Gammaroid conversion? (SJ)


First Post
Has anyone thought of or made the attempt to convert the Gammaroid? (Spelljammer, MC9)

That thing really is a monster... I'm not too shabby at converting most monsters for my own/group's use, but I'm lousy on these super-creatures (100 HD!) or Epic creatures. (I don't think I've ever fully read my copy of the ELHB yet.)

And just because I'm desperate, I'll type up the whole thing here, in case the experts want to take a stab at it... ;)

FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Omnivore
ARMOR CLASS: -2 / -10
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 10d6/10d6/60d4
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Hide limbs, flame sheath
SIZE: G (2500' diameter)
MORALE: Fearless (19-20)
XP VALUE: 125,000

The gammaroid is a gargantuan variety of the giant snapping turtle. Like its terrestrial cousin, it has a voracious appetite and rules any territory it occupies. Its unique breeding habits have made it the source of monster legends and religious rites on many worlds.

Combat: On land or in space, the gammaroid is a fearsome opponent. In space, the gammaroid masquerades as an asteroid, allowing smaller rocks to adhere to its body by gravidic attraction. When prey happens by, its enormous head shoots forth, smashing victims with 6d4 hull points of damage from its powerful jaws. This attack can swallow small vessels whole. The bony ridges of the gammaroid’s beak are sharp enough to rip through ship hulls, and its claws do 1d6 hull points of rending damage on impact (or 10d6 to a living target).
The gammaroid can also pursue fleeing prey by retracting its legs and head, rotating on its central axis, and flying at spelljamming speeds (SR 9, maneuverability F). When this deadly missile hits a ship, the target suffers an automatic “Ship shaken” critical hit; the whirling serrated edge of the gammaroid’s shell may (30% chance) cut in half or utterly destroy the ship. In atmosphere, atmospheric friction from its rapid rotation creates an enveloping fireball that causes an additional 12d6 damage. The gammaroid uses this whirling attack primarily against its favorite prey, the gossamer noble (q.v.).

Habitat/Society: Gammaroids spawn on planetary bodies larger than size A. They land near geologically unstable regions, homing in on areas where the heat is near the surface (up to ten miles deep). The female digs until she reaches magma, then lays 2-8 eggs in the lava pit. When the egg laying is complete, she crawls from the hole, allowing it to collapse behind her. Within 50 years, the young gammaroids hatch and tunnel upward, usually surfacing far away from the hatchery. This spawning causes great destruction to surface dwellings, and even the largest underground monsters are easy prey to the hungry hatchlings.

Ecology: The gammaroid is the undisputed master of any ecosystem it inhabits. Its only natural enemy is the gossamer noble, which it disables by cutting off the tentacles, then attacking with claws and enormous jaws. Though the gammaroid prefers the gossamer noble, it may attack spelljamming ships during times of great hunger to get at the soft, tiny morsels inside. However, the metal-and-wood canisters that hold these small feasts do not settle well with the gammaroid’s palate.
The lifespans of gammaroids are very long. Specimens with shell growth patterns indicating millennia of molts have been recorded. The shells of dead gammaroids are quite useful as spelljammer hulls, as the lightness and toughness of the shell combine to make a highly maneuverable armored vessel. They can fetch a king’s ransom.

(I'm less concerned about the ship-specific rules - I've already got a really fantastic functioning set of spelljammer ship rules for 3.5... it's all the 'base' stats and the like that I'm unsure about.)

Thanks in advance? :D

(Edit: Same for the Gossamer Noble, also from MC9...)

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Extradimensional Explorer
Echohawk's monster index doesn't have 3.X conversions of either the gammaroid or gossamer noble (looks like did one for the regular gossamer, though). We can probably bump these to the top of our queue, but I have to say that they look like they're going to be tricky...


Has anyone thought of or made the attempt to convert the Gammaroid? (Spelljammer, MC9)

That thing really is a monster... I'm not too shabby at converting most monsters for my own/group's use, but I'm lousy on these super-creatures (100 HD!) or Epic creatures. (I don't think I've ever fully read my copy of the ELHB yet.)

And just because I'm desperate, I'll type up the whole thing here, in case the experts want to take a stab at it... ;)

Oh yes, I remember this fellow.

They forgot to mention "friend to small children" in the background information. :p

Thanks in advance? :D

(Edit: Same for the Gossamer Noble, also from MC9...)

You're welcome (in advance).

We can't really do the Gammaroid and leave out the Gossamer Noble, since the latter is the preferred prey of the former.


First Post
Woot! Thanks guys.

Tricky, indeed! (Hence the request!)

And yeah... I did look through the whole list of converted monsters (and used teh Googles as well) to see if anyone made the attempt.

No one (wisely?! :) ) tried yet...
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Woot! Thanks guys.

Tricky, indeed! (Hence the request!)

And yeah... I did look through the whole list of converted monsters (and used teh Googles as well) to see if anyone made the attempt.

No one (wisely?! :) ) tried yet...

Yes, I did a quick internet search and couldn't find any conversions to 3E either.

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