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Getting to know you...


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As this is a role playing server I figured it would be fun to have a posting of character backgrounds here. Not mandatory or anything like that. Just fun to share.
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Name: Vaslov
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Professions: Enchantor/Tailor
Current Talent Spec: Destructions/Affliction
Personal Character Goals: Elminiate the Undead infestation of Lordaeron and the destruction of the Lich King.
Player Goals: Having fun via raids/pvp/questing
Guild Goals: To build a solid group which I can share the WoW experience with, both in and out of character. I look to eventually do endgame raids with the guild as well as some healthy PvP.

A proud citizen of Lordaeron Vaslov’s family faithfully served the forces of the Alliance. His family was a bit outside of the normal flow of the Alliance as they were known for their talents in the dark arts, but their allegiance to their land and kingdom was beyond question.

As most of his family had, Vaslov showed an early talent for learning the dark arts. Instead of pursuing this Vaslov decided he wanted to be a farmer and live his days in peace. He found and married the love of his life and together they had a daughter. All seemed well, but the lands of Lordaeron where in for changes.

As the wars raged Vaslov managed to avoid conscription in his Lords army by providing large crops which were needed to feed the troops. Then the plagues came. It devastated his family, killing all of his sibilings and most of their families as well. As time passed he was down to him wife, daughter, and his nephew Daetrin. With the next plague he buried his wife and daughter.

Their deaths changed Vaslov. Well into his 40’s Vaslov started to study the family tomes learning what he could of the dark arts. The need for revenge against the Lich King burned within him. His studies began to take him on journeys to Lordaeron. It was during one such trip that the family farm was quarentied and burnt to the ground. Soon after Lordaeron itself fell, with Daetrin lost in the choas of those days. Daetrin's fate is one that still haunts Vaslov to this day as he continues to search for signs of what happened to his last living blood relative.

Vaslov feld with the other survivors. Unable to sit and just watch the world fall apart around him Vaslov left for Northshire Abby to answer a call for help against the evils of the world. Since that time Vaslov has grown in power and understanding. Much to his surprise he learned about love from a troll and was horrified by the devastation of Desolace which the Burning Legion had caused.

These experiences has tempered Vaslov hatred of the Horde, but not so much to be blind to the pain they cause the races of the Alliance. He now even feels some pity for the Forsaken, but still sees the undead scourge as one of the two great threats to life on Azeroth. He has devoted his life, fortune, and honor to developing a group which one day will forever eliminate the undead and finally seal the demonic portals which cover the land.

Daetrin is my horde character. His background his here http://rtb.myfreeforum.org/viewtopic.php?t=20
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Anzha, a simple girl with simple pleasures

Name: Anzha
Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior
Professions: Mining/Skinning (Soon to be dropped for Hammersmith)
Current Talent Spec: Protection
Personal Character Goals: Get out of her boring home life.
Player Goals: Having fun via raids/pvp/questing.
Guild Goals: Anzha was created at a time only one other warrior was in the guild. She is not my main character, but I have found the warrior class quite fun. These days I play her more when I only have a few minutes to play or someone else needs help.

Anzha remembers the days of immortality. But even immortals go to school to learn the ways of the world. She found the classes the priest and druids offered boring and often took to beating on those in the class she found snobbish or rude. Constantly causing a ruckus her instructors sent her to train with the warriors, but even here Anzha was restless.

She found her countrymen rude, insincere, and home life just plain boring. She longed to travel and see more interesting lands. Lands where her sword would be needed. Lands where her temper would be valued. She loves the variety of the world. Though she has seen many frightening and terrible things during her travels, she has not lost her awe, excitement and sense of adventure. And she gets to carry a sword and beat up the evildoers of the world. What could be better?


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Name: Venatrix Windsong
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Professions: Mining/Herbalism
Talent Spec: Marksmanship/Beast Mastery
Character Goals: Find somewhere to live besides that ridiculous tree while continuing to support the family trades, destruction of the Scourge and the restoration of Quel'Thalas and the Well of Eternity
Player Goals: Have Fun/Destress

No two ways about it, Ven qualifies as old by most standards. She really has only a vague idea about how old that is, as you kinda stop counting after the first millenium or so. She fought at the first invasion of the Burning Legion, wept at the Sundering, saw Nordrassil planted - and ultimately destroyed. Until that last historic moment, in her very long life age was irrelevant.

The Windsong family are traders and crafters, specializing in armor and alchemy. In support of these goals, Ven has done a lot of traveling over the years. She discovered an inherent dislike for large cities and low ceilings.

While the Night Elves were officially cut off from the world, the reality is not every herb in the world, nor every type of leather is available in Ashenvale. When the family expanded trading operations for Quel'Thalas, Ven moved there to take charge of that end of the operation. Living among the High Elves, Ven became comfortable with magic being practiced around her, but never fell prey to the temptation to learn to use it herself. She lived peacefully among her High Elven cousins for millenia, staunchly single, relishing the open space and the time she could spend outdoors.

When Quel'Thalas was destroyed, Ven fled for the forests of Ashenvale only slightly ahead of the onslaught. She still does not know what happened to many of her friends from this time, but fears they fell prey to the Scourge.

