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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse (Recruitment always open)


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I thought I purged move-by action :/
as for why he has a hybrid form, I like lycans*, and I don't think having something the size of a notably small house cat clearing a room effortlessly is something that would fit (supper powered or not, he is still making scratches with 1/4" claws:erm:)
[*and I Do think Vampires should sparkle in the daylight! ... right before they burst into flames! Rainbows and butterflies optimal. ;3]

Any ways, given what is said, and given that his two ult forms are going to need some more PP into stats/skills, I think I might scale his speed in hybrid and cat form to 3 and 4 respectively, or maybe 2 and 4. I'll have to see :/

Also, this said I think some skills would be affected by form, just becuse he knows how to be stealthy as a small cat that can walk on walls dos not me he can tranzlat that know how into being stelthy as joesmoe, and just becuse e can draw/pain well as a human dos not mean he can do so as a cat without any thumbs, but I see what you mean,

as for basic power theme I guise "lycan" would be simplest I'm scaling back speed so that it's not quite super speed...

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I like the Therian thing (FYI Lycanthropy is a subtype of Therianthropy, Lycan specifically meaning wolf. werecats are Ailuranthropes) - Wereanimals as a mutation.. Interesting idea, following which one could assume that other such 'supernatural' and mythical creatures from history may simply have been meta-humans.

If you're going for house-cat as his 'cat form', and using Hybrid fairly exclusively for combat, I think I have a suggestion for you. You could make his 'hybrid' as the main form (full 150 pp), and have Human and Cat Both as only 'partially powered' (Though with different statistics and for different uses). It would cut down on the silliness of the insanely fast cat of doom while still preserving the character concept, would it not? I'd even allow that as a single rank of Metamorph, allowing for those two specific, under powered forms (70pp each plus metamorph power).

As for skills, I agree with you on those examples, it really comes down to a case by case basis. Obviously mental stuff would remain (Expertise, Insight, etc) but I'll admit some things would come easier in one form or the other.
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First Post
oooo, I Wuv learning new words :3 ..... that I will forget within ten minutes ^^;
any ways, that will work :3 and I think I will weaken his speedster side down a bit (he will still be very fast, just not flash fast), is speed rank 3 too much for takedown 2 and move-bye action?:]
[oddly enough, with a double movement and a succeeded run check speed rank 3 is nearly as fast as a sprinting cheetah :3]

Given the cliche advantage Therianthropes have (regeneration) I'm tempted to toss 10 Regen ranks into him on with a fading draw back (the idea here is that he innately uses his meta-morphemic nature to mend wounds, this would also take a great deal of energy though thus would have diminishing returns.) but at the same time I realize regeneration is not his focus, shapshifting and nimbleness are.

Now, to get to re-re-remaking him XD

Addon: might make his 'breed' be Savannah, would bump his animal size all the way up to small (by no small margin) hmmm, I think this toon just got funner ^_^
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So Zerith, any progress? Also how's the back story look? I'd like to know how I'm gonna fit you in when the team reaches Brazil. I have two ideas at the moment.

Idea 1 = You're already traveling with Laura.
Idea 2 = You're the Phoenix contact searching for her.
Idea 3 = You got any ideas?


First Post
Here is the present wip of his bio

[sblock=Biography] Felix “copycat” Jaeger, a low level agent of the Gryphon Corporation who has, to date, been finished and completed one mission; the infiltration Centre for Meta-human Rights. Preparing him for this role was a pampered life of pillage, and lazing about in front of the extra-large window in the siting room.

Impressive as the mission initially sounds, he did little more than attend classes and functions the center provides under an alias; after each event, be it a school day or an annual event, he would be debriefed and, once a week he would undergo tests, including a general psych test. It was an effort to see if the center was performing any kind of indoctrination. That Felix still did, and dos, appear and act young complied with his ability to recite recall details normally lost in translation, made him an ideal caudate for the mission.
[That he had led a remarkably sheltered life up to this point caused him to spew out even the most mundane information in great abundance.]

Felix was not informed of the findings of the instigation when he as extracted (graduation) nor is he even aware of if or if not the investigation is still ongoing, nor has he inquired; he has since been more or less informed that he was affectively shelved.
Apparently there were not all that many uses for a childish cat that has a good memory[/sblock]

Btw, not at a point were any part of his bio is set is stone though (more like watery mud really, it has difficulty taking and holding shape :/
and sorry about vanishing like that ^_^;

as for getting him into the plot, would be kind of easy to get him into just about any given(relatively low level) role in an origination while hardly touching his background’s skeleton.
He’s a trained infiltrator with minor field experience; meanwhile he looks and acts like a, albeit talented, youth. Thus to the uninformed, he looks like a spec ops prodigy in the making.
Anyone unaware of his back ground would look past his demeanor, figuring he will grow out of it, and instead notice his other talents, that would be ‘carelessly’ unveiled.
While doing this he would likely pass off his power as simply turning into a cat or into a hybrid.

