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[GG] A Game of Gods Character Thread

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Janos Audron

Drakon "The Black Mage"

Drakon "The Black Mage"

Human Male Wiz 5 / Sha 5


Str: 8
Dex: 8
Con: 20
Int: 26
Wis: 12
Cha: 11

HP: 81
AC: 9
BAB: +4
Melee: +3
Ranged: +3
Boot: -1
Saves: +12 / +6 / +14
Init: -1
Deity: Bane
Languages: Chondath, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Loross, Mulhorandi (var.)


1 Scribe Scroll
1 Shadow Weave Magic
1 Extend Spell
3 Spell Focus (Necromancy)
5 Craft Wonderous Items
6 Magic Artisan (Craft Wonderous Items)
6 Pernicious Magic
6 Insidious Magic
6 Tenacious Magic
9 Spell Focus (Enchantment)
10 Silent Spell


Alchemy +9
Appraise +9
Bluff +12
Concentration +18
Craft (Poison) +21
Disguise +7
Hide +4
Knowledge (Arcana) +21
Knowledge (Religion) +9
Knowledge (Poison) +9
Scry +18
Spellcraft +21

4/6/6/5/5/3 (total)

Save DC: 18 + Spell level, 19 + Spell Level for Illusion, 21 + Spell Level for Enchantment and Necromancy

SR: 1d20 + 10, 1d20 + 12 for Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy.

Spell List:

Level 0

Level 1
True Strike (x2)
Magic Missile (x1)
Mage Armor (x1)
Shield (x1)
Spider Climb
Charm Person
Feather Fall (x1)
Chill Touch

Level 2
Knock (x1)
See Invisibility (x1)
Fox Cunning
Ghoul Touch (x1)
Detect Thoughts (x1)
Mirror Image
Rope Trick (x1)
Silenced True Strike (x1)

Level 3
Fireball (x1)
Hold Person (x2)
Fly (x1)
Haste (x1)

Level 4
Improved Invisibility (x2)
Enervation (x2)
Polymorph Self
Dimension Door (x1)

Level 5
Magic Jar (x1)
Teleport (x1)
Wall of Force (x1)
Kiss of the Vampire

Sa / Sq:

Shadow Defense +2
Spell Power +1
Lowlight Vision
Shield of Shadows


Headband of Intellect +6 (13500, 1080)
Amulet of Vitality +4 (6000, 480)
Cloak of Resistance +5 (9375, 750)
Ring of Sustenance (2500)
Boccob's Blessed Book
Bladed Boots

Alchemy Lab
Masterwork Craft Tools
15 vials with Black Lotus Extract
2 100 GP gems
5x Material Component for Kiss of the Vampire.

Total: 48919.5 / 2595
Left: 55.5

Rombert Goffeau was the first son in a rather wealthy merchant family. His parents, who, of course, loved him very much, were a bit protective. Until puberty, this wasn't much of an issue. Rombert had learnt to obey his parents, and not to make a fuss about all the rules.

When he grew older, however, he felt restricted, held back by them. He resisted, they punished. He grew angry with them, hateful. He hated them for the power the had, the power to completely control his life. He was depended and hated it. Three years he coped with it, but then he finally had enough of it all...

And so, one night, Rombert ran away. Away from Waterdeep, away from everyone he knew, to start a new life. A life in which he was his own master...

That was, of course, easier said than done. But, being the clever guy he was, he had a plan. He offered to be an apprentice by many wizards, until he finally found one that wanted to teach him.

Being an apprentice was harder than he had imagined. Doing all the chores which his mother used to do, long hours of studying, and not a very gentle master. However, he knew that if he let his goal out of sight, his running away had been in vain. He had to focus, to learn.

And so he learned. He studied. He did the chores. But he also spied on his master. Saw new spells being created, new potions and poisons being brewed. He saw strange creatures, eavesdropped on conversations with other wizards. All the while he stayed humble, did not go to the authorities, never complained. He knew that, in a direct confrontation, he would lose...

That's why he stole a piece of Darkwood, mixed some ink with his blood, and painted a circle on it. He showed it in a certain bar he knew his master and some ... 'friends' were going to raid.

The Sharrans ambushed his master, and with the information Rombert gave them, a long campaign of blackmail followed. Eventually ending in his masters death. Rombert shrugged. "He was an evil man." he told his conscience, "He deserved to die."

