Gaming and Family

RPGs and friends and family

  • None

    Votes: 17 17.9%
  • My siblings play

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • My SO plays

    Votes: 40 42.1%
  • My kids play

    Votes: 21 22.1%
  • My SO has tried it but doesn't play

    Votes: 11 11.6%
  • My SO wishes I wouldn't play

    Votes: 8 8.4%
  • My SO makes it harder to play

    Votes: 6 6.3%
  • My SO doesn't play but is supportive

    Votes: 23 24.2%


My girlfriend doens't play, but is supportive. (I think she'd probably enjoy it if she gave it a go, but she said "no", and I'm not pressing the issue.)

My three brothers and one sister have all played at various times, although over time they've all now drifted away. Every so often there's talk of us getting together for a game, but we usually settle on something like Neverwinter Nights instead, as it's just so much easier getting people 'together' online. I doubt there would be any great interest in playing D&D over a Virtual Tabletop - if we're using the internet anyway, I suspect the graphics offered by a PC game would win the day.

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My 6yo daughter loves to play. My wife didn't care for it in the beginning, but now she plays regularly. Just last night after a session she was playing while I was home babysitting, she bought me the other 2 essentials books I was missing as a surprise christmas present.



My wife doesn't play and when we have kids, she will definitely not let them play. That's okay with me though. I don't need to do every activity with the family.


I played with my siblings growing up (in addition to my gaming friends), and my sister and brother have continued to play on and off with me throughout the years since.

My wife plays in all of my games, since I and my close gaming friends introduced her to it a few years ago.

My son, had he lived, probably wouldn't have had a choice in the matter - with a gaming dad and a gaming mom, he'd have received his first dice before his 10th birthday more than likely. :)


My older brother introduced me to DnD; we are playing online VTT now, since we live 2000 miles apart. Younger brother did play, but has other interests now.

Parents both played; Dad really liked it and even ran a few adventures for us. Mom plays "to join in" but enjoys herself well enough... they've quit now because Dad says "it takes too much remembering..."

My husband and I met at the game store, and our first date was to a friend's DnD game. That was over 30 years ago. His family never really appreciated gaming, tho his younger brother played some, and his kids are into WoW.

We don't have kids of our own, so no gaming with them. The cats are really good with the dice, tho!

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