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Gaming W/Jemal - Epic Mortal Kombat (Character creation.)


First Post
Jemal said:
Voidrazor -
No to Paladin of Slaughter.
Yes to Monk of the passive way.
I don't see the LA on Voidmind...

What's the LA and Racial HD on a Giant Crocodile Warbeast?

The feats and Weapon Enhancements are all good except Knockdown (At epic that's EVERY hit). Also, I won't let Marrowcrushing stack with Wounding, so it's one or the other.
On the Paladin of Slaughter, is that because you don't wan't evil characters in this campaign, or that you prefer Blackguards? If the later, would I be able to retain the Blackguard's class features after loosing the 2 ranks in Know:Religion due to the War Hulk's 'no time to think'?

Voidmind lists +1 on Crystal Keep, but given all the things the template provides it may be a misprint.

Giant War Crocodile would be the 'base animal' used with lycanthropy. Afflicted lycanthropy is a +2 LA template in the SRD. Giant Crocodiles are 7HD, so warbeast ones would be 8HD.

And, heh, maybe knock-down is too good. At MID levels, with a decent Str bonus, that's every hit. With Improved Trip, which is a pre-req, you get 3 attacks in one (trip and 2 damaging attacks) for each iterative or AoO attack against a standing opponent.

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First Post
Voidrazor said:
And, heh, maybe knock-down is too good. At MID levels, with a decent Str bonus, that's every hit. With Improved Trip, which is a pre-req, you get 3 attacks in one (trip and 2 damaging attacks) for each iterative or AoO attack against a standing opponent.

In the errata for Knockdown it says you don't get the Improved Trip extra attack when using it.


First Post
Here's one concept I'm developing. The nymph finesse fighter. Not done yet, but I predict a final AC of about 100.

[sblock]Name: Something
Race: Nymph
Class/Level: 6 fey + 7 ECL + 27 levels
Gender: Female


Strength (STR) 28 6
Dexterity (DEX) 36 6
Constitution (CON) 30 6
Intelligence (INT) 30 4
Wisdom (WIS) 36 6
Charisma (CHA) 42 6

Alignment: ?
AC: 73 (10 + 11 armor + 13 Dex + 10 Int + 13 Wis + 16 Def)
Hit Points: 6d6+10d10+2d6+15d8 +360
Movement: 50' ground, 20' swim

Init: +23
Base Attack Bonus: +24/+19/+14
Melee Attack: +33/+28/+23
Ranged Attack: +37/+32/+27
Fort: +42
Reflex: +55
Will: +48

Race Abilities
+6 Dex, +2 Con, +6 Int, +6 Wis, +8 Cha
DR 10/cold iron
Low Light Vision
Blinding Beauty DC 29
Dimension Door 1/day SLA
Spellcasting (as 7th level druid)
Stunning Glance DC 31
Unearthly Grace +16
Wild Empathy +22

Class Abilities:
Canny Defense
Improved Reaction +4
Enhanced Mobility
Grace (+2 reflex)
Precise Strike +2d6
Acrobatic Charge
Elaborate Parry
Deflect Arrows

Ki Pool:
Ghost Step: Invisible

Skirmish (+4d6, +4 AC)
Battle Fortitude +2
Uncanny Dodge
Fast Movement +20'
Trackless Step
Bonus Feats (Spring attack, combat expertise, improved initiative)
Flawless Stride
Blindsense 30'
Hide in Plain Sight

110 fey
Concentration 9 ranks
Diplomacy 9 ranks
Escape Artist 9 ranks
Handle Animal 9 ranks
Heal 9 ranks
Hide 9 ranks
Listen 9 ranks
Move Silently 9 ranks
Perform (sing) 3 cc ranks
Ride 5 ranks
Sense Motive 9 ranks
Spot 9 ranks
Swim 9 ranks

26sp nin

225sp scout

110sp duellist
Balance (Dex)
Bluff (Cha)
Escape Artist (Dex)
Jump (Str)
Listen (Wis)
Perform (Cha)
Sense Motive (Wis)
Spot (Wis)
Tumble (Dex)

1 Dodge
3 Weapon Finesse
6 Mobility

9 Ability Focus: Stunning Glance
12 Weapon Focus: Rapier
15 Improved Critical: Rapier
18 Bounding Assault

21 Infinite Deflection
24 Exceptional Deflection
27 Reflect Arrows
30 Epic Weapon Focus: Rapier

Languages - Common, Sylvan, Elven, Orcish, Goblin, Draconic, ?, ?, ?