The Sharrans in the mean time, taught him some of their own secrets. A clever boy who has been this profitable, and who has those talents, you don't let him go to waste. They taught him how to tap into the Shadow Weave, how to make poisons, and to worship their Goddess.

The longer he stayed there, the lonelier he got. He didn't have a real goal, someting to focus on. His old goal hadn't been accomplished. He still was a servant, not just to a Goddess, but also to so many others. He still had no power, no control over his life.

And, just like before, he ran away. Well, flew away actually. He swore that Shar would no longer control his life...and he fell down. In an instant, the world seemed to darken, the light went away, and when he looked at the sun, he saw a black circle with a purple border...

He fled from the scene, unable to cast even the simplest of spells. With all power taken from him, he needed help. He had to be humble once more. "The story of my life", he thought bitter, "Just when a God shows you power, they take it all away."

He, luckily, still had great knowledge of how the cell operated, and he knew that his former enemies might just reward him for that information. He went to Zhentil Keep. A long journey, but it would prove worthwhile...

He was taken prisoner. It didn't surprise him much. He had seen the same thing happen at his cell, so why would they work any different? He was interrogated, and he told his story... What he hadn't expected was that someone was very interested to hear that story. A wizard, with an aura of power around him entered, and introduced himself as Manshoon. He offered him power and riches beyond dreams, if he could somehow get back in the cell and steal the details of a newfound ritual.

He went back, to the people he despised. He swore, once again, loyalty to the Mistress of the Night, knowing all the while that another God would protect him. Then, with his spell back, he summoned some fiends, and instructed them to attack. In the confusion, he subdued the ranking cleric, grabbed the Holy Book and Teleported away.

Manshoon was pleased, very pleased, with his skill. He rewarded him by making him the test person for this stolen ritual. With the results, he was less pleased. The cost of rapidly moving through shadows was too high, and the disposed of the ritual and the cleric.

Manshoon further gave him the control of a raiding party. He introduced him to them as "Drakon, The Black Mage". Together with this band of little skilled warriors, he raided the Dalelands for a couple of years. When he met with increasing resistance, and a rising number of deaths on his side, he knew that he should not lead anymore raids.

He instead asked for a simple home, access to Manshoon's private library and some time off. Manshoon, surpirsingly, agreed, if he would teach him the secrets of the Shadow Weave and if he helped him research a spell that allowed multiple functioning clones.

That night, when he was in bed, he sighed. He had achieved something. He was respected, he had power. Manshoon would back him up. All those years of following orders, of coping with rules, bad masters, of hard work had finally paid off...

And thus, the years passed. More or less peacefully. The research didn't really come along. Clones would kill eachother, not function, or have a personality of their own. He just needed time, lots of time, but then, he would have the perfect spell...

His dreams were less peaceful. They weren't dreams, they were visions. He knew that instinctively. He'd see a man, a mortal man, dressed in a long black cloak. There was a tanglible aura of power around him. He would put his cap back, but instead of a head, there was a grinning skull. Drakon would then look at his hands. He wore black gauntlets, heavy ones. Which was strange, since he couldn't cast spells this way. He would raise his hand to the night sky and shout "I serve no one but Bane.". A green light started growing in his right hand. He'd run to the man, who was still laughing, clench his fist, and hit the skull. But the man kept laughing ... and laughing ... and Drakon realised: "I can not do this alone". And for the rest of the night, the laughing would go on...

He went to the church, to ask an explanation. But all they could think of was that he was chosen to bring down Cyric...

He had a new goal, but no idea how to accomplish it. And so life went on...


