Can you please let me enjoy bIf the reasonable discussion is supposed to be, "Can you please let me enjoy by wizard books without reminding me that my money goes to support something bad," then that's certainly an opinion and you're welcome to have it.
In the grand scheme of things from the money side of things the brand in question is still making money, which is what matters otherwise like i said they would have cut ties/their losses.
I'll keep that in mind next time I see a new edition of LotR or a star wars book.Asking fans to keep repurchasing the same books is also a sign of decline. At some point, even the most ardent fan will say "you know, I already have ten copies of this series" and stop purchasing.
I came to this conclusion myself when I realized I had two leatherbound editions of the complete Hitchhikers Guide and didn't need to talk myself into getting a third. (I now just have my favorite leatherbound edition and Kickstarted the big book of Douglas Adams' previously unseen notes and writings.)
EDIT: So i found out I was still subbed to netflix when i got notified someone logged into my account from a different state,i logged in changed my password and canceled it lol. I may find a new documentary to watch but i doubt it and nothing else they have has gotten my eye