Ven holds herself back a step from the world. Immortality conveys a certain distance from events. While she knows she will age, and even die unless immortality is returned to the elves, it hasn't really quite sunk in yet. So many things have changed during her long life, she still believes there is every reason this will as well.

After the destruction of Ashenvale, and the impact it had upon her siblings, Ven returned to the path of the hunter. As her training had been long ago, she went to Teldrassil for a while, but fled the Elven lands for Azeroth as soon as she could cross the Wetlands. Quel'Thalas had been her home for so long that life among other races seems more normal than life with other night elves.

Ven continues to travel, supplying her sisters with materials for their crafts and working primarily on behalf of the Argent Dawn. She does not see the Horde as an enemy, but as fellow victims of the Burning Legion, the true enemy and destroyer of life as she knew it.
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Name: Etayn Windsong
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Professions: Alchemy/Tailoring, although seriously contemplating Leatherworking/Tailoring
Talent Spec: Restoration
Character Goals: Enjoy her retirement, aid her family with her crafting skills

Etayn and Athtyr are twins, Etayn being a few moments younger. Her life has always been the family business, although she did briefly persue training as a druid after the death of the niece and nephew who were as close to her as if they were her own children.

These days Etayn spends her time mostly in Stormwind, in the Park. She manages the family interests in the region, and aids her adventuring siblings.

((Etayn is officially retired. Unless there is a pressing need for a mid 30 level healer, at which point she may get broken out for the occasional run. I just kept her around for the added mooncloth production and for crafting balance. She will become a Tribal Leatherworker in the near future, replacing Ath in that aspect.))

((Unless I have Bendis, my warlock, become the tribal leatherworker. Alchemy is more useful than leatherworking, so this could easily happen. Bendis is not in EN, because she is my place to go for alone time, and to be truly evil - all her bags are troll hide :eek: ))
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Sniper o' the Shrouds
Name: Garos
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Professions: Herbalist/Alchemist
Current Talent Spec: Feral/Restoration
Personal Character Goals: Restore the druid order
Player Goals: Lead the guild toward fulfilling the needs and desires of the individual members
Guild Goals: To build a solid group which I can share the WoW experience with, both in and out of character. I look to eventually do endgame raids with the guild. (I'm stealing Kareyev's words, as they apply.) I want the guild to perceive each other as respected friends and allies.

Background: Garos is an elder druid, roused recently from the Emerald Dream in the Dens in Moonglade. Garos remembers what immortality was like and hopes to help restore it to the younger night elves. Garos hates the new archdruid. He is sure that Teldrassil's corruption is a symptom of his corruption. He also suggests that the moonwells could be a path back to immortality. He hopes to find Malfurion in the Dream and bring him back.
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Name: Zhevra
Race: Gnome
Class: Mage
Talent Spec: Arcane/Frost
Professions: Engineering/Tailoring
Character Goals: To be the next High Tinkerer - it's not like she could do any worse than the current one!
Player Goals: As Zhev - wanton destruction

Zhevra's parents are eccentric traveling gnomish engineers. She's named Zhevra because her parents were traveling in the Barrens when she was born, and they liked the animals. She's basically just grateful they didn't take a liking to the hyenas or the raptors or something. The family continued to travel, and thus were no where near Gnomeregan when it was foolishly flooded with radiation. It is their collective opinion that it should have occured to someone that taking a city back is hard, taking it back when much of your population has died is even harder, and taking it back in the aforementioned situation and then having to cleanse it of radioactive toxins is just too much for words. The family has wisely chosen not to point this out to the High Tinkerer.

When she became of age, Zhev traveled back to Dun Morogh to begin training as a mage. It is her belief that somewhere in a fusion of magic and engineering lies the key to becoming the next High Tinkerer. And she really likes to see things go boom.
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Character Name: Athtyr Windsong
Race: Night Elf
Class: Priest
Talent Spec: Holy/Disc/Shadow
Professions: Alchemy/Enchanting
Character Goals: To adjust to mortality and the losses that came with it. To take her long experience filled life and hope she and others can learn from it.
Player Goals: A face I can get into instances with, as sadly we learned too late that there are too many hunters in the game, and that a druid primary healer for a guild was less than a good thing.

Where Ven and Etayn delved straight into the family businesses as young adults, Athtyr explored not only crafts, but began training for as a priestess of Elune.

In the way of the long lived, this was not an urgent task for her, and while devoted to her studies, Ath enjoyed the ability to break from them and travel as a representitive of the family business as well. In the years between the founding of Quel'Thalas and the founding of the order of Tirisfal (approx 2625 years ago) she traveled where it was possible for her to go, and saw as many wonders as she could behold. And she met Morric.

After an extended coursthip, Ath and Morric were married, but continued to travel. Eventually they decided to return to Ashenvale, and Ath to her studies as a priestess. Shortly therafter, human empire of Arathor dissolved into 7 nations.