Bane is not going to sit around patiently while waiting for Cyric to attempt to steal his portfolio. Instead he will take the fight to him, and he hopes to add (a portion of) Cyrics portfolio to his own.
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Editing in Progress

Excelsior, “the Red Mage”

Female Human(Thay) Evo5/Red5
Medium-Size Humanoid
HD: 9d4 + 50 (80hp)
Init: +11
Speed: 30ft
AC: 12
Attacks: +6 Ranged
SQ/SA: Summon Familiar, Circle Leader, Prohibited Schools Divination, Enchantment, Necromancy and Conjuration.
Saves: Fort: +12, Ref: +9, Will +13 (+2 vs Evocation)
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 26, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Craft (Poison) +21, Spellcraft +21, Knowledge (Poison) +21, Knowledge (Underdark) +21, Concentration +18, Alchemy +21, Knowledge (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Scry +15
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Craft Wonderous Item, Empower Spell, Spellcasting Prodigy, Improved Initiative, Magic Artisan (Craft Wonderous Items), Craft Wand, Tattoo Focus, Spell Focus (Evocation), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
Appearance: Age 29, height 5'8", 127 lbs
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Deity: Kossuth
Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal, Undercommon, Ignan, Mulhorandi

Spells: (Base DC 19 +Spell level +7 for Evocation spells)
0 - level Wizard Spells (Cantrips) (4)
Detect Magic (x3)
Mage Hand

1st - level Wizard Spells (8)
Mage Armor
Magic Missile (x6)

2nd - Wizard Spells (7)
Alter Self
Mirror Image (x2)
Daylight (x2)

3rd - Wizard Spells (6)
Fireball (x4)
Lightning Bolt (x1)

4th - Wizard Spells (6)
Minor Globe of Invulnerability (x1)
Dimension Door
Wall of Ice (x2)
Improved Invisibility (x2)

5th - Wizard Spells (5)
Empowered Fireball (x3)
Teleport (x2)


Diadem of Intellect +6 (12150/ 972)
Amulet of Vitality +4 (5400/ 432)
Bladed Boot +1 with Spellblade (Dispel Magic) (7488)
Bladed Boot +1 with Spellblade (Hold Person) (7488)
Cloak of Resistance +5 (8437,5/ 750)
Wand of Haste (25 Charges) (1898.5/ 152)
Wand of Fly (25 Charges) (1898.5/ 152)
Skittish Tatoo (2000)
Light Crossbow
5 Bolts coated in BLE (3753)
35 bolts coated in sleep poison (437.5)
6 scrolls of True Strike
1 scroll of Fox Cunning

Total: 48951gp/ 2383xp
Left: 49gp

2 grapling hooks
50' silk rope
10 days worth of trail rations
Small Mirror
2 Spellbooks
Boccob's Blessed Book
flint and steel
1lb soap
empty sack
2 waterskins
Spell component Pouch
a set of dice
a deck of playing cards
4pp, 9gp
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The angel of vengence arrives...

Tzzarch, Male Lizardfolk Humanoid2 Fighter5 CR 8; Size: M Type Humanoid|DRAGON; HD (2d10)+(5d12)+28; hp 91; Init +4 (+2 Dex, +2 Misc); Spd Walk 20'; AC 31 (flatfooted 29, touch 12), Bite +9 0'/BPS (1d4+8 20/x2 Carried M ) or Claw +14/+14 0'/PS (1d4+8 20/x2 Carried M ) or *Battleaxe +3 (Corrosive) +18/+13 0'/S (1d8+13 20/x3 Equipped M +1d6 acid damage) or ; SA: 30 foot Cone of Gas 1/day (6d6), Immune to Acid, Immune to Paralysis, Immune to Sleep; Vision: Darkvision (60'), Normal AL: LE; Sv: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +4; Str 27, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16

Skills and Feats: Balance +4, Hide +0, Intimidate +9, Jump +10, Knowledge (Local) +3, Move Silently +1, Search +2, Sense Motive +2, Spot +3, Swim +1, Wilderness Lore +1; Blooded, Bullheaded, Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), Weapon Specialization (Battleaxe)
Possessions: 1 Bite, 1 Breastplate +2 (Armor Spikes), 1 Claw, 1 Battleaxe +3 (Corrosive), 1 Cloak of Resistance +2, 1 Ring of Sustenance, 1 Buckler +2, 1 Potion of Bull's Strength, 1 Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, 3 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, 5 Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 1 Backpack, 5 Rations (Trail/Per Day), 2 Sack, 2 Waterskin, 1 Belt (Potion/Masterwork), Spellbooks

Small bio:

Tzzarch's life was good for as long as he can remember. Power was his, might was his, and the Tiamats on his side, even from the day his father met his mother. Sure on the outside she was a beautiful lizardess, her scales shone, her ridges firml and scaled and all seemed right with her, but we get ahead of ourself here.

