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Glory is fleeting, but embarassing moments live forever...


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Ok, here's a thought: What were some of the most embarassing events to happen to characters in your games - that they survived, and perhaps lived to regret it?

In a game we wrapped up a few months ago, one of the guys had been playing a swashbuckler/fighter named Alax Silverheart - a great character, noble and heroic, but also very much of an upper-class twit. Quite dignified, and always well-dressed.

In the course of one of our adventures, we were fighting a Behir. Our noble swashbuckler charged in first, missed, and was promptly swallowed whole, fancy dress and all. We started to frantically attack the Behir, hoping to save him, but after just one round of being digested it became clear he'd never survive long enough for us to get him out. Fortunately, he remembered that he had a Bead of Force in his pouch, and in desperation, used it on himself - hoping that he'd survive the damage from the blast, and be saved from more rounds of being crushed and burned by stomach acid.

He made it, and after we killed the Behir, he was extracted - bedraggled and scorched, sitting inside a transparent bubble, looking utterly miserable, while the rest of us couldn't help but crack up as we waited for the duration to run out.

Thus was born the "Silverheart Maneuver". (think of the Eddie Izzard skit on the Heimlich maneuver for an idea of how to speak when discussing it)

To make matters worse, our group was in the process of establishing a fancy tavern as our base of operations at the time, and decided the Behir's head made for a fine trophy/memento - so we had it stuffed and mounted over the bar, and named the place "The Behir". This of course meant that people were going to ask about the circumstances in which it was acquired, and we'd regale them with Sir Alax's valiant fight with the beast. :)

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Famal Ilianis, elven duskblade was a highly intelligent warrior. During a session in which the PCs were venturing through a mysterious foe's lair they came upon a room that had letters all along the floor.

Earlier in the dungeon the gnome wizard found a scroll conveniently placed on the side of the hall that had written on it:
"Morivar is the key to cross danger.
Morivar is the path to greatness.
Morivar is the one and the true.
Morivar is the leader of terror.
Morivar is the mighty."

The letters in the room were 5 feet by 5 feet on the floor. They tested out a tile and found out that it would explode if weight was put on it, then reset itself. The gnome figured this small puzzle out very quickly and crossed by walking on the letters 'M', 'O', 'R', 'I', 'V', 'A', and R. It took a small time for the others to understand this, but when they did they all started to cross in order.

When Famal crossed he moved forwards along the 'M' and 'O' but when he got to where he was supposed to turn left for the 'R' he just walked onto an 'L.' This wouldn't be a huge problem but he only had 3 hit points I think. The tile exploded and he went to -8 hit points.

After Famal was reincarnated as a half-orc (He actually died, by the way. They used up their potions and no one was able to pass simple heal checks.) he was then on made fun of for dying by stepping on the 'L.' NPCs don't understand this and that causes the other PCs to go in a lengthy discussion on how Famal became a half-orc. Famal gets embarrassed at this story every time, and they seem to tell it every session.
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+5 Keyboard!

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When the first of the Fiendish Codex books came at a few months back, I was talking to my players about it and had a little trouble getting it out right. I kept calling it the Fiendish Cotex. My players still give me crap about that.

Sorry, I know that isn't quite what the topic was, but it's as close as I could come at the moment. ;)

+5 Keyboard!

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OK. Let me give this another stab correctly.

A few years back during the second year of 3.0 D&D, I was running a campaign in which I had a player that seemed to think himself awfully clever both in game and out. He happened to have some colored water he decided to try to bamboozle the local potion seller with. I believe it had some kind of dweomer on it, but was non-magical.

Out from the back of the shop comes this crazy foo-manchu looking, wizened old potion seller I created on the fly who proceeded to question him relentessly about the qualities of his wonderful little vial of magic liquid. Before he could finish stammering out one clever reply, the little old man would fire another round of questions at him. Again, while he's stumbling through his next response, the little old man throws another question at him that has nothing do with anything at all. This kept up for like 10 minutes of non-stop role-playing with the player getting increasingly flustered with each round of questions. In the end his character finally said, "Forget it!" and stomped out of the potion seller's shop. The rest of the players were laughing their asses off while the player in question sat there red faced and trying to pretend like it was terribly funny, ha ha.


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+5 Keyboard! said:
When the first of the Fiendish Codex books came at a few months back, I was talking to my players about it and had a little trouble getting it out right. I kept calling it the Fiendish Cotex. My players still give me crap about that.

Sorry, I know that isn't quite what the topic was, but it's as close as I could come at the moment. ;)
LOL, that's good enough. :lol:



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Halforc barbarian slashes his way through a horde of small creatures towards their king.

The king knows his bodyguards have no chance and shouts: "Flee, flee, before the big thing will kill us all!" The king and his wives and other minions except for the bodyguards flee through the backdoor.

The halforc player: "I hide behind the throne."

Silence. The others watch him and frown.

DM: "What?"

Halforc player: "Yeah and as soon as that big thing arrives, I hop out and kill it."


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In a recent Living Greyhawk module, we were up against some orcs.

My paladin (full plate, heavy steel shield, 16 Str (18 with gauntlets of ogre power)) runs across the battlefield to engage one of the leader orcs.

Turns out said leader orc was a spellcaster, and had readied an empowered ray of enfeeblement. When I got within range, he hit me with it. The DM rolled a "6", which wound up being a 12-point drop in Strength for me. From 18 to 6, and now, with all the junk I'm wearing and carrying, I'm past Heavy Load, and can barely move. :(

Once I got over my embarrassment, I asked the other players if anyone had a Viagra spell they could hit the paladin with. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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