GAME OF THRONES #3:What Is Dead May Never Die ACT 13 Chapter 2-2012

Best episode of the season so far.

I loved the scene with Tyrion exposing Cersei's informer on the small council. An excellent example of using the visual media to efficiently adapt what Martin wrote. I wish they would have shown Pycelle wetting himself though...

And boy, they really nailed the casting on Brienne. Standing next to Catelyn, she looked bigger than the Mountain.

I really hated to see Yoren go, but damn that was an epic death!

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I know, Brienne looked enormous, and the sequence with Tyrion was also great. AND Yoren's death was also, ALSO great. Really, 100% agreement all around.

I would also add that, although the Iron Isles material is not my favorite part of the story, I think they did a pretty good job of showing that Theon didn't arrive home intending to betray Robb, but was actually tormented about it. It makes his subsequent actions, while awful, a bit more understandable than they were in the novels. He's somewhat more sympathetic.

I also like Theon's retort against his father kneeling to Robert - it shows his spunk, but also highlights how he always blamed his faults on others. Good character moment.

Ooooh, I'm so giddy about what's coming next. I really can't wait to see Arya's story-line unfold. Rorge, Biter and Jaqen H'gar. Did Yoren do that little speech in the books about his brother? I can't remember. Regardless, nice set-up for the future :D

Did Yoren do that little speech in the books about his brother? I can't remember. Regardless, nice set-up for the future :D

I don't think so, but that's hardly authoritative. I wish I had the book here to check.

BUT it does solve the problem of explaining Arya's nighttime death list litany, which the book could just do, but the TV show can't. So, I agree, it's a nice setup and addition -- doing what adaptation needs to do.

They've done a wonderful job in both seasons of taking the single character perspective of the novels and translating it into a narrative.

And if no one has seen season one on blu-ray in 1080p, I feel for you. The leather is thicker, the wrinkles on Eddard's face are deeper and the the colors are richer. Amazing. Best Blu-Ray Evar.

And boy, they really nailed the casting on Brienne. Standing next to Catelyn, she looked bigger than the Mountain.

This casting was spot-on. Between Peter Dinklage and Maisie Williams.... oh and Jaime Lannister and Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon and... and... and..

The casting crew deserves an Emmy.

The casting crew deserves an Emmy.


Baratheon wasn't anything like he's supposed to be, Jaime and Cersei look nothing like each other, Tyrion is supposed to be deformed, Margaery is supposed to be exceptionally beautiful, Brienne is supposed to be exceptionally ugly, Sansa is supposed to be three years younger...

...the list goes on but I think you get the point.

Now, I'm not necessarily complaining, so far the only casting that's really bothered me has been Robert who went from a massive, bear-like, barrel-chested, tall and imposing brute who used to wield a huge hammer that few people could even lift, to a mini-me version without any of the grit, but to say that the casting has been spot-on and deserves an award is a bit unrealistic.

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