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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse (Recruitment always open)


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as I said worst come to worst.
In this case they have to fallow a small humanoid who is as fast, or faster, then a car can dare go in idea(none highway) conditions in a city while fully ignoring traffic, roads, ect.
and his hybrid form has not been shown yet any ways so odds are, their not ready for it.

Laura would be burdened with a moderately sized bag or the like, and then as soon as Felix got to a, relatively secure, out of the way area, Laora would be unbundled in an outfit they have not seen here (even better if she had a wig for the like to make it easier to glance over her) and Felix would morph into a cat, wearing a collar and leash, from here they would just walk away; up to this point Laura has been traveling with a minor. they would not be looking for a woman walking what looks to be a show cat around.
(and I think it's safe to assume Felix would not morp into his cat form where it's easy for an observer to see him ;3)

from here they would likely join up with the party, and then she would be in a fairly large group, going in yet another profile direction.
If the group by large looked like tourists this would be best. (no one speaks Portuguese, we need a natural excuse for that which gos without any question ;3)
and it would leave most chasers baffled for an hour or two, by which point they would, hopefully, be off the street and gone.

Anyways, as I said before, "worst come to worst", it's a back up plan, no more, no less.;)
And in case you're wandering what the bag is fore, it's to hold his cloths after he morphs into a cat and before that to do the leaser job of holding the color and leash (also to hold other general valuables and anything that can lead back to them, or anything of note realy)
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I think the portal discussion is really pretty moot barring input from Jemal. If he allows it, I'll have Terry try it. If he doesn't, we try something else. Like I said, if I crunched the numbers right, Terry can make a reasonable device to cloak the party from surveillance within about a day, as well.

As to Felix and Laura running, I think that point was already addressed IC by noting that making a big scene makes it nearly impossible for us to get back out of the country. Of course, Felix and Laura have no idea the party's there, much less what they do or don't know.


First Post
in a perfect storm situation Felix would just carry her out of the city altogether, he could not run all the way, but properly sealing a city invules full blown mobilization.
Blocking the roads and making a check point is fairly easy, it would cause a large back lash for the ones doing it, but it can be arected in moments push come to shove.
but making a proverbial wall around a city takes time and a lot of resources, even if the ones after Laora have the means to do it, it would take time to do and they obviously don't think she can rush out of the city on foot given how little depth their surveillance has. Odds are they don't have a city wide blockade ready
their treating her as someone with the same mobility as Joe-Smoe, Felix can ellipse that level of mobility with her in tow.

Without running, but still moving qucik, Felix can move 32 mph(double move :3)
might not sound like much next to a car, but he is not going around things, he is not having to slowdown for turns or obstacles, and making a blockaded he can't get over or around is not something that is easy to do or quick to do (he can do a 24' high jump, yeah, he is not easy to wall off)
(not to mention, he would also be hard to contain even if they did have proper containment on the city, not saying he could not be caught, but he is not someone who is easy to peg down)

From there its not as bid of a deal as you would think, one privet plain (bush plains are fun :3) and it's kinda easy (or if you want to toy with ppl's head, escape out of the city, then sneak back in and take a public plain*)
remember, even if we're dealing with the government here, they can't shut down privet flights on a whine nor can they just search each and everyone, it would take too many recourse and cause a them a public backlash, their dealing with someone who has been there for a shorter then longer time and not caused a real disturbance or harm, even if you want to play the secret conspiracy lackbok thing, they don't have the raw manpower to do a massive man hunt, search each and every flight, and block off a city in short order.
it would bring them into the light and they relay want to avoid that. This means using their own guys, who are few given everything that must be done.

[*Gryphon corp could also/would need to make a new passport/identity for her and then send it down to them so she could go onto a public flight without rising alarms. Not that this requires that airport security don't have a good picture of her and she can't dup it with some kind of reasonable disguise
Jkason's character can check for this easy enough though]

there are a lot of options :3
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First Post
There are a lot of options, but I don't think the party knows even Felix except maybe Uomo, and him being there. Meaning they have no idea of his capabilities, and can't plan on him being there. If they knew Felix was there and knew what he could do, that would open so many more options. Or did I miss a post aboot Felix being there? :confused:
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nope, Felix is still none posted about in the IC.
I'm still waiting the go ahead to post int the RG as well :/

Also, dos the party even know what room Laura is in yet?
And, for, convince Felix could either be in the lobby if the party gos in to scout it out physically or, assuming Uomo is/was watching the video from the cameras as Terry is, he might notic Felix somewhere on them.;)
Plot wise if Laura has not been out of her room for a few days that means Felix either could be going to and from the room or not, giving some leeway there :3

Also, Terry has not dug in to see if they(the evil npcs!) have any other information about her yet, like if she has a traveling companion, has he?:angel:


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You should be able to double move to go 120 mph.;)
Don't know if you can apply run to it though:-S
But if you can, he can move at 240 mph:hmm:

Walking Dad

First Post
Actually I think not. You add just your speed rank to the time rank (duration you move (hour = 9)). Double move rules are not used for long distance moving. That is, speed 5 'only' covers 60 miles in a hour, but you can effectively double move to move 120 mph in a turn (or 900 ft with each move action).

But ask the GM to be sure :)

BTW, running is no longer a fixed multiplier, but an Athletics check with success degrees against DC 15 increase directly your speed.
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Busy & Not sleeping well lately, probably be a few more days before I post anything.

As far as the portal thing, I'd rather you not be able to take others with you.

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