After a few more years of study as a priestess, Ath and Morric chose to begin a family. In fairly short order they had a son, Bralan, and a daughter, Lynath. Ath again left her studies, to spend time with her children while they were young. There was, after all no rush. Time means little to the immortal. Ath and Etayn lived closely, as twins sometimes will, and in many ways, the children thus had two mothers

At the beginning of the third war, Ath was called to serve her people as a priestess in battle. While not fully trained, there were not enough priests to tend to the wounded, and all aclolytes were called upon. Hoping to aid in the salvation of the beautiful world she had traveled for so long, Ath went willingly. Her children had grown to adulthood, but joined the Windsong businesses. They stayed with Morric and their Aunt Etayn, in Ashenvale, while Ath joined the forces at Mount Hyjal.

After the destruction of the world tree, Ath was allowed to return home, and did so eagerly. Her soul was bruised, and time, once a meaningless concept, had invaded her world. Her return was not a happy one, as she found not the family she sought, but that they had been among the first of the elves to die, in a freak accident, on the very day they became mortal.

Seeking a fresh start, Ath returned to her studies in the priesthood, as Etayn joined the Cenarion Circle. Seeking to heal a world torn apart and reshaped, Ath traveled to Azeroth to hone her skills as a healer.

Ath's quietness is not stoicly suffering through her loss, but rather the resolute determination to move forward. She will use her skills to aid her friends and guildmates to the best of her ability. She blames only the Burning Legion and the Scourge for the troubles that have changed her world, and sincerely hopes that a true peace with the Horde can be attained.


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Kristivas, Shield of the Alliance

Character Name: Kristivas
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Talent Spec: Protection
Professions: Mining/Smithing (axe)
Character Goals: Slaughtering Horde, Destroying Evil, Culling large masses of Scourge
Player Goals: Raiding

He had come from a family line of great and powerful mages. Early in his childhood, they all knew that Kristivas would be different. He was smart, sure.. but not in the scholarly way. Kristivas knew how to read people. He could haggle the gnome in the fireworks stand, or barter with the surly Dwarf, Kedge Grimaxe, for his famous Gut-buster ale when the caravans came through Stormwind. Despite this, Kristivas could not memorize a spell, nor call magic to his mind. He wanted to, so badly, to impress his Father and keep his love.

Sadly, it was not meant to be. After years of taunting from his brother Dacarian, Kristivas could stand no more. Rather than letting his brother call him stupid, Kris struck the young mage again and again. Not with magic, but with his fists. It took five guards to hold Kris down, and three weeks of Dacarian remaining in the infirmary. As his sentance, Kristivas was sent to military school.

While the mages of his family might have considered military school a punishment, Kristivas fell in like a missing piece to a puzzle. Weapon drills, combat training, and living like a soldier was a paradise to Kris compared to studying over musty old tomes. He made many friends and graduated second in his class some years later. Rather than returning home, he took a post at Northshire Abbey. Neither he, nor his family, was disappointed at the decision.

Kristivas met Marillaj during his time at the abbey. She was an acolyte, training under the high priest. Kris was instantly struck with her beauty and when he wasn't hunting kobolds or defias, he was near Marillaj. She eventually noticed all of the attention this young warrior was giving her and returned it in kind. The two got together, and considered a longer-term relationship.

Eventually, Kristivas was promoted to a post at nearby Goldshire. He was happy to get a position still so close to the Abbey. Marillaj and he would meet every evening in the tavern for dinner, and she would return in time for her duties the next morning. Kris and Mari now intended to get married and spent many nights over the warm fires of the inn planning their future.

His first son was going to be named Elric, after a friend who'd died saving him from Defias assassins....

Sadly, such was not in store for Kris. One eve, after her duties kept her late at the Abbey, Marillaj strolled in the warm summer's evening toward Goldshire when she was blind-sided by the large mallet of steel. The Tauran warrior had charged as the rest of the raiding party crept in behind him. They all strolled past as the bull-like head stared down at the woman, who was barely moving on the ground below. Blood pooled in the dirt as the creature snorted, lifting his plated boot and then slamming it down to end the life of his human prey.

Cries rang out in the night as the occupants of the inn emptied into the road with their weapons drawn, Kris among them. The humans rallied against the attack of Tauren, Orc, Troll, and Forsaken. It was a bloody battle, and the last thing Kristivas saw was the spiked gauntlet of an Orc, coming at him way too fast....

When Kris awoke the next morning, it was amidst a field of corpses. His head had been bleeding, it had run into his eyes. His face felt swollen and sticky, and the pain in his head felt like a well-hammered smithy's anvil. He dizzily wandered around, looking for survivers. It was then he found his love.

He knelt down beside her, lifting her broken body and holding it tightly to himself as the tears fell. Anguished screams echoed throughout the forest. He felt his throat start to burn, and was shaken back to reality as soldiers began trying to pull him away. Someone was talking to him, but he couldn't hear them. His throat was still burning and there was such loud screaming. The last thing he remembered was looking down at the mangled corpse of Marillaj, wishing that whoever was yelling would stop so that he could say good-bye to her.

(That's all I got for right now. Sorry about any spelling/gramatical errors :)

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