His father, T'laseth, the clan chief and shaman was always the strongest one of the lot, he proved time and again toward the humans, orcs, and goblins that encroached on his peoples land were a threat and were to be stamped out and shown that they were not welcome in their world. The power of his Tiamat (there's one in FR that will work i don't have it in front of me at the moment but it ties in) shown through his axe as he clove the heads off of the enemies and mounted them to pikes on the outskirts of his lands. The bodies of those fallen were taken back to the village and roasted on the fie and many nites of praises to the Tiamats by his father while bathing in the blood of the fallen and eating their flesh fueled his might.

One the eve of a battle against a strong force of Purple Dragons who wandered too close (using them can/will be changed) the chanting and fires rose high and that was when he saw her. The way her tail flicked from side to side was mesmerising, her crest gleamed like jade on fire and he knew that she must be his. He strode upon her and beat his chest and caused the fires to rise higher and higher while his people chanted his name over and over. He stalked around her pacing, circling and yet she did nothing but stare at him while his axe clove the head from one of his warriors with a single swing and then crushed it in his hands. Finnally he demanded that she be his for the evening as right of hm being chief and she smiled and agreed. They departed and in the morning while the earth was still and the fire burned into ash she left from his side without saying a word..

Years passed and the T’laseths power waxed and waned like the moon, ever growing sronger and more land and tribes falling under his sway but age is the great equalizer and there were many who challenged his authority but all fell before him by axe and by the power of his Tiamat.

At long last he knew that he would need something to keep the younglings from taking his leadership from him. He dreamt of an area in a swamp where in the clearing there lay an axe that would slice through foes and sizzle the flesh off of those that tasted it’s blade. He saw his Tiamat hold the axe to the sky and watch as the fires from heaven baked him in it’s glory and then hand the axe to T’laseth saying “Here my warrior, it is yours come and receive what you so rightly deserve.” The next morning he strode out and slew the next in line for the leadership for the tribe and mounted his head on his hut and made sure all saw what would become of those that would seek to replace him while he was gone. He gathered his closest and long time battle brethren and strode out into the mire. For several nites they strode through the wilderness encountering creatures that would stop them from their quarry. Catobpleas, frogemoths, and willowisps all all in their way but T’laseth would not be stopped. On the 10th day of their journey the clearing was spotted and therein was the axe that had been prophesized. T’laseth approached and was startled to see a lizardwoman there next to the axe now holding it in her scaled hands.

“Who are you! Begone for I seek what you have and it shall be mine as say my Tiamat!”

She smiled “T’laseth? You don’t remember me do you?”

“No I do not remember you? Do you matter? Are you important? GIVE ME WHAT IS MINE!”

She “Tut tut T’laseth, I shall give you what is yours, for it has been a long time coming to you, come receive your gift and so much more.” And with that she tossed the axe behind the hill.

The chief roared and toar up the hill and raced down to it to only be met at the top by a tall figure built like one of his own men but with large scaled wings, shimmering green metal breast plate, muscles that rippled with strenth, and clenched in his hands the axe that he had been searching for.

“Give it to me usuper! Give me what I came for! What is rightlfully mine!” he screamed.

“T’laseth, your time is at an end, you have stayed on far too long and now you will get what is coming to you!” and with that the woman form shimmerd and changed growing larger and larger, her head shaping and changing, body rippling and growing wings springing from her green scaled back and emerging into the shape of a mighty emerald beast the body crushing trees and pushing him and the other tribesmen back. The shape of a green dragon now appeared covering the hill and all the surrounding area. “T’laseth! Meet your son!” the dragon roared and with that the warrior charged T’laseth and struck him in the chest with his axe. T’laseth screamed in pain as the axe dug into his flesh, he tried to rise his axe up but the warrior, lobbed off his arm with one fell swing.

“No this cannot be!” he screamed and with that the new warrior drove the blade of the axe into the skull of the old chief and clove it asunder.

The dragon then turned to the tribesmen and said “Know now your new chief Tzzarch, son of T’laseth and Izzedren! Follow him or taste his axe and feel the wrath of Tiamat!”
The tribesmen fell to their knees in worship and reverence and Tzzarch strode forward with the head of his father in one hand and axe in the other. He had a new tribe to lead, and dominion to rule over, and there was much work to be done…

Yes life, is good, but the feeling of power is so much better…..

