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Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 3: Fallout


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Cassandra was quiet for a moment at Felix's question, thinking.

"I'm not sure," she confesses at last. "I think...it might take time, but I could probably break through it. But it would take a lot of force. I don't think I could promise no one inside would get hurt. The more force, the harder it is to make precise. I can get us into the building, but I don't think I should just rip apart the room they're in."

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Enoch clears his throat. His voice is a mix of suppresses nervousness and cockiness "I hate to be Mr. Voice of Dissent, again, but if the trip might knock ... Robert right? ... might knock Robert out, I have some reservations about teleporting to the roof. It sounds like the FBI might get trigger happy at anyone who suddenly shows up there. And this needs to be a finesse job right? If we show up on the periphery, Grid can get the skinny on the situation before we commit, Cassandra can get a video camera, and with a bit of luck, I can 'convince' whoever's in charge that were from some obscure intelligence agency with orders to handle the situation delicately. How's that sound?"


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“That…” Felix started blankly and dumbstruck “is a horrible idea.”

Felix then continued, “in addition to being a rescue mission, this is a publicity stunt,” Felix said while scrunching his left brow down, still trying to decide of Enoch was really serous. “Everything we do will be picked apart in fin detail after the fact, so mucking around with the minds of the people’s protectors? Not a good start. I don’t care how you do it: the people in charge will either know within hours, or just a few days, that their agent’s minds were toyed with.” Felix went on.
“And it is in these people’s invested interest that the general populace is scared, the more scared the people are, the larger their budget, and if their agents, while on high alert, in the middle of a high visibility hostage situation can be utterly undermined by a single Meta’s whims? You’ll be vilified and turned into the best excuse they could hope for, Grid to, for that matter. Both of you have power sets that would scare people to death, mind control is no joke, and Grid...” Felic trailed off before looking to Grid with a deathly serious expression “You could affectively cripple, if not obliterate, every first world nation within a day without any chance to fail: There is great reason why we did not want to be known of before.” He ended with a sigh before going on “Frost can freeze things in his presence, and the media has taken a” Felix moved his hands up to make the cliché quotation marks “Liking” he quoted before letting his hands fall back to his sides “to him, either of you two show off for the cameras and every anti-meta nut job will have some of the most compelling evidence ever that metas are too dangerous to allow to simply walk free.” Felix went on before trying to force himself to leave the subject. “Now you have me rambaling!” he rolled his with a self-annoyed grumble “So yeah, it’s not such a great idea, and as for the FBI shooting at us if we pop up on the roof? Their expecting crazy shenanigans” He continued with a chuckle “Their already dealing with Metas, also, their professionals: they’re not going to heedlessly risk the hostages by being the first ones to fire, nor are they so dumb as to tip their hand that they have noticed us until they think they can get us, and the group, all in one go, with an optimum chance to rescues Lyon and co. Also, Robert is not exactly a prime target, an existed, and or, unconscious old man or…” Felix grew a grin as he turned to Frost “Jacob Calvins, Terrorist?” he asked smugly before again becoming serous “and in all honestly, if you think we would let something as simple as Robert over straining himself prevent us from defending him I think you’re blind as to what team you’re on.” Felix gave him a grin as he thought ‘We’re the good guys, duh, also, if you’re hearing this, you’re an ass. also, anda again:
Get out of my mind! ... who has never wanted to scream that at a real psychic?

OoC: quicky pre-nap post, overnights, Blerg


"While I disagree with Felix's delivery, he does raise a point. People can accept super strength, flight, laser beams, but when you start getting into things like Teleportation and Mind Control, or.. technomancy.." Robert shrugs with a grin at Grid "People start to loose it. Even without his powers, Grid's hacking skills had him as a government target. If they ever found out what he can do NOW, nobody who isn't completely off the grid would feel safe. There's a reason almost nobody knows of my Teleporation - three people outside of this group - and it's because the thought that I could just 'pop in' anywhere, anytime I want... I understand how much fear that could generate."

"On the other hand, Enoch has his own good points. I don't know exactly how good he is, but I doubt - no offense - he can hide us from everyone who might be watching that roof, especially without knowing where they are beforehand. And we have no idea how disciplined they might be, whether they're tense, trigger happy, or even if there are some snipers working for other agendas. We have our own agents in the government, it's not inconceivable that others do as well.
Even if they are just loyal American snipers following orders, they may not wish to allow what may be reinforcements to the terrorists. If they realize the significance of us appearing out of nowhere, they could also seek to eliminate a possible escape route."


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Grin frowned a moment, taking in all the positions.

"The fact is, without a nudge or two from Enoch, it sounds like the anti-meta tensions are high enough we're not likely going to convince anyone to let us in on this play, so I think coming from high ground is definitely our best bet. But if we're worried that revealing teleporters opens up a worse bag of worms...

"What's the building arrangement look like around this place?"
he tried. "Seems like a good bet that all eyes are going to be trained on the center, so if there are nearby rooftops, maybe we can try this 'elevator' plan of Uomo's from there. Might even get ourselves an angle that lets Enoch muddy the snipers without making it as obvious."

[sblock=ooc]I'll just go ahead and say I'm not the best strategic planner. Rather that get too bogged down in IC back and forth on the specifics, let me just say I'll go with whatever the majority concensus is. I rather expect no matter what tack we take that Jemal will have a wrinkle or two waiting. ;)

If it helps with any planning, in addition to his general machine communication / hacking, Grid has an EMP ability that works in a burst at rank 10 (I believe that's a 1000 foot burst, yes? I'm having a heck of a time finding ranges in the srd). He used it when they got Laura, so most of the other characters would already know about it if they wanted to use in planning.[/sblock]


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"High ground," Cassandra murmurs. "Maybe we're thinking about this the wrong way."

She looks around at the others. "We want to get into this building without anyone knowing about it, or interfering. But it's surrounded...on the surface." She taps the tabletop. "But what if we can tunnel underneath? Check sewers, subways...see what brings us close. Then we can figure out some way to dig through the ground and break into the basement. No one'll see us coming."


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There was actually a minor sparking about Terry's ears as Cass offered her suggestion.

"That's a great idea. With any luck, there are one or more electrical junction boxes down there, too. I might be able to hack in, or at least line-port in, from there."


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Enoch nods, "Hey yeah! If there's an underground route, even a smelly one, I'd be down with that. As for the political angle, I guess some of us, not me, could mug for the cameras afterwords. But that could be tricky. It could easily get spun against us if there isn't live footage of the rescue."


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Laura kept silent during the planning. She was never a good planner, but after Cassandra's idea she had to speak "Even having a possible chance of being shot at makes me feel uncomfortable, the underground idea sounds best."

Voidrunner's Codex

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