Money - 214,400+1.04mil

Weapons - Green Destiny +9, +49 to hit, 1d6+18 dmg, 15-20crit, x2, 6.485mil
+9 Starmetal Defending, Ghost Touch, Undead Dread Rapier

Armour -

Gear -

Magic -
Headband of Intellect +6, 36k
Vest of resistance +5, 25k

Bracers of Epic Armor +11, 1.21mil
Cloak of Charisma +10, 1mil
Periapt of Wisdom +10, 1mil
Gloves of Dexterity +10, 1mil
Belt of Strength & Con +8, 1.312

All Tomes 825k



First Post
Here's my character thus far. It has some magic items that I haven't cleared yet that are a legacy from the character sheet I copied the format from. I'll work on that part soon.

Tehrazhon, the Abomination in Chains
[sblock=Background]For the first few years after his creation, Tahrazhon believed he was the offspring of a stone giant and a magic whale, and destined to be a guardian of nature. He had fond childhood memories of mountain vistas and the harmony of the sea. He took on faith that serving ‘Grandfather’ Theros, and elderly arcanist was part of his duty. In time a rival wizard attacked, using fell troops that mixed the most fearsome aspects of humans and great crocodilians trained for war.

Tahrazhon was injured in the attack but managed to escape. His master was less fortunate. The wizard’s passing released the enchantment upon the giant’s mind. He remembered the pain from eldritch energies used in his creation and the barred cell where he actually spent his childhood. Horrified, he turned to a peaceful monastery nearby, hoping to come to terms with his identity. But beneath a sanguine moon, Tahrazhon discovered that the bite of the crocodile men had left a terrible curse. In a mindless rage, the transformed giant slew his gentle brethren and left nothing of the monastery but rubble.

From that point Tahrazhon wandered, consumed by his curse. In time, he came to embrace what he referred to as Sebek’s Kiss, destroying whole townships for money or just the joy of slaughter. While hired to procure a relic hidden in the depths of the earth, he ran afoul of an Illithid holdfast. If there had been anything left of the original Tahrazhon it was destroyed that day. For the mind flayers’ powers quickly overcame the freakish giant, and most of his brain was consumed, replaced with a foul but potent secretion.

The Illithids’ new slave was soon sent back to the surface to wreak havoc upon their enemies. Enhanced, by the slime that had replaced most of its brain, Tahrazhon’s already formidable prowess quickly grew to that of a legend. Whole cities were flattened before the creatures might, and despite the danger of being in his proximity, the freakish giant gained a following of mongrelmen. Yet, despite the vengeance by proxy the mind flayers brought upon the surface, their fortunes waned. Two of the illithids that had transformed the giant were slain in lightning raids by Drow. The remaining mind flayer was subsumed into the holdfast’s elder brain in order to maintain control of their prize. Even that measure was only partly effective, constantly the mindlessly destructive nature of Tahrazhon’s lycanthropic curse vied the ancient aberration’s mental dominance. But the elder brain soon found an opportunity to capitalize on its powerful but untrustworthy resource. A tournament of the greatest warriors in all creation was about to be held, and the spoils for winning such a competition promised to be very, very useful. Certain that a victory there could be parleyed into eventual dominance of the underdark, it entered Tahrazhon in the legendary event.[/sblock]
Male Voidmind (+2 LA) Half-Ogre (+1 LA) Anthropomorphic Whale (3 HD +0 LA) afflicted with Lycanthropy (Giant War Crocodile) (8 HD +2 LA)
Monk of the Passive Way 2 / Fighter 2 / Blackguard 2 / Warshaper 3  / War Hulk 15

Strength    100  (+45)  14 base +6 Enchantment +5 Inherent +1 Levels +4 Voidmind +6 Half-Ogre +8 Anth Whale +20 Were-Croc +4 Warshaper +30 War Hulk
Dexterity    32  (+11)  14 base +6 Enchantment +5 Inherent +1 Levels +2 Voidmind -2 Half-Ogre +4 Anth Whale +2 Were-Croc
Constitution 40  (+15)  15 base +6 Enchantment +5 Inherent +4 Levels +2 Voidmind +4 Anth Whale +4 Warshaper
Intelligence 12  (+1)    8 base +4 Inherent +2 Voidmind -2 Half-Ogre
Wisdom       32  (+11)  14 base +6 Enchantment +5 Inherent +1 Levels +4 Anth Whale +2 Were Croc
Charisma     24  (+7)   15 base +6 Enchantment +5 Inherent +2 Levels -2 Voidmind -2 Half-Ogre

Size: Huge
Height: 20 ft
Weight: 3 tons
Skin: Blue
Eyes: Grey, flecked with gold
Hair: none
Age: 33 years

HP:  (8 + 15d8 + 4d10 + 15d12 + 540 Con)
AC: 65 (10 base +12 Dex +8 Armor +5 Deflection +3 Profane +15 Natural +11 Monk +1 Insight) 50 Touch 49 Flat-footed
Initiative: +26 (+11 Dex +2 Eager +5 insight:Warning +8 Superior Initiative)
BAB: +23 Grapple: +76

Fort 64 (19 base +8 Epic +15 Con +10 resistance +3 Profane +1 Ioun Stone +1 Luckstone +7 Paladin)
Ref 56 (14 base +8 Epic +12 Dex +10 resistance +3 Profane +1 Ioun Stone +1 Luckstone +7 Paladin)
Will 51 (10 base +8 Epic +11 Wis +10 resistance +3 Profane +1 Ioun Stone +1 Luckstone +7 Paladin)

Melee Attack +76 (+23 BAB +45 Str +6 Enhancement +1 Competence +1 Epic Prowess)
Ranged Attack +41 (+23 BAB +11 Dex +5 Enhancement +1 Competence +1 Epic Prowess)

1 Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale 1 
2 Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale 2
3 Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale 3
4 Were Giant War Crocodile 1
5 Were Giant War Crocodile 2
6 Were Giant War Crocodile 3
7 Were Giant War Crocodile 4
8 Were Giant War Crocodile 5
9 Were Giant War Crocodile 6
10 Were Giant War Crocodile 7
11 Were Giant War Crocodile 8
12 Monk of the Passive Way 1
13 Monk of the Passive Way 2
14 Fighter 1
15 Fighter 2
16 Blackguard 1
17 Blackguard 2
18 Warshaper 1
19 Warshaper 2
20 Warshaper 3
21 War Hulk 1
22 War Hulk 2
23 War Hulk 3
24 War Hulk 4
25 War Hulk 5
26 War Hulk 6
27 War Hulk 7
28 War Hulk 8
29 War Hulk 9
30 War Hulk 10
31 War Hulk 11
32 War Hulk 12
33 War Hulk 13
34 War Hulk 14
35 War Hulk 15

Voidmind Bonus Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude
Lycanthrope Bonus Feat: Iron Will
Monk Bonus Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip
Fighter Bonus Feats: Power Attack, Cleave
War Hulk Epic Bonus Feat: Dire Charge
1st EWP - Spiked Chain
3rd Improved Initiative
6th Large and in Charge
9th Leadership
12th Stunning Fist
15th Improved Sunder
18th Leap attack
21st Improved Combat Reflexes
24th Superior Initiative
27th Deft Opportunist
30th Epic Prowess
33rd Epic Sunder 

