will be blamed on him. I'm guessing Conleth Hill (Varys) will take the place of Magister Illyrio, who was important for Tyrion's next step in his journey.

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