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Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


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Red fumbles through the items in the satchel and she uses Aurelia's arms to steady herself. Piece by piece, she accounts for her clothes and lays them in a pile to don as the pain begins to slowly subside again. Also in the satchel she finds a few small vials of potion labeled "Lesser Vigor." Chugging one, she comes again to her feet. Still not able to part with her blade, her fingertips come to trail on a thin scarf of fine red silk.


Immediately, her hand flies to her face as she fastens the scarf across her mouth and nose. Trying not to draw attention to her wildly obvious panic, she grabs for a pair of trousers and her breastplate.

"Red," she forces out at last, still not comfortable with the alias, "My name is Red."
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Janus stands, the weight of the armor -- normally like a second skin -- threatening to push him back to a knee. Slowly, one foot after the other, Janus makes his way up the path to the intact mausoleum, spiked shield raised before him, broadsword clasped in hand loosely at his side.

His eyes sweep the landscape, the statues, the mausoleum door -- vigilant for any signs of danger.

Pausing at the sarcophagus, he glances inside, looking for anything that might give insight onto the source of the ichorus tracks and claw marks, or some form of burial regalia that might tell him where he is.


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The Red Knight- Your armor and shield aren't in the satchel, but you did find the scarf, and your Ring of Arming. Also in the bag is your extremely nice Noble's Outfit, along with the other belongings.

"Your name is the color of your cheeks?" Aurelia asks with a smile. "Cute. So, care to have a go at telling me how you got here, Red?" Aurelia steadies your balance, and you notice that she is quite strong for her appearance. "There was a strange flash of blue light and the weirdest noise I did ever hear. When I got to those trees, I noticed you standing up amidst this weird frosty circle."

Helm- You keep eyes on the places enemies could potentially hide while advancing to the sarcophagus. Inside are what appear to be the remains of a magistrate, with old tattered noble's clothes, and a symbol not unlike yours: a scale carved into the side, just above the now-chewed-apart skeleton's head. There are several bits of jewelry in the coffin as well. The chew marks could be wolf, or some other large-toothed beast. You can't discern your location, with the information you have gleaned.
GM: Perception check, d20+3; 14, result- you notice that as you move, the heads of the 4 demon-like statues seem to turn to watch you.


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Red tried desperately not to blush as she pulled the luxe fabric of her slacks and blouse over her clammy skin. Any harder a shade of red beneath her scarf to complete Aurelia's comparison of the two would be. . . She shook it from her mind.

"Haven't the foggiest. You already know more than I do by simply observing. All I know is that staying here is a bad idea."

Red leveled her gaze at the fierce, blue-eyed beauty.

"At the risk of sounding inappropriate, do you know of anywhere nearby that we can go? I'm not myself, nor am I equipped to deal with monsters."

GM: Aurelia leads you to a sleeping lodge built into the hillside, that is mostly intact. Once inside, she barricades the doors with beds and other furniture, closes all the window shutters, and starts assessing avenues of apporach.
GM: "We should be good here for a while. If you're sleepy, take a nap and I'll keep watch." With that, Aurelia opens a pouch on her belt and pulls out a full meal's worth of rations. "Hungry?", she asks.

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Thaklor wakes with a crick in his neck and a stiff spine. Slowly pulling himself up straight he listens to the sounds of the cavern for a few moments before deciding that he is alone, for now. He then goes about his 'morning' rituals, preparing for the day ahead, making his daily obeisance to Kossuth and breaking his fast on trail rations. Not feeling at his peak, he decided to use a bit of that divine energy to better prepare himself for whatever trials lay ahead. A few quick prayers did the trick, and thus he turned to the tunnel before him and set off.