Skill Points 123 (12 @ 1st, 6 @ 2nd-3rd, 24 @ 4th-11th, 10 @ 12th-13th, 6 @ 14th-15th, 6 @ 16th-17th, 5 @ 18th, 9 @ 19th-21st, 45 @ 22nd-36th)
Skill Name	         Ability   Total	Mod	Ranks	Misc.
Hide                      Dex      29 =         +3      +20  +1 Luck, +5 Competence
Intimidate                Cha      48 =         +7      +36  +1 Luck, +1 Competence
Jump              	  Str	   55 = 	+45	+8     +1 Luck, +1 Competence
Knowledge (religion)	  Int	    1 = 	+1 	+2(0)	
Listen                    Wis	    ? = 	+11	+?      +1 Luck, +1 Competence
Move Silently             Dex      25 =         +11     +8        +1 Luck, +5 Competence	
Spot         	          Wis	    ? = 	+11	+?     +1 Luck, +1 Competence	

Skill Tricks: 


[B]Arms[/B] - Strongarm Bracers 6k
[B]Head[/B] -  Crown of Sorcerous Terror 200k + Scout's Headband (+2 competence to Spot. 3 charges/day - 1 charge: darvision 60' for 1 hr, 2 charges: See Invisible for 10 min, 3 charges: True Seeing for 1 min) 3,400
[B]Face[/B] -  Basilisk's Mask (Wearer always makes his/her save vs. Gaze Attacks. Gains Feat: Diehard. If the wearer’s hit-points drop to –10 or lower, he/she does not die until the end of
the next round. If healed to –9 or higher before the end of the next round, the wearer
automatically stabilizes and does not die. After 3 uses of this ability, the Mask looses
its magic) 47,500 + Mask of Fury (Wearer can Rage as a Barbarian twice per day. To activate, the wearer must smear the mast with his/her own blood (Standard Action + 3hp damage). If the wearer has been wounded within the last hour, the Rage can be activated as a Free Action & no additional damage is taken) 18k
[B]Shoulders[/B] - +20 Intimidate 40k + Mantle of Second Chances 9k (1 re-roll per day)
[B]Throat[/B] -  Periapt of Wisdom +6 36k + Amulet of Health +6 54k + Antimagic Torc 37,500
[B]Body[/B] - Dyr's Impervious Vestments 123K + Ghost Shroud 5k (+1 defclection to AC, attacks have stike incorporeal normally)
[B]Torso[/B] - Vest of Resistance +10 1,000k
[B]Hands[/B] - Gloves of Dexterity +6 36k
[B]Waist[/B] - Epic Belt of Strength +12 1,440k + Belt of Battle 18k (+2 Competence bonus to Init. It also has 3 charges that are renewed each day at dawn. These charges can be used as a swift action to gain an extra action depending on the number of charges used. 1 charge: 1 move action. 2 charges: 1 standard action. 3 charges: 1 full-round action.)
[B]Feet[/B] - Boots of Teleportation 49k + Boots of Speed 18k + Steadfast Boots 2,100 (+4 bonus to avoid bull rush, trip, or overrun attacks. Any two-handed weapon you carry is treated as if readied against charges.)
[B]Finger[/B] - Ring of Deflection +5 50k
[B]Finger[/B] - Ring of Feeedom of Movement 40k + Ring of Sustenance 3,750

