Godless Clerics and the War Domain?

Ashrem Bayle

The granted power of the War domain states that the character gets automatic martial weapon proficiency and weapon focus with the weapon of his chosen deity.

What if the cleric doesn't have a chosen deity?

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Ashrem Bayle said:
The granted power of the War domain states that the character gets automatic martial weapon proficiency and weapon focus with the weapon of his chosen deity.

What if the cleric doesn't have a chosen deity?

The official rules don't cover this scenario. The DM will have to make something up.

I suggest letting him chose any martial weapon the player wants.


Actually, look under the "spiritual weapon" spell... each alignment has a weapon.

Good - Longsword
Evil - Heavy Flail
Law - Warhammer
Chaos - Battleaxe

ergo, pick something that fits your alignment.

:D :D :D :D -bows- I'll be here all week, please, tip your waitress :D :D :D :D
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Gamecat, awesome job...;)

Now what about a true neutral character? (Not that I saw a true neutral cleric with the war domain...)

Ash, I'm shocked you know, I would almost say appalled as we both know there are no true clerics in Midnight... ;)


Penguin Herder
I'd say that the PC can choose any simple weapon for the War Domain, but then I also wouldn't allow a godless Cleric.

-- N


First Post
Theres also the D&D theory that a person, when devoted to a certain cause, with enough devotion, can manifest spells on their own.

I believe it's somewhere in Deities and Demigods explaining why gods have to take cleric levels to cast cleric spells outside their domain.

Which means, if you are totally devoted to one god. And you deviate, you are now not as devoted, thus, you lose your devotion priveledges, thus the loss of spells etc.

Calrin Alshaw

Steve Jung

Legildur said:
I swear that the cleric/paladin splatbook had weapons specific for each of the alignments and even by race.
You may be thinking of the list from the spell, Weapon of the Deity (Clr 4, Mysticism 4, Pal 4). Under alignment, it has:

Good: +1 frost warhammer
Evil: +1 mighty cleaving light flail
Neutral: +1 defending heavy mace
Law: +1 flaming longsword
Chaos: +1 shock battleaxe

Just checked under Spiritual Weapon. It has warhammer for Good and longsword for Lawful. Sorry gamecat. :)

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