Why tiamat sent me:

Cyric's actions on the planes and in the ralms have been causing much distress for drgaons and draconic folk of all typesm, especially the chromatic ones that praise her glorious name. Cyric's temper tantrums and abuse of the chromatic dragons after the time of troubles and during the fall of zhentil keep and the lack of trade and tribute that the old Zhentarium had made to keep things in order and power and gold flowing freely from around the realms to the dragons shows that he is not the right ruler or god for the area. (please note i have no idea what is going on the realms as we speak. the last i read was the ruins of zhentil keep and that has some info in it but heck her knowledge might be a tad outdated so bear with me.)

Henceforth tiamat located a possible (and expendable) solider that she wouldn't mind using in this power upheaval that the gods were having. He was strong, swift, decisve, and had half a brain to boot, what better characteristics to have for one of her minions. If he survived all the better, cyric would fall, the money would flow again, and power would go toward those who so rightfully deserved it. If he failed, nothing was lost and she could always disavow any knowledge of him for he wasn't a TRUE dragon just a half-breed bastard offspring of one of her green dragon minions. There is a greater game at foot and tiamat wants her share in it that she so rightfully deserves.
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First Post
Yalla Exodus, Chosen of Mask

Name: Yalla Exodus
Race: Drow
Class: Rogue5/Assassin3
Gender: Female
Alignment: NE
Patron: Mask

STR: 8 -1
DEX: 26 +8
CON: 12 +1
INT: 18 +4
WIS: 10 +0
CHA: 11 +0

HP: 46
BAB: +5
AC: 18
REF: 15
WILL: 2 (+2 Spells & Spell-like)
SR: 19
Init: +12 (+8dex +4II)

1 Daylight Adeption
2 Evasion
3 Weapon Finesse (Dagger)
6 Improved Initiative
6 Death Attack (DC 18)
6 Poison use
Uncanny Dodge: (Dex to AC, Cannot be flanked, +1 against traps)
Sneak Attack: +5D6
Darkvision 120ft

1 Move Silently +29 (11/8/10)
2 Hide +29 (11/8/10)
3 Disguise +8 (8/0)
4 Bluff +11 (11/0)
5 Search +15 (11/4)
6 Disable Device +15 (11/4)
7 Listen +12 (8/4)
8 Decipher Script +12 (8/4)
9 Open Lock +16 (8/8)
10 Spot +11 (11/0)
11 Tumble +19 (11/8)
12 Use Magic Device +11 (11/0) (+5 Scrolls/wands)

EQUIPMENT (Equiped/On body)
Assassin's Dagger (+2, +1DC) (10302)
Masterwork Composite Shortbow (375)
20 Arrows (1)
Masterwork Padded Armor (155)
Ring of Sustenance (2500)
Ring of Speed 10 rounds/day (8000)
Hewards Handy Haversack (2000)
Gloves of Dexterity +4 (16000)
Cloak of Elvenkind (2000)
Boots of Elvenkind (2000)
Wand of Invisibility 50/50 (4500)
Wand of Mage Armor 50/50 (750)

(In Hewards Handy Haversack)
4x Scroll of Charm Person (100)
2x Scroll of Eagles Splendor (300)
2x Scroll of See Invisibility (300)
Hemp Rope (50ft)
Pouch (with remaining) 15 gp)

