Give me your monster conversion request!

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With a name like this, I bet its breath stinks. Another one I had to do because it became iconic with us as a group of early teenage boys, for obvious reasons.



the Zern were late 3.5 monster but they had some really cool flavor. Felt like they could work well with an Exhibition to Barrier Peaks style campaign.

how about


or the various Androids from Barrier Peaks? Froghemoth? or the Shedu?

NM someone just told me WotC released D&D Next stats for this mod when they released the reprint of Dungeons of Dread. Not sure if those stats are updated with the new math.
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Funny enough I was JUST looking at EtoBP, and selected this one. I better get them done, because in about an hour, I will be away from my work PC and not have access to CS3 to do these for the next week or so.



...someone just told me WotC released D&D Next stats for [S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks] when they released the reprint of Dungeons of Dread. Not sure if those stats are updated with the new math.

They are not, sadly: the monster math was extensively re-jiggered after the end of the public playtest, and so the playtest bestiaries will probably be unbalanced if used as-is with 5e. (Though they do at least show how the designers interpreted the old monster entries' abilities, and may therefore be good starting points for the mechanics: you probably just need to massage the numbers.)


Funny enough I was JUST looking at EtoBP, and selected this one. I better get them done, because in about an hour, I will be away from my work PC and not have access to CS3 to do these for the next week or so.

View attachment 64230

Lets see how close you got to the playtest stats

Your version AC is 2 higher
HPs - dead on
Speed is the same but you gave them +10 more climb speed
Sense - you fixed theirs (they had low light)
Yours is stronger, but not as dexterous, but better con and smarter, but not as wise nor as charismatic.
The stats were 18 16 12 4 11 11
thy have it unaligned

they added a DC to realize they are fake on the mimicry

They have stealthy giving them +5 to stealth but they dont have your deadly Opportunistic Killer ability

On actions they have multi-attack but only 2 claw and a bite attack

Your claw attack is twice as deadly (they only had it at 1d6+4 with a +7 to hit
Bite is only a +7 to hit with 1d8+4 damage

their lvl was 6 but only worth 810 experience.

Good job. Yours is much scarier.


formerly roadtoad
don't get the hit points.

Every official monster I've seen has a standard hit point formula of Xd[size]+X[CON bonus]. That's right, monster hit points are adjusted by their CON bonus. A 14 CON monster with 10 hit dice will have a +20 bonus. And the hit dice will correspond to the creature's size. So really, the only slider you should be moving at the time of hit points (if you've already figured out a size and a CON score) is the number of hit dice.

Grazzy with a CON of 23 and 36 hit dice should have 414 hit points (36d10+216), for instance. If you want him to have 500, you need to give him more dice or up his CON or give him some "infernal health" power that gives him temp hit points.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
[MENTION=15700]Sacrosanct[/MENTION], what software are you using for layout there? Have you made yourself an MS Word template or something similar?

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