GAME OF THRONES #3:What Is Dead May Never Die ACT 13 Chapter 2-2012

Tyrion is supposed to be deformed

And yet, Mr. Dinklage went on to win not only a Golden Globe, but an Emmy for his performance. I think an actor's skill and range can more than compensate for any physical differences from the source material.

At first I didn't like the casting choice for Robert either, but after watching the first season, I think they made a fine choice. I believe the show-runners were emphasizing Robert's decline after having won the crown, which he wasn't suited for. I don't think Addy deserves any great awards, but I thought he conveyed Robert's larger-than-life stature more through his presence and acting than in his physical representation.

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And yet, Mr. Dinklage went on to win not only a Golden Globe, but an Emmy for his performance. I think an actor's skill and range can more than compensate for any physical differences from the source material.

I don't see what this has to do with whether or not the choices were 'spot-on' or not.

I don't see what this has to do with whether or not the choices were 'spot-on' or not.

You and I differ on what is a spot-on casting. All the differences you mention are physical. They're close enough on that and where it matters for me, their personalities, they're spot on.

Perhaps you would be more content with CGI enhanced faces.


Baratheon wasn't anything like he's supposed to be, Jaime and Cersei look nothing like each other, Tyrion is supposed to be deformed, Margaery is supposed to be exceptionally beautiful, Brienne is supposed to be exceptionally ugly, Sansa is supposed to be three years younger...

...the list goes on but I think you get the point.

Now, I'm not necessarily complaining, so far the only casting that's really bothered me has been Robert who went from a massive, bear-like, barrel-chested, tall and imposing brute who used to wield a huge hammer that few people could even lift, to a mini-me version without any of the grit, but to say that the casting has been spot-on and deserves an award is a bit unrealistic.
I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. It seems all your complaints are about looks. People often have very different images in their head with the way characters in the books appear to them.

I am talking about how the characters are portrayed. I loved Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon. Cercei and Jaime are good. Peter Dinklage is perfect as Tyrion. etc.. etc..

Ooooh, I'm so giddy about what's coming next. I really can't wait to see Arya's story-line unfold. Rorge, Biter and Jaqen H'gar. Did Yoren do that little speech in the books about his brother? I can't remember. Regardless, nice set-up for the future :D

No, there was no speech from Yoren in the book (book spoiler)
In the book, Arya flees the fires at the end of the battle, so Yoren died "off camera" because Arya was not there to see it. She does come back to find his dead body, surrounded by four dead Lannister men.


Baratheon wasn't anything like he's supposed to be, Jaime and Cersei look nothing like each other, Tyrion is supposed to be deformed, Margaery is supposed to be exceptionally beautiful, Brienne is supposed to be exceptionally ugly, Sansa is supposed to be three years younger...

...the list goes on but I think you get the point.

Now, I'm not necessarily complaining, so far the only casting that's really bothered me has been Robert who went from a massive, bear-like, barrel-chested, tall and imposing brute who used to wield a huge hammer that few people could even lift, to a mini-me version without any of the grit, but to say that the casting has been spot-on and deserves an award is a bit unrealistic.

All the child actors are 2-3 years older than in the books - the first episode of season 1 has Cat complaining that Bran was only 10 and too young to see Ned behead the Night's Watch deserter, when he was only 8 in the books.

The Targaryen's are supposed to have violet eyes, while Tyrion is supposed to have mismatched eyes. However, the producers of the show said there was a problem with the colored contacts, so they ditched the idea with Martin's blessing.

I thought Mark Addy was very good in his role - when Ned first saw him at Winterfell for the first time in about a decade in the books, Ned was thinking that Robert had put on 8 stone in fat, which is the equivalent of 112 pounds. So, a tall muscular man in Robert that was built like an NFL linebacker is now pushing 350 or more pounds. He also grew his beard to cover up his multiple chins...

And the key point is: "With Martin's Blessing." If G. R. R. M. approves of these casting choices, and according to his blog he has in pretty much every case, then I'm satisfied that they match his vision, if not of what the characters are supposed to look like in the books, at least what he's comfortable with them looking like in the series.

And the key point is: "With Martin's Blessing." If G. R. R. M. approves of these casting choices, and according to his blog he has in pretty much every case, then I'm satisfied that they match his vision, if not of what the characters are supposed to look like in the books, at least what he's comfortable with them looking like in the series.

Plus, there cannot be a large pool of actors that can ably portray Tyrion Lannister.

And, while I know Jamie & Cersei are supposed to look alike, how many male/female actors out there look that much alike? Who would they hire to fill out male/female fraternal twins that look very similar?

When I first read A Game of Thrones in 97 or 98, I had initially pictured Sharon Stone in the role of Cersei and Rutger Hauer in the role of Jamie, though Hauer was already probably too old for the role. So, while the books had them looking alike, I had pictured them being different in a movie portrayal.

I think they've done a great job with some of the secondary characters - both Mormonts Jorah (Iain Glen) and Jeor (James Cosmo), the guy playing Ser Barristan, the guy playing Syrio, etc.
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