Large Eager (+2 unnamed to Init, +2 damage in surprise rnd) Warning (+5 insight to Init) Wrathful Healing (heal 1/2 damage dealt) Sweeping (+4 trip) Sizing Vicious Wounding Ki- Focus Starmetal Spiked Chain +6 5,790,770
Huge Composite Longbow (+10 in ench) 205,700
Large Sizing Defending Eager Spiked Gauntlets +5 98,610
+4 Tome of Clear Though 110k (Used)
5 +5 Tomes&Manuals 137,500ea 687,500gp
Eversmoking Bottle 5,400
Rod of Absorption 50k
Luckstone 20k
Dusty rose Prism Ioun Stone (+1 insight bonus to AC) 5k
Pale Green Ioun Stone (+1 competence bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks) 30k
Iridescent Spindle Ioun Stone (Sustains creature without air)  	18k
Handy Haversack 2k
Sphere of Awakening (Awaken all allies within 60'. Remove exhaustion and fatigue from same. All are immunie to fatigue, exhaustion and sleep effects for 10 min after activation) 1,800
30 vials of Enlarge Person potion 250ea 7,500
30 vials of Fly potion 750ea 22,500

Remaining funds 3,713,970
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First Post
wow! war hulk is sooo broken :p and voidmind should totally change type to undead, especially since he said no psionic stuff :..( I miss my third eyes.
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First Post
Alrighty then Jemal here is the 95% version of Tenneth. without any special added bonuses.

[sblock=story]The tale of Tenneth Shafar is a sad one indeed, but does not begin with him.

In the underdark, some time ago, there was a young drow woman named Shanana Shafar. Her beauty was unsurpassed and it led to her most gruesome demise. She was a wizard of Lolth, and fast approaching the time of her ultimate test. One day while harvesting mushrooms in the deep caves, the floor gave way depositing her quite roughly to the bottom of a chamber she had never seen before. Unfortunately this was the home of an immensely foul tempered shadow dragon, who saw this as an insufferable trespass. But on seeing her beauty thought of the perfect vengeance to wreak upon her. Shanana was ravaged for days before her limp, used body was thrown back out the hole she had inadvertently created.

After what seemed like days more she came to and made her way home, using her masterful disguise skills to hide her shame. But a few months after the wounds had healed, she discovered a much more serious violation had occurred. She was with child, but could tell nobody.

The day of testing arrived, and she was nearly full term. And when she was brought before the spider queen herself as a failure, Shanana knew there was but one punishment. As the goddess’ finger pointed to her, the pain was truly blinding. But at the same time she did not feel herself changing. Instead, the horror that started tearing its way from inside her told the truth of the matter. The wings, claws, teeth and tail left no time to consider her fate as the child rose from the shredded remains of his mother, on wobbly spider legs. He grew to his fully monstrous proportions in a matter of moments, born with the memories of her, as the goddess watched with fascination. Beckoning him to her, he approached utterly without fear, pulling a chunk of draped flesh from his shoulder and eating it. At this she smiled and whispered, “Ah, mother’s milk. You have murdered your way into this world my young Tenneth, I think you might have a great future. But you cannot stay in this Underdark child, your test shall be what you can make of yourself alone. Know that none shall ever love you, save me.” And as she leaned forward and kissed his bloody forehead, he stretched his damp new wings and his eyes flashed red. Then he was on the surface, unbidden, unwelcome, and unafraid.

Days later while stalking through an empty and forgotten battlefield, he found an old rusty helmet. When he placed it on his horn crowned head, he felt something besides hunger. He felt a need to help and that this helmet was now his forever (Cursed helm of opposite alignment CE>LG while worn). Magics came as naturally as breathing but interested him only for a short while. The murder vanished from his eyes and Tenneth wandered. In an ancient temple he found a small child crying amongst piles of discarded robes. Dressing himself in them he consoled the youth and led her back to the outskirts of her village, where stories of the strange dark monk are still told to this day.

However, that small village was the exception to the rule of monsters. As Tenneth traveled the land, he was met more with screams of terror than with disdain or anything else. And had to learn his “monks” ways fairly quickly from an old blind man just to survive. But early in his training, a brutal blow shattered the helm from his brow and the hunger returned along with the fiery glow in his eyes. He set upon his tutor with such ferocity that when the smoke cleared there was nothing left of the blind monk but a bloody smear, and an oddly full feeling.