Dagger - +15, 1d4+1, 19/20x2
CSBow - +13, 1d6, 20x3

1: (2) Spider Climb, Change Self
2: (1) Darkness

SPELLLIKE 1/day (Caster Lvl 8):
Dancing Lights
Faery Fire

Drow Sign


Yalla Exodus, a small dark-elf, was brought to life in the dark underworld. Her parents were very poor, forcing Yalla to earn money for her family at very young age. Her older sister took her with her, sitting all around the city, begging for money or a loaf of bread.
When growing older, Yalla noticed that she was more capable of doing some small handtricks, such as small games for money. She soon became a regular in the Failbrook Inn, and she gained the respect of many. Her talents didn’t go unnoticed and the Amodor Thieves Guild soon confronted Yalla. She was offered lots of money, protection, food and the likes, if she’d join the Guild. The promise of gold made the choice very easy, and Yalla joined the bunch. She soon noticed the Guild was more than a group of thieves, but they’re a very large community spread throughout the world, worshipping their Lord, Mask. Yalla soon became very fond of her new friends, and she was soon joining in the rituals. She became a famous member in the legions quite fast, and her reputation also went into the city. Yalla wasn’t very liked with the people of the city, as she has the nasty habit of stabbing her victims instead of just robbing them.
After a few years as a member in the Amodor, Yalla got a vision. It came straight from Mask himself, and Yalla was didn’t really understand what it ment. It involved daggers, long and spired, men and women covered in black armors, almost invisible in the shades. Unfortunately, the clerics of the Guild couldn’t help Yalla with her vision, and she was on her own, trying to uncover the meaning.
It took her not long before she got another vision, this one clearer. When robbing a man during a parade, she obtained a medallion. Yalla knew what the sign at the back ment, it was a sign used by some of the cities most wanted assassins. At that point she remembered her vision, and it became clear Mask wanted Yalla in the Assassins Guild rather than being another thief in his honors. And so it came to pass that Yalla searched for the new guild.
It took her quite some time before she got in contact with the Assassins, and more by accident than anything else. One night when robbing some large house, someone else joined her inside, who was going for the owner rather than for the loot. Yalla tailed him back to his hideout, thus getting in contact with the assassins. Her initiation didn’t require much time; she slaughtered some wealthy merchant 2 nights after her meeting with the assassins.
Yalla learned a lot during her stay at the Assassins Guild, and now Mask has chosen Yalla as his queen in this game of chess against Cyric, she’s vowed to prove Mask’s decision was a smart one.
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Gabriel Thorn

Region: the Dalelands
Human Fighter/Divine Champion of Denier, Level: 7/3, CG



AC:20(+6 armor,+3dex,+1 natural)


Speed:30 feet
Melee Att: +12/+7
Missle att:+13/+8

Skills:Climb+7(5ranks), Craft(bookbinding)+7(5ranks),Craft(papermaking)+6(4ranks),Heal+3(2ranks),Hide+13(+10cloak),Move Silent+13(+10boots),Ride+5(2ranks),Sense Motive+8(5ranks+skill fosus),Spot +10(7ranks+Blooded),Swim +4(2ranks)


Class abilities:
Lay on Hands(4 pts/day)
Sacred Defense +1
Smite Infidel, 1/day

Feats:Blooded, Weapon Focus(dagger), Weapon Finesse(Dagger), Dodge, Luck of Heros,Weapon specialisation(dagger),Point blank shot, Strong soul,Combat reflexes,Improved critical(dagger), Skill focus(gather info.)

Knowledge(dagger+1,flaming) Att: +15/+10,Dmg 1d4+7+1d6(fire),Crit 17-20/x2, rng 10 ft
Quill(+1,keen dagger) Att:+15/+10,Dmg 1d4+7, Crit 15-20/x2,rng 10ft
Mgt,Composite short bow(+2str) Att:+13/+8, dmg id6+2,crit x3, rng 60ft
W/ +2 shock arrows Att:+15/+10, Dmg 1d6+4+1d6(electric)

