Games tomorrow?

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We are definitely playing D&D at my house. Come around 1 or earlier. I was thinking about board games afterward...

Yes, Mathilde is 5. Yikes.


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I'm glad you like it. I had fun too.

Like many strategy games it's one where small plays can have a big impact and I feel like I'm just starting to understand some of the subtleties. There are hordes (for boardgames anyway) of people who are intensely into this game and it's one of the few games that have stood the test of time. The real crux of many decisions are to learn how to read your opponents and the mood of the market and predict their actions. Like a real market, many decisions are influenced by emotion. I tried to avoid my instinct to duke it out with you over Tower by playing to tie you in it. Likewise, I decided not to spend an action taking the lead in Festival hoping that the the $2000 (predicted) spread between us on the merger outcome could be minimized by other, stronger purchases. I don't know if those were good moves or not. I do know that 2 players in a buying war (like over Tower) only allows the other players to freely maneuver. I was quite sure that Mark was in the lead then and didn't want to give him more opportunities.

Also, had you been able to grow and merge Festival, you would have gained a $5,600 gain on me vs the $3,200 you had at game end. It clearly wouldn't have touched Mark but we would have been close enough to poke at each other with sticks.

Considering the massive payout that Mark and I got from Sackson at game end (Mark $21,000, Me $15,000), you came in incredibly close to taking second place. You made excellent tactical decisions but experience would have taught you to identify the big game enders early and get into them as deeply as you can. Interestingly, your purchase of Sackson kept me from taking 1st in that company and Mark and I would have gotten $17000 and $23000 respectively -- a $12,000 shift in end game money (in my favor) leaving Mark and I near tied. That small purchase near midgame had huge repercussions in the final totals!

It was a weird game compared to the other times we've played. I haven't seen a board dominated by a single company like that. Games in the past have 2, 3 or 4 companies that have grown to a "safe" 11 and predicting the final heavies becomes trickier and results in closer games.


First Post
It was an interesting game, and I feel for the first time like i was able to see things a bit more clearly. Also, I got lucky in that I could actually influence the board. Sadly, there are many games where you are at the mercy of everyone else because you can't get the right tokens to play effectively. This limits your play to mere prediction and purchasing.

Still, I am glad you liked it, Vince. I think dabbling in it will definitely prepare you for Tigris and Euphrates, a fascinating game that allows for tons of player interaction, politicking, and aggressive play.

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