GaryCon '22 Planning


This is just a post to self-remind to work check into attending and playing in a ENWorld special game! And perhaps with a friend in tow!

I'll work this out over the next week or so and be able to give a more set in stone answer. :)
Just got my badge! So count me in. :D

I will prod my friend and get back to you on that front soon...

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I have three events submitted: a 4hr session where I will be GMing Chromatic Dungeons Fri, Sat, and Sunday. If you're familiar with TSR (the original TSR, not the nu-TSR) era D&D, you'll pick up the rules super fast. Pregens will be provided, so you can easily just step up to the table, roll some dice, and probably have your PC die ;)


I didn't submit any events; amazingly, despite playing for some 36+ years, and so wanting to go to Gencon back in those early years, this will be my first attended full-fledged gaming con. (I might also dart out of the convention for an afternoon to visit some architectural sites :) )


Hotels went up yesterday, and I snagged a room luckily. A few of my friends are deciding to come along as well.
I admit I'm nervous because of the Delta variant, but I'm hoping for the best.

Hotels went up yesterday, and I snagged a room luckily. A few of my friends are deciding to come along as well.
I admit I'm nervous because of the Delta variant, but I'm hoping for the best.
Unfortunately and due to France's travel restrictions to<>from USA I will not be attending Garycon, that and due to some very urgent writing deadlines that came up as well. I wish you attenders all the best and hope that this settles out for next year. --- RJK

I was surprised to snag a Grand Geneva hotel room. Fully expected the worst case scenario going into it.

I hope we're in a better place in six months' time, but considering how this year went, there's no guarantee of that. The announcement of mask and vaccination (though allowing for a negative covid test in lieu of that isn't my favorite thing) requirements this week is encouraging, at the least.


Unfortunately and due to France's travel restrictions to<>from USA I will not be attending Garycon, that and due to some very urgent writing deadlines that came up as well. I wish you attenders all the best and hope that this settles out for next year. --- RJK
Awww, that's unfortunate. All the best and be well!

Here's hoping we can still get an ENWorld meetup/game of sorts going.

Voidrunner's Codex

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