Also, character re-re-re-rework :p
]Abilities: 26 PP
Str: -1 Agl: 3 Fgt: 1 Awe: 0
Sta: 0 Dex: 2 Int: 5 Pre: 2
Str: 3 Agl: 11 Fgt: 3 Awe: 0
Sta: 4 Dex: 4 Int: 5 Pre: 2

Initiative: +23

Defense: 8 PP
Dodge: 11
Parry: 10
Fortitude: 4
Toughness: 7/4
Will: 6

Skills: 18PP
Acrobatics: 8 +19
Athletics 7 +10
Close Combat: - +3
Deception: - +2
Expertise, Art: 10 +15
Expertise, cooking: 2 +7
Insight: - +0
Intimidation: - +0
Perception - +0
Persuasion: - +2
Ranged Combat: - +4
Stealth: 8 +23*
[*The bonus from size bypasses PL cap]

Advantages: 2
Agile Feint
Defensive Roll 3
Eidetic Memory*
Improved grab
Improved initiative 3
Move by action
Takedown 2
Uncanny Dodge
Language [German]
[*Not power dependent]

Powers: 91 PP
Ability enhancements: 24 P
Dodge enhancement: 5 PP
Extra limb[Tail] 1 PP
Morp [Meta morph, increased action] 5 PP
Shrinking 4 [Permanent, Innate] 9 PP
Density Growth 4 [Permanent - Innate mass ] 8 PP
Claws 4 [ Strength based strike, Accurate 4] 8pp
Sense [Low-light vision, ultra-hearing, Acute sight.] 3 PP
Regeneration 10 [Fading] 5 PP*
Immunity[Aging, Disease - Half effect] 1 PP
Super-speed: 23 PP
-Leaping 2
-Quickness 4
-Speed 3
-- Advantages
[*If this application of regeneration is not acceptable, then fighting ability rank will be boosted by 2 and claws will be boosted by 1)

Grab +3 (DC Spec 13)
Claw + 11 (DC 22)
Trow +4 (DC 18)
Unarmed +3 (DC 18)[/sblock]

Abilities: 16 PP
Str: 0 Agl: 0 Fgt: 0 Awe: 0
Sta: 0 Dex: 1 Int: 5 Pre: 2

Initiative: +0

Defence: 18 PP
Dodge: 6
Parry: 4
Fortitude: 2
Toughness: 0
Will: 6

Skills: 12 PP
Acrobatics: 2 +2
Athletics 2 +2
Close Combat: - +0
Deception: - +2
Expertise, Art: 10 +15
Expertise, cooking: 2 +7
Insight: - 0
Intimidation: - +2
Perception - +0
Persuasion: - +2
Ranged Combat: - +1
Stealth: 5 +5
Technology: 1 +6

Advantages: 7 PP
Benefit, Alternate Identity 3
Benefit, Cipher 2
Benefit, Wealth 1
eidetic memory
Speed of Thought
Language [German]

Powers: 6 PP
morph [Meta morph, increased action 1] 5 PP
Immunity[Aging, Disease - Half effect] 1 PP

Grab +0 (DC Spec 10)
Trow +1 (DC 15)
Unarmed +0 (DC 15)[/sblock]

Str: -1 Agl: 2 Fgt: 0 Awe: 0
Sta: 0 Dex: 0 Int: 5 Pre: 2
Str: -1 Agl: 3 Fgt: 0 Awe: 0
Sta: 0 Dex: 0 Int: 5 Pre: 2

Initiative: +7

Defense: 6 PP
Dodge: 7
Parry: 4
Fortitude: 0
Toughness: 0
Will: 6

Skills: 27 PP
Acrobatics: 16 +19
Athletics 7 +6
Close Combat: - +0
Deception: - +2
Expertise, Art: 10 +15
Expertise, cooking: 2 +7
Insight: - +0
Intimidation: - -2
Perception 2 +2
Persuasion: - +2
Ranged Combat: - +0
Stealth: 16 +23*
Technology 1 +6
[*The bonus from size bypasses PL cap]

Advantages: 3
Eidetic Memory
Improved grab
Language [German]
Improved Initiative

Powers: 23 PP
-Can’t Speak, no usable hands: -2PP
Ability enhancement: 2 PP
Extra limb[Tail] 1 PP
Morph [Meta morph, increased action] 5 PP
Shrinking 4 [Permanent, Innate] 9 PP
Claws [Strength based strike] 1 PP
Immunity[Aging, Disease - Half effect] 1 PP
Speed 3: 4 PP
Leaping 1: 1 PP

Grab +0 (DC Spec 9)
Claw + 0 (DC 15)
Trow +0 (DC 14)
Unarmed +0 (DC 14)[/sblock][/sblock]

on a aside note, Voda, I was wondering if you would mind having Uomo and Felix being acquaintances.
I figure since Felix, and his forefathers, have longer than average life span ance since they and he are members of the Gryphon Corporation the odds are they would be at least occasional acquaintances: I might be naive for thinking this but I figure your character would hover towards friendship with loner lived metas in general :/
I don’t think Felix would know any real details about Uomo (like his real name for example) beyond him being “really, really old, like dirt“ and would likly call him grampa :p
(might be intresting if they realy are blood relitives, but by this point we’re talking many generations down the line)

anyways, it’s 2 am, gonna end my ramblings here :3
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There's no reason for either a Gryphon or Drake agent to have anything to do here with Laura, the only people who know she's here are Phoenix and the team he sent (This is actually Story-important).
Felix could be a friend of Laura with no prior connection to either, A local who's taken an interest in a 'fellow freak', or a Phoenix member who's helping to track her, but a Gryphon/Drake connection doesn't make much sense... unless he was sent by Gryphon AFTER Uomo notified them, in which case he wouldn't arrive for another day or so.