Matching Daggers:
Knowledge(+1,flaming,dagger 8000gp)
Quil(+1,Keen, dagger 8000gp)
Mighty composite short bow(+2 str, regional equipt.)
22,+2, shock Arrows(7920 gp)
Quiver of Ehlonna(1,800gp)
Mithril shirt +2(3500gp)
Amulet of natural armor +1(2000gp)
Boots and cloak of elvenkind(4000gp)
Rope of climbing(3000gp)
Mighty composite longbow(300gp)
40 normal arrows(2gp)
4 longspears(20 gp)
4 quarterstaves(-gp)
Flint and steel(1gp)
Ink, 4 vials(8 gp ea.)
2 inkpens(2sp)
3 pints of oil(3sp)
pouch, belt(holding 185gp, 4sp)(1gp)
Trail rations(8 days, 4gp)
10 sheets of paper(4gp)
Sealing wax(1gp)
Signet ring(symbol of Denier, 5gp)
silver Holy symbol of Denier(25 gp)
2 blank books(30 gp)
Exploerer's outfit(3gp)
Traveler outfit(1gp)
1 100 gp Jade stone
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First Post
Unalton Belkindar: Male Human Mnk7/Clr3 of Ilmater; Medium Humanoid ; HD 7d8+7 (Monk), 3d8+3 (Cleric); hp 92; Init +4; Spd 100;AC 24; Atk +7 base melee, +11 base ranged; +12/+9/+6 (1d8, Unarmed); AL LG; SV Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +15; STR 10, DEX 19, CON 8, INT 16, WIS 20, CHA 8
Magic: Potion: Heroism; Wondrous: Boots of striding and springing; Wondrous: Bracers of armor (+2); Wondrous: Cloak of resistance (+2); Wondrous: Gloves of Dexterity (+4); Wondrous: Periapt of Wisdom (+4); Ring: Sustenance; Ring: Jumping; Potion: Heroism.
Balance+9, Climb+5, Concentration+12, Diplomacy+7, Escape Artist+14, Heal+11, Hide+9, Jump+45, Knowledge (religion)+8, Listen+18, Move Silently+9, Swim+5, Tumble+11.

Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Trip, Mind over Body, Weapon Finesse: Unarmed, Weapon Focus: Unarmed.

Spells Prepared (Clr 4/4/2): 0 - Create Water, Detect Magic, Inflict Minor Wounds, Read Magic; 1st - Divine Favor, Endure Elements (d), Inflict Light Wounds x2, Shield of Faith; 2nd - Bull's Strength (d), Death Knell, Inflict Moderate Wounds.

As a child Unalton suffered many diseases that other children did not. He was constantly picked on, and was always chosen last for games if at all. Usually he was able to run away, but more often than not he was beaten up. His parents felt sorry for him and decided he should be sent to a monastary.

In Calimshan he studied under many martial arts masters and dedcated his life to Ilmater. He focused his mind and was able to over come the weakness of body that he once had. Soon he felt he was ready to leave the monastary so he moved into the city of Calimport.

In Calimport's temple he was known as a gentel healer and strong fighter. He stood with the temple for about 3 years but it was attacked and raided. He witnessed all his fellow monks being slaughtered. Worst of all they didnt fight back. They took their oaths of burdening to strong, and thus didnt strike at those that stuck at them. Unalton Believed this an insult to Ilmater, so he faught back. He earned his life, but it cost him his freedom. He was sold into slavery into Thay.

In Thay he served under a cruel wizard of no regard. The wizard treated him as no more than a dog. Most of the time he had to do menial jobs. His master did not let him eat or sleep unless he was standing up. He was never allowed to speak. He was in shackles most of the time, and when he was "at rest" he would stand on either hot coals or cold ice. Either way he was forced to heal himself, and in private. Soon, through practice he was able to escape his bonds, and made haste to the nearest port. His hope was to return home.

When he got to the port he found he had no money, so he had to stowe-away on a trading ship. He returned to find much of his old following gone in Calimport, and most of the new following in another part of town. The blow shook his mind and forced him away. He has since been wandering the world, helping others when he can, and mostly trying to find where Ilmater wants him.
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First Post
The Dwarf

Ebunn Spiritbeard

Male Half-Celestial Gold Dwarf Pal7: Medium-sized Outsider (Good); CR 10; HD 7d10+49; hp 104; Init +0; Spd 15ft, fly 40ft (good); AC 24 (+10 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Natural); Reach 5ft, Melee +2 warhammer, +16/11 (1d8+8/crit 20/x3); Ranged mighty (+4) composite longbow, +7/2 (1d8+4/crit 20/x3, range 110'); SQ: Divine Grace, Divine Health, Aura of Courage, Gray Dwarf Qualities, Half-Celestial Qualities; SA: Smite Evil, Turn Undead 10/day; AL LG; SV Fort +19, Ref +9, Will +11; Str 22 (20 w/o item), Dex 10, Con 24 (22 w/o item), Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 25 (21 w/o item) (4th level boost applied to Cha).

Skills (total/ranks): Diplomacy (17/10), Heal (8/6), Knowledge (Religion) (7/7), Ride (7/7).

Feats: Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Warhammer).

Languages: Common, Dwarven.