OOC: Spells cast are 1xVigor(lesser), 1x faith healing and 1x Endure Elements. Total healing if not interrupted will be 28(13 FH, 15 Vigor)

GM: You heal the full 28 hitpoints, as nothing accosts you during the time it takes for the magic to work. Im going to hold off on advancing your part until everyone is caught up to the "rested" part.
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Red tried desperately not to blush as she pulled the luxe fabric of her slacks and blouse over her clammy skin. Any harder a shade of red beneath her scarf to complete Aurelia's comparison of the two would be. . . She shook it from her mind.

"Haven't the foggiest. You already know more than I do by simply observing. All I know is that staying here is a bad idea."

Red leveled her gaze at the fierce, blue-eyed beauty.

"At the risk of sounding inappropriate, do you know of anywhere nearby that we can go? I'm not myself, nor am I equipped to deal with monsters. I need rest and I need armor."

GM: Aurelia leads you to a sleeping lodge built into the hillside, that is mostly intact. Once inside, she barricades the doors with beds and other furniture, closes all the window shutters, and starts assessing avenues of apporach.
GM: "We should be good here for a while. If you're sleepy, take a nap and I'll keep watch." With that, Aurelia opens a pouch on her belt and pulls out a full meal's worth of rations. "Hungry?", she asks.

Red gladly takes the ration, sizing up her new ally one more time.

"So why, praytell, are you being so benevolent to me? You don't know me, and I'm almost certain that I don't know you."

She half-smiled under her red scarf.

"You know that I could probably snap you in half if you let me. Yet, here we are. How am I to know you won't try to slit my throat while I sleep?"

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Janus sighs, realizing he is still as lost as he was before. The sound echoes slightly in his helmet. The crusader of Siamorphe steps away from the body, making a note of it in his mind, in the hopes that he may rebury the occupant when his strength is recovered.

He still has not forgotten the keen stares of the gargoyles. Magical and clerical defenses often protect tombs, and if there is such destruction around him, he concludes that this mausoleum in particular must have defenses of some sort to remain relatively untouched.

Unfortunately, that potential shelter is also someone's honored place of burial. Janus shakes his head slightly, normally he wouldn't even consider doing such a thing.

Today, however, has been anything but normal. Sheathing his blade, Janus reaches around his neck, clutching at the holy symbol of Siamorphe: a chalice with a sun on its side. Not needing to shout in the dead silence, Janus intones a prayer for the dead, asking the deceased for pardon for treading into their sacred resting place, and making assurances of his pure intent. With one final glance at the guardian statues, he closes the distance to the door.

Janus lays a gauntleted hand on the rightmost door, inspecting the gouges he had originally spotted from afar.
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Red Knight- "Because I help those in need when I can, darling. And you looked like the most needy person in my sight, at the time." She winks at you with a smile, then lays on her stomach facing you, puts up her right arm with the elbow on the ground, "Why don't we see who can fold who in half, shall we? ~she's looking for an arm wrestling match~ "Win or lose, those ogres may come back, and I would have vengeance for those they murdered here and over there where they have their fire going. It would be a sodding lot easier with your sword arm to help, I believe."

Helm- You feel a soothing warmth wash over you after your prayers, and you have much less fatigue plagueing you. You also notice that when you reach the door, the demon statues' gaze returns to an outward facing. The gouges on the doorway betray the way to open it - by wiggling some fingers into the crevice, you can pull the door open easily enough. You detect the scent of death, as is common in places like these, but it is older and subdued, as if the dead here have been that way for a very long time.
GM: You're exhausted condition has bettered to fatigued. You have a feeling Siamorphe may have heard your prayer.

Zuoken- You remember your name without any pain. Small details and facts about you, personally, training that you have made yourself do, those things bring no pain, but only the threat of it, if you try to pry deeper into memories of others...


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Feeling the wash of the goddess' power, Janus stands straighter, the weight of his armor now more of a suggestion of gravity than a pressing threat of toppling.

For a moment, surprise washes over him. The prayer to Siamorphe came almost instantly, without the blinding pain before his awakening in the graveyard. Janus' head droops ever slightly, