Strike Ending & Amazon Antitrust - Streaming Services: Power Rankings, FALL 2023

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The suits and now dynasty phenomenon are fascinating. I know some or all here might not be watching but they are dominating and my household non gamers love them. Netflix for me is still the best run streaming service as they are 1 step ahead of all others
I think eventually some of the bigger streaming networks will fail. The ads free are now 5+. What happens in 2-3 years when these blockbuster shows such as LOTR and say mandalorian (fill in blank) cost much more. They will say now it’s 10 for ad free or ads are now more frequent. It’s game over at some point
Most of the services have already publicly stated they don't want Ad free accounts. So i'd guess your right more money for ad free but eventually I think Ad free will just go away on most of the services. Might take 15 or 20 years to ease John Q Public into that mindset but I suspect TV will look a lot like 1950 eventually. Just watch your content and your ads or watch nothing.


Unfair consequences for those who didn't game the system, but the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike, I suppose.
From what I've read even if everyone had paid their 15.99 a month as intended Ads just pay more. So It may not really matter that people gamed the system. There is just more money to be made from companies who want you to see thier ads than there is from individuals who have to split thier money between streaming services.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Most of the services have already publicly stated they don't want Ad free accounts. So i'd guess your right more money for ad free but eventually I think Ad free will just go away on most of the services. Might take 15 or 20 years to ease John Q Public into that mindset but I suspect TV will look a lot like 1950 eventually. Just watch your content and your ads or watch nothing.
Ad free is not going away, its just going to cost more. Which will make folks want to rip it off even more as well.


The suits and now dynasty phenomenon are fascinating. I know some or all here might not be watching but they are dominating and my household non gamers love them.
The only show I've been consistently watching on Prime over the past several months is Elementary, so yeah, going back to older content is definitely a thing.

Tangential related : Ghost TV

Ghost tv does have it's benefits mainly in airing shows that are hard to find/not cheap or not streaming.

Voidrunner's Codex

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