For quite a while now, we've been developing a major new addition to EN World - our Gamers Seeking Gamers system. Today, it goes live.
So, what is it?
Gamers Seeking Gamers is a way for you to find other gamers in your area. But not only that - you can find conventions, events, online groups, and more!
You are able to seach by location - you tell Gamers Seeking Gamers where you are, and then tell it how many miles away from you you'd like to search (and yes, you can change that to kilometers if you want to!) Gamers Seeking Gamers will then show you a map and a list of matching gamers, events, regular games, conventions, and groups within that area.
You can even filter your search results - you can narrow the list down by age group or by which games people are interested in.
For example, you could search for:
Gamers and Regular Games within 200 miles who are aged 19-24 and who play D&D (3E) or Pathfinder.
Gamers within 50 miles who are of any age and who play Storyteller, Mutants & Masterminds, or Savage Worlds.
Conventions and Other Events within 300 miles.
Not only that - you can use it to promote your event - from a international convention to your weekly game at your kitchen table. You can create online groups for discussion, with integrated picture albums, calendars, and discussion boards; or you can create events and see who is attending or is "maybe attending". You can attach locations and dates to all of these things so that they will show up in area searches, and so people can see on an interactive map where they need to go.
For example - I've set up a recurring event for my weekly War of the Burning Sky campaign in Southampton; and an online group for gamers in Southampton (which I called, originally enough, "Southampton Gamers United!"). The group has a little discussion board, a calendar, and a picture album.
How do I get started?
You simply visit the Gamers Seeking Gamers page!
- If you are already an EN World member, you'll be asked five quick questions and then you'll be free to browse the Gamers Seeking Gamers system. Those five questions allow the system to determine your location, interests, age group, and so on.
- If you are not already an EN World member, you'll see a "sample" of results and be prompted to register. Becoming an EN World member is free and easy!

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