GAME OF THRONES #7:A Man Without Honor ACT 17 Chapter 2-2012


A Wicked Kendragon
I'm more concerned about whether they'll get book 3 into one season, and if not, where will they end it, since they've got to have a very specific event from that book climax whatever season it appears in.
There's a LOT of climaxes in book three (and two very specific ones so I'm not even entirely sure which one you mean). :p

Anyways, they've already said that book three will be seasons 3 and 4.

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Remus Lupin

I'm thinking of a specific celebration. But you're right, there are other moments they could choose, but none that I can think of that would neatly split the the book into two seasons. Most of the climaxes in book 3 feel like the baptism scene in the Godfather -- lots of mayhem in a condensed period of time, all at the end.


A Wicked Kendragon
I'm thinking of a specific celebration.
It's funny how that doesn't narrow it down. Both of the two that I'm thinking of are celebrations. And given how they've been messing with the timeline, either one could serve as a bookmark. Actually, I think they might end season three with one and open four with the other.

Remus Lupin

I see your point. I'm thinking of the one that takes place at the Twins (trying to be as vague as possible here), rather than he one that takes place in King's Landing. Since there's a certain parallelism to the events, it would be most sensible to end one season with the one, and the other with the other, rather than beginning it with the other. I personally would feel slighted if the event at the Twins wasn't the culminating event of one of the two seasons.

Also, is it my imagination, or shouldn't we be in Riverrun by now? There's a whole branch of the extended Stark family yet to be heard from.


A Wicked Kendragon
Also, is it my imagination, or shouldn't we be in Riverrun by now? There's a whole branch of the extended Stark family yet to be heard from.
Yeah, I don't know. If they cut Riverrun from the series seasons 3 and 4 are going to be weird, and season 5 is going to break apart in the middle.


I think the plan is to finish book two. The Battle of Blackwater is episode 10 if I recall correctly, then it's mopping up for another couple of episodes. I'm more concerned about whether they'll get book 3 into one season, and if not, where will they end it, since they've got to have a very specific event from that book climax whatever season it appears in.

Blackwater is the title for episode 9, so I believe they'll probably follow the format of last year where the ninth episode will wrap up a lot of the storylines and episode 10 ("Valar Morghulis") will begin to setup for the third season.


What I think might happen to stop that is one of two things:
(1) Robb arrives back at camp there
(2) or else, somebody rushes towards the cage and tells her that they have news from Winterfell, which is Bran & Rickon are dead

She could be ready to kill him until one, or both, of those things happens.

I started to think a lot about this after last night's episode, and the strange thought that crossed my mind was:
Catelyn cuts off Jaime's hand, or she gives him to Karstark who takes his vengeance by cutting off the Kin(g)slayer's hand. Perhaps its not straightforward (Jaime ends up being armed and loses his hand while being subdued, etc.) but it just seemed like they ratcheted up the tension after he provokes Catelyn with his words about Ned, that to not have something develop would be anti-climactic.

Not saying that's how I would want it played out. I certainly want to see the Goat!


First Post
I'm thinking of a specific celebration. But you're right, there are other moments they could choose, but none that I can think of that would neatly split the the book into two seasons. Most of the climaxes in book 3 feel like the baptism scene in the Godfather -- lots of mayhem in a condensed period of time, all at the end.

There are some great climactic moments at the end of Book 3. However, the most dramatic moment is made more stunning by the fact that it's less than 2/3 of the way through the book. (My old version of the book has the chapter starting before page 600 of an almost 1,000 page book)


First Post
I started to think a lot about this after last night's episode, and the strange thought that crossed my mind was:
Catelyn cuts off Jaime's hand, or she gives him to Karstark who takes his vengeance by cutting off the Kin(g)slayer's hand. Perhaps its not straightforward (Jaime ends up being armed and loses his hand while being subdued, etc.) but it just seemed like they ratcheted up the tension after he provokes Catelyn with his words about Ned, that to not have something develop would be anti-climactic.

Not saying that's how I would want it played out. I certainly want to see the Goat!

I hope it doesn't play out like that - I am dying to see the Bloody Mummers (Oops, I mean the Brave Companions) and their leader on screen.


First Post
Blackwater is the title for episode 9, so I believe they'll probably follow the format of last year where the ninth episode will wrap up a lot of the storylines and episode 10 ("Valar Morghulis") will begin to setup for the third season.

My guess for episode 10:

1) Jon slays the Halfhand and joins the wildings
2) Dany leaves Qarth with her dragons after buring down the House of the Undying.
3) Jaqen gives the coin to Arya and she escapes from Harrenhal.
4) Tyrion awakes and finds his father back and replacing him as Hand of the King... Bronn is now a Knight and Joff set to wed Margy Tyrrell.
5) Episode 10 closes with Bran, Rickon, Hodor and Osha alive and fleeing the ruins of Winterfell.

Just starting my re-read of A Storm of Swords now. I hope they get somebody good for Lady Olenna.

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