Gaming W/Jemal: Planar Quest! (Closed)

Which Setting would you prefer Jemal to DM?

  • Meh, Neither grabs my attention.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Poll closed .


First Post
Yes, sure I know the word "gaijin". It's a well known part of D&D lore, ever since the 1e Oriental Adventures.

I can see the appeal it has for you. How about if "Free Legion" is the official name of the group, but a lot of people including members of the group call it "Barbarian Legion" informally? After all, while most members are foreign, it is not exclusively so.

Okay, I'm fuzzy on what's going on. Who operates and/or controls this 'sorta Foreign Legion?' It sounds like y'all are putting it under the auspices of the Eternal Empire, but that seems a little odd to me. Would the kingdom of Rauland allow a foreign power to plop an army literally right on its doorstep like that?

Or am I completely misunderstanding the proposal? I feel like that is a far more likely interpretation. :)

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The way I see it, we answer to no one but ourselves. The military power of the 5 (or 6) of us is greater than that of the Kingdom of Rauland, I expect. We are superheroes. And we saved the Kingdom already, so they should be treating us as honored guests, at least officially.

Also, I expect that we operate worldwide, and it wouldn't make sense to call us the Barbarian Legion in other parts of the world.

J: Regarding the riddle, I say go for it, but we may need hints :)


First Post
The way I see it, we answer to no one but ourselves. The military power of the 5 (or 6) of us is greater than that of the Kingdom of Rauland, I expect. We are superheroes. And we saved the Kingdom already, so they should be treating us as honored guests, at least officially.

Also, I expect that we operate worldwide, and it wouldn't make sense to call us the Barbarian Legion in other parts of the world.

J: Regarding the riddle, I say go for it, but we may need hints :)

Ah, I see. So it's not really a legion. It's just us.


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"My name is LEGION!" and then there's these other five people around me too. :)

But Kinem has the right of it: we are your classical adventuring company, who, right now, is looking for a name. Speaking of, I'm afraid I'm going to have to continue prefering the Barbarian Legion to the Free -- more flavorful IMHO. Does any of the other player have ideas for names? When we have a complete list we could go to a vote and decide as a group.

Shayuri: combat is nice, but flexibility could be our live saver too. i.e. I wouln't go for a (signature/cap stone) spell that's *only* useful in combat -- I'm sort of hoping Jemal will keep challenging us on other levels too. In that vein, Shapechange might require a bit more record keeping, but its flexibility for non-combat situations/challenges is frankly hard to beat. YMMV, of course.


First Post
You're right. Shapechange is a broken spell, frankly. That's not why I don't want it though.

I don't want it because it's a PITA, frankly. I've had characters who had it before, and I never wind up USING it because it requires so much fishing through book after book, then working out whether or not it's allowed, and then figuring out what my stats look like in that form...

And if I do all that, then it's so potent as to become a crutch that obviates almost any other tool in our arsenal.

I really don't like it. :)

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
I think that the 5 of you plus the 6th person that spoke up before me are enough for the game. I will still keep an eye on this, as I want to see where this heads with the varied characters and high level of play. Good luck all!

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
You're right. Shapechange is a broken spell, frankly. That's not why I don't want it though.

I don't want it because it's a PITA, frankly. I've had characters who had it before, and I never wind up USING it because it requires so much fishing through book after book, then working out whether or not it's allowed, and then figuring out what my stats look like in that form...

And if I do all that, then it's so potent as to become a crutch that obviates almost any other tool in our arsenal.

I really don't like it. :)
Wow, all good points, but one question: other then a bread product, whats a PITA?


Damn you all, reading from work during the whopping 5 minutes I've got free, and now I want a Pita!!
Anyways, busy week, will post something when I get a chance.

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