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Go Play (Secret Gamer Code Shhhhhh)

Agent Oracle

First Post
Hmm, so there are a handful of naysayers, and a lot of people who are interested. Those few naysayers will eventually come around. Now, Len, I have to ask, since you are up in Canada, I presume that there is a different word for "play" in French (in regards to playing a VHS tape / Playing a game). Here I thought "disparaissent le jeu" would be one size fits all.

I think this could be a genuine meme, I mean, it's pretty solid "not for profit" right now (Storeyteller folks handed out a few hundred stickers at gencon, free. The cafe press store sells everything at-cost.)

THe symbology makes sense (thus far) to everyone who has seen it. And as you can see, we are adopting the base symbology at least.

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Agent Oracle

First Post
Umbran said:
*shrug*. Last I saw, "It is believed" and "It is fact" are rather dissimilar. And Wikipedia is hardly what I'd call an authority on much of anything. I'll lump that one in with the other possible stories.

You dislike Wikipedia. Okay, fine. Which origin do you want?

-The IXYOE explanation

-THe Agnostic Perspective

-The Christian Explanation

-The fishy origin.

They all seem pretty much identical (just with different degrees of cynicism) , and these are just the first few hits off a google search.


Doing the best imitation of myself
Psion said:
Like all things about the internet, negativity gets amplified. Simply because it gives the vocal axe-grinders a sounding board.

IRL, I find that people don't don't get this stressed out. I game with WoD gamers. Heck, I play with nWoD. I've chewed the fat with folks at the indie game booth about d20 psionic powers. I've tossed anecdotes with fellow enworlders about GM-less gaming. In 4 years of enworld game days and gencons, I finally played a game of D&D with fellow enworlders, usually playing other games instead.

Heck, I found ENWorlds resident OD&D preacher, Diaglo, to be a wonderful roomie and a fun guy to hang with. As francisca put it, as gamers we have more collectively in common than we have different.

And even inasmuch as this mutual loathing exists, it doesn't mean I have to sit back and take part of it.
I don't do this sort of thing often, but I have to say "quoted for truth." There are many vocal participants of ENWorld that I might disagree with about gaming issues, but I'd still sit down and have a talk with them, and gladly try a game with them.

There's more in common among gamers than some of us are willing to admit.

I now return to the flames on <your favorite thread>!


Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Nice idea.

Thing is, why do we have anything to hide? Or is it more of an "exclusive club" thing? Do we gain something from this? Or perhaps there might be problems, due to our secret callsigns... ;)

Anyway, hope people have fun with this.


First Post
Personally I think this is a great idea. I can understand those who don't like it but it does make sense to me. Again, just my opinion, but I can appreciate the symbology that someone else can readily identify and strike up a conversation. I like to play a lot of different games and having a bumper stiker that says "I Play D&D" just really wouldn't express the breadth of games that I enjoy. Anyway, great job, I think I'll have to get one of the ringer tees.


First Post
I think it's a neat idea. I like the logo because it is not something you would associate with roleplaying. So unless you know what to look for, you won't be able to find out what it's all about.

What use is having a secret society sign if everyone can figure it out in one go?

JustKim said:
it overlooks the fact that most gamers hate other types of gamers

Until I get certefiable facts about his, I'm not believing it.

Be careful who you call jackasses, because most gamers are guilty of this.

Should this be true, then most gamers are jackasses. Hating someone because he doesn't play "your game", but "their game", is moronic. Stuff like this makes me think they fell off the tree back in the day, and didn't bother to climb back up. It's like saying "your religion/skin colour/language/home country is different, so you're bad".

There's pretty much a mutual loathing across the board between D&D players and WoD players, for example.

I play both. I like both. I know boths have their strengths and weaknesses. I know several people who play both, too.

Len said:
... en inglés.

What's that? I don't understand that. Could you repeat it in a language I understand?

I don't go around saing "in englischer Sprache", either.

I hate "universal" logos that depend on an English pun.

As soon as you come up with a better language, I'll assist you in your crusade to abolish English as primary language. Oh, and if you're looking, anyway: Get me the holy grail please.

JustKim said:
Some gamers hate D&D and its fans (and some 2E fans hate 3.X fans).

And some 3e fans hate 2e fans.

Some gamers hate World of Darkness and its fans (and some OWoD fans hate NWoD fans).

Some NWod fans hate OWoD fans.

So what?

If they want to play high-and-mighty, let them. This is not for them.


First Post
buzz said:
There's a brotherhood?

If you're asking whether having a secret sign is going to preclude the existence of jackasses, well, it's not. But the jackasses exist already, so I don't see why it matters.

"Conveniently overlooks"? Sheesh.

YEEESHHHH!!!! How are we supposed to keep it secret if you guys keep talking about it!?!?!


To those who somehow have a great antipathy towards fellow gamers. Be glad there is now a symbol that lets you avoid these ppl! Those of us who think most other gamers are cool ppl now have a way to ID eachother without having to resort to bringing up a topic that in some situations may lead to embarassment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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