The wars that found this abomination taught him fast the value of weaponry more versatile than his claws, and the bow came naturally to his attention. Tenneth started to notice himself drawn to the darker places of the world and his immunity to its rotting denizens’ touch meant he could take what he wanted. And so he did. Tenneth rained bloody death down from the heavens on any he met and none could stand before his fury.

After many years Tenneth found his way back into the underdark, returning as a lord of war and great champion of darkness, he found his way to the one who loved him. “You were right my dark goddess, you were the only one that loved me in all the world.” The words fell from his lips like a chisel etching steel. Bowing before her as she smiled her immutable smile. “You have done well, my blackest prince. There is now a task I would set for you. The champions of many worlds will soon gather, and you will send their hearts to their lesser gods.” A terrifying new expression of glee burned its way across his face as he bowed deeper. The bloodlust rising in anticipation.[/sblock]

[sblock=spoiler stat block]Tenneth, Shafar

Half shadow dragon(+3 LA), Lolth-Touched(+1 LA) Dryder(6+4 counts as 6 lvls of wizard):
Wizard1 / Monk 2nd / Fighter 2nd /Arcane Archer 21st

Large Dragon
Hit Dice: 10+1D4+8D10+22D8+544 (699)
Initiative: +17
Speed: 50 ft. / 105 ft. fly (good)/climb 15 ft.

Adjusted Abilities: (base+racial+inherent+enhancement+level)
Str: 42/+16 (10+18+4+10)
Dex: 44/+17 (16+4+4+12+8)
Con: 44/+17 (16+14+4+10)
Int: 24/+7 (8+6+4+6)
Wis: 34/+12 (16+6+4+8)
Cha: 24/+7 (10+8+6)

Saves: (Dragon6+wizard1+fighter2+monk2+arcane archer10+ability+magic+epic+luck+comp)
Fortitude: 53 (5+0+3+3+7+17+10+6+1+1)
Reflex: 50 (5+0+0+3+7+17+10+6+1+1)
Will: 47 (5+2+0+3+3+12+10+6+1+1)

Armor Class: 85 (10 Base, +17 Dex, +12 Wis, +1 Monk, +15 Natural, +15 Armor,
+5 Defense, +10 Deflection, +1 insight, -1 size) touch 55, flatfooted 68

Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+49

Attack (30ft. or closer): +11 Composite Longbow(+11 str bonus) +47 ranged (5 arrows)(1D10 + 23 +2d4 level drain/X3) or +7 scimitar +47 melee (2d6 + 31 /15-20X2) or +5 Gauntlet +45 (1D8 +21/X2) or breath

Attack (outside 30ft.): +11 Composite Longbow(+11 str bonus) +57 ranged 1D10 + 23 +2d4 level drain/X3

Full Attack (30ft. or closer): +11 Composite Longbow(+11 str bonus) +47/+47/+42/+37/+32/+27 ranged (5 arrows each)(1D10 + 23 +2d4 level drain/X3) or +7 scimitar +49 melee (2d6 + 31 /15-20X2) or +5 Gauntlet +47 (1D8 +21/X2) and breath

Full Attack (outside 30ft.): +11 Composite Longbow(+11 str bonus) +55/+55/+50/+45/+40/+35 ranged (1D10 + 23 +2d4 level drain/X3)

Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft

Special Attacks:
Imbue arrow
Seeker arrow 1/day
Phase arrow 1/day
Hail of arrows 1/day
Arrow of death 1/day
Breath weapon:

Special Qualities:
Spell Resistance 37
Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine
Immunity to gases, ranged attacks, sleep, critical hits, energy drain
Resistance +30 to fire, cold, electricity, sonic, acid
Low-light vision
Darkvision 60ft
Enhance arrow (+11)
D-door 3/day
Repel Vermin

Spells cast: 4/6/5/4/3
Spells Known: all 1st-4th from Phb

Spell like abilities:: 1/day dancing lights, clar, darkness, detect good, detect law, detect magic, dispel magic, faerie fire, levitate, suggestion