Your call, and I'll look over the Mechanics asap.


First Post
Felix is not from Brazil, so he can't do the locale thing from that end :/
as for a day or two to get to Brazil, Felix could be into Brazil with nearly no fore planinng: he can get shipped around as a 'last minute' addon to a flight that has already been booked solid for months ;3
the only limiting factors are: how often the area he is at has flights to Brazil, how quickly somone can get him and a suitcase to an airport with an out bound flight, how long the flight takes, and then the time to takes him to go through any necessary convecting flights.

Pros: quicker then normally booked flights, dos not trip off conventional red flags
Con: requires him to be picked up (likely by Uomo in this case, or a locale agent)

It's just a thought :3


Alright, Zerith, going over your character stats:

First up, you need to show what all your stuff means. EX: having 'defense 8 pp' and then not listing where it is (fort, will, toughness, dodge, parry). basically, I'd like it if you had at least basic math filled out so it's easier to see how you got each of your numbers. (IE your Hybrid's dodge is 11 b/c....)
I also need to see Gender, size(If not human), Speed(If not base), Trait(Powerful/potential/etc), and Complications listed in your character sheet, as well as the breakdown of your points spent.

Now specifics:

Defense: 8 PP
Dodge: 11 - (11 Agility)
Parry: 10 - (3 Fgt, 7 EXTRA)
Fortitude: 4 (4 sta)
Toughness: 7/4 (4 Sta, 3 Defensive Roll?)
Will: 6 (0 Awe, 6 EXTRA)

I count 13 points needing to be spent on Defenses, not 8.

Skills: Stealth: M&M 3e Handbook specifically states that shrinking modifiers are restricted by PL limits, and says nothing about Stealth being an exception.

Advantages: I assume there's a typo, but you only have 2 listed beside Advantages to indicate how many you have. There are 16 advantages listed.
Eidetic Memory - Actually, no Advantage is considered 'power dependant' unless it is bought under powers, as a specific 'power' advantage, or linked to a specific power.

You still have Takedown 2, Move by Action, and super-speed. You're down to Speed 3, so I'm comfortable with you keeping Move By, but the Takedown is still essentially going to drop every Minion within the encounter until you fail one.. You need to drop the second rank of Takedown.

Fades on Regeneration is A bit convoluted, as the time between regeneration is dependent on the rank, and each time it happens, that rank changes...
EX: Regen 10 = each round you regen, so round 1 you regen. Then you're at regen 9, which is 9 rounds out of 10.. so you would have to figure out which round to skip out of the next 10. Is it the next round or not? If not, then it's down to 8 and you have to recalculate again...
I would just suggest taking Regen 5, and ignoring the Fade, it's much less complicated and gives you 1 regen every second round, which is still very good regeneration.

Ability enhancements: 24 P - I count 40. You have +4 STR, +8 AGL, +2 FGT, +4 STA, and +2 Dex.
Str: -1 Agl: 3 Fgt: 1 Awe: 0
Sta: 0 Dex: 2 Int: 5 Pre: 2
Str: 3 Agl: 11 Fgt: 3 Awe: 0
Sta: 4 Dex: 4 Int: 5 Pre: 2

Dodge Enhancement 5 - You already have an 11 dodge from Agility, what is this?
Taking Extra Limb would mean your Tail is Prehensile.. why is it?
Senses - Sight (And hearing) is already Acute, you don't need to pay more for that.
Density Growth - Not sure where you're getting this from. I searched high and low for some of my characters for a variation of 2e's 'density' power and couldn't find it.
Besides that I don't like the concept of using Growth AND Shrinking at the SAME time. Growing a rank should undo the Shrinking, not ADD the bonuses. They're both designed to give bonuses for applicable penalties, adding the two together is contradictory..

Lets look at what the two give you..
Growth 4 = 4 str, 4 stm, 2 intimidate, -2 dodge/parry.
Shrink 4 = -1 str, +2 dodge/parry, +4 stealth, -2 intimidate.
SO, adding them makes your totals : +3 str, +4 stm, +4 stealth.
Comparing to normal Shrink - you're gaining 16 pp for ability, 1 from loosing the Intimidate penalty, and you're loosing 4pp from active defenses. That means that you're gaining 13 points by spending 8, and not getting the applicable downside of being large. It's essentially getting 5 free points.

Oy, that took an hour and thats just one part.. I'll come back for human/cat form later, that should be enough for now.


Also, why/how does Felix get preferential treatment allowing him quick flights into foreign countries without raising any flags?

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