Racial Features:

Gold Dwarf
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf).
+2 Con, -2 Dex.
+2 racial bonus to saves vs. poison.
+2 racial bonus to saves vs. spells and spell-like effects.
+1 racial bonus to attack abberations.
+4 dodge bonus vs. giants.
+2 racial bonus to Appraise.
+2 to Craft stone or metal.
Base Speed 20'.

Type changes to "outsider."
+4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha.
Feathered Wings, 40ft (good).
+1 Natural Armor.
Low-light vision.
Immune to Acid, Cold, Disease, and Electricity.
+4 racial bonus to Fort saves vs. poison.
Protection from evil 3/day.
Bless 1/day.
Aid 1/day.
Detect evil 1/day.
Cure serious wounds 1/day.
Neutralize poison 1/day.

Class Features:

Profecient in all Simple and Martial Weapons, as well as all Armor and Shields.
Detect Evil.
Divine Grace.
Lay on Hands 49 HP/day.
Divine Health.
Aura of Courage.
Smite Evil.
Remove Disease 2/week.
Turn Undead 10/day as 4th level Cleric.
Spells: 1st level - divine favor x2.

Possessions (worn): full plate +2, large steel shield of light fortification +1, +2 warhammer, halfspear, mighty (+4) composite longbow, daggers (2), arrows (20), silver holy symbol, ring of sustenance, cloak of charisma +4, guantlets of ogre power +2, helm of comprehending languages and reading magic, amulet of health +2, backpack, explorer's outfit.

Possessions (in backpack): flint and steel, 3 potions of cure light wounds, wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), everburning torch, sack, waterskin, whetstone, bedroll, 222 GP, 4 SP, 3 CP.

Possessions (on mount): military saddle, 5 days feed.

Total gear weight: 100.5 lbs.
Capacity: 173 lbs./346 lbs. /520 lbs.

Description: 4'6", 175 lbs. Age 81. Golden eyes, silver hair.

History: Ebunn is the child of a cleric of Moradin and an astral deva in service of Moradin, so it was no wonder he took up the call of the paladin in the Dwarffather's service. He has used his divine powers to defeat threats to the dwarves for twenty years, and has now turned his attention to this newsest of threats to the mountain folk.

Mount stats will be posted soon...
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Here's my Character:

Rebecca Kalindra
Human Female Sorc 10

STR: 10 (2 Points)
DEX: 14 (6 Points)
CON: 12 (4 Points)
INT: 14 (6 Points)
WIS: 13 (4 Points, +1 lvl)
CHA: 22 (13 Points, +1 Lvl, +4 Magic)

HP: 41 AC: 12
Saves: FORT: +4 REF: +5 WILL: +8

Attacks: Ranged +7
Melee + 5

Spells Known: 9/5/4/3/2/1

LVL 0 : Daze, Ray of Frost, Detect Magic, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Arcane Mark
LVL 1 : Magic Missile, Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Retreat, Message, Charm Person
LVL 2 : Invisibility, Flaming Sphere, Resist Elements, Rope Trick
LVL 3 : Haste, Suggestion, Lightning Bolt
LVL 4 : Shadow Conjuration, Polymorph Self
LVL 5 : Dominate Person

Spells/day: 6/8/8/8/7/4
Spell DCs: 16/17/18/19/20/21
Enchant/Conjur DCs: 18/19/20/21/22/23

Skills: Scry(+15/13), Spellcraft(+15/13), Concentration(+15/13), Knowledge Arcana(+15/13), Diplomacy(+10/6.5)

Feats: Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Spell Focus(Enchant), Skill focus(Conjuration), Energy Substitution()

Cloak of Charisma +4
Ring of Sustenance
Wand of Dispel Magic(20 charges)
Necklace of Fireballs VII(10d6, 9d6, 9d6, 7d6, 7d6, 5d6, 5d6, 3d6, 3d6)
Bracelet of Friends(7 charms unkeyed)
Boots, Winged
2X Spell component Pouch
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds(1d8+1)
50' of Silk rope (Cut into 2 pieces: 30' and 20')
2 Tanglefoot Bangs
2 smokesticks
1 scroll of Mount
1 scroll of Tensers Floating Disk(Lvl 4 caster)
(all scrolls are in labelled Cases)
Small Steel mirror
1 GP

History/Background: Under construction. Will have posted by end of Thursday.
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