1 Weapon focus (Composite Longbow)
3 Rapidshot
6 Dragon Breath
-- Scribe scroll (bonus wizard)
-- Improved unarmed strike (bonus monk)
-- Improved grapple (bonus monk)
-- Combat reflexes (bonus monk)
9 Improved Sunder
-- Point Blank Shot (bonus fighter)
-- Precise shot (bonus fighter)
12 Practiced spellcaster
15 Manyshot
18 Deflect arrows
21 Exceptional Deflection
24 Infinite deflection
-- Uncanny accuracy (bonus epic arcane)
27 Reflect arrows
-- Improved Manyshot (bonus epic arcane)
30 Greater Manyshot

Items: 14 mil
Tomes & Manuals +4 110k X5 550k,
circlet of stealth (hide) 40 1.6 mil +(int 6 54k)
Scabbard of keen edges 19k
Falchion of Ruin 1mil
Rod of Invulnerability 600k
Amulet of Con 10 1 mil +Wisdom 8 960k +(adaptation 13k)
Ghost gauntlet 68.8k +(+5 defending 108k, caster X2 75k) 251.8k
Souldrinker 478k, Composite longbow(+11) 1.5k 479.4k
Ring of greater universal energy resistance 216k + (counterspelling X3 18k)
Bracers of armor 15 2mil +(greater archery 37.5k)
Ring of protection 10 2mil +(invisibility 30k) +(Growth 27k) + (Freedom of movement 60k)
Belt of giant strength 6 36k +(monks 19.5k)
Goggles of seeing 75k
Cloak of epic resistance 10 1mil +(mounteback X3 45k) + (cha 6 54k)
+ (capote of dragonfly wings 127.5k)
Dusty rose Ioune stone 5k
Greaves of epic dex 12 1.44mil
Quiver of elohna 1.8k +(elohna X9 24.3k) 26.1k
Daazzix's vest 25k
Portable hole 20k
Pale green ioune stone 30k
Luckstone 20k
Barrels of arrows (500 each) X6 600g
Candle of Invocation X2 16.8k
Feather Tree Token X10 8k
Smokesticks w/ tindertwigs attached to end X20 420g
Wand of Web 4500g
Boccob's blessed book 12.5k
Wand of Improved Invisibility (lvl20) 60k

37,595g unspent

Skills: (rank+ability+racial+competence+magic+luck)+synergy
292 skill points (Monster 90 / fighter 18 / monk 16 / arcane archer 168)

Hide (Dex) +136/116 attacking while hiding (30+17+8+40+40[20]+1)
Move Silently (Dex) +49 (30+17+1+1)
Concentration (Con) +29 (10+17+1+1)
Search (Int) +16 (10(20pts.)+4+1+1)
Survival (Wis) +35 (20+13+1+1)
Listen (Wis) +45 (30+13+1+1)
Spot (Wis) +84 (30+13+40+1)
Intimidate (Cha) +19 (10(14pts.)+7+1+1)
Spellcraft (Int) +16 (9+4+1+1)
Bluff (Cha) +13 (10(20pts.)+2+1)
Sense Motive (Cha) +19 (10(20pts.)+7+1+1)
Open Lock (Dex) +24 (1+17+5+1)
Disable Device (Int) +11 (1+4+5+1)
Diplomacy (Cha) +18 (10(20pts.)+7+1)
Gather Information (Cha) +9 (1+7+1)
Knowledge Dungeoneering (Int) +22 (16(32)+4+1+1)[/sblock]
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First Post
here is my concept character


str 16 +4 +5 +3 +10 =40 +15
dex 16 +12 +5 +5 +12 =50 +20
con 14 +10 +5 +1 +10 =40 +15
int 12 +2 +5 +6 =25 +7
wis 10 +4 +5 +1 +6 =26 +8
cha 10 +6 +5 +6 =27 +8

HP: 7d8+26d10+525: 764
AC: 10+20+16+10+8= 64
touch: 40 flatfooded: -
speed: 70 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect)

BAB: +30/+25/+20/+15
grapple: +45

adamantine +5 briljant energy evil outsider bane scimitar
+54/+49/+44/+39 1d6+25 15-20/x2
(vs evil outsiders +56/+54/+46/+41 1d6+2d6+15 15-20/x2)

2 weapon
+52/+52/+47/+47/+42/+42/+37/+37 1d6+25 15-20/x2
(vs evil outsiders +54/+49/+44/+39 1d6+2d6+15 15-20/x2)

2 wings
each +45/+40/+35/+30 2d8+14

each +45/+40/+35/+30 2d6+14

fort +12 +5 +15 +10 +2 = +44
ref +6 +5 +20 +10 +2 = +43
will +6 +5 +8 +10 +2 = +31

Diplomacy 31+8 =39
handle animal 43+8 =51
hide 31+20=51
move silent 31+20=51
sense motive 31+8=39
listen 31+8=39
spot 31+8=39
concentration 31+15=46
knowledge (planes) 31+7=38
knowledge (local) 31+7=38
knowledge (arcana) 31+7=38
knowledge (religion) 31+7=38

weapon focus: scimitar
power attack
two-weapon fighting
imp. 2 weapon fighting
greater 2 weapon fighting
weapon spec: scimitar
greater weapon focus: scimitar
greater weapon spec: scimitar
improved critical
improved sunder
combat brute
quick draw
combat expertise
great cleave
improved flight
oversized 2 weapon fighting
flyby attack

epic feats:
perfect 2 weapon fighting
epic speed
overwhelming critical
devastating critial (fort DC 36)
great health

+8 racial bonus on Spot checks,
low-light vision
+8 natural armor,
natural weapons (2 wings, 2d8; 2 claws, 2d6),
spell resistance 36
damage reduction 10/evil or silver,
immunity to electricity
+4 bonus on saves against poison
immunity to petrification
speak with animals
lay on hands 764 HP
resistance to cold 10 and sonic 10
fear aura DC 22

inteligent item
- uncanny dodge as lvl 5 bbn
- evasion
- wielder does not breathe
- heal 1/day

A avoral guardinal’s list of spell-like abilities:
At will—
detect magic
dimension door
dispel magic
gust of wind
hold person
magic circle against evil (self only)
magic missile,
see invisibility
3/day- true seeing
3/day-lightning bolt. Caster level 8th.[/sblock]


First Post
Hmm. Jemal, what would the ECL adjustment for a dragon be? I'm talking silver or gold...probably Old"ish" in age category...maybe even Ancient.

I know I already have one...but I do love me dragons.


[sblock=Shayuri] -As is evidenced by your pic. Well, I've always thought that the dragon LA was too high. As for a special thing... I know what I WANT b/c I LOVE Dragon PC's (Especially Silver's)..... It may seem a bit overpowered, but how about 40HD straight dragon no LA?
That'd be a Great Silver Wyrm exactly, if memory serves..

Just for the record, I'd prefer the dragon to the Nymph, just for coolness factor, but the 100AC Nymph WOULD have a good advantage.

Rino - Looks good so far. I'll go over numbers later, for now I just have one question - Guardinals can attack with their wings?

AVALON - Hmm, that number works for me.

Vertex - Lolth touched is OK, all those things you mentioned are ok with the exception that you CAN'T try stacking that SR vest on multiple slots or anything, k?
Also, the monk's belt is ok with monk levels, it just increases some of your monk abilities (As listed in the item description)

Void - My problem with the paladin of slaughter is a couple of it's abilities, especially deadly touch.
I wouldn't give voidmind for a +1, probably not even a +2.
The warbeast lycanthrope thing is ok, though. Just keep in mind the LA and HD are counted to your 40ECL normally.

BTW.. Three-digit strength = Awesome. There's gonna be a couple guys in the tourny that'll wanna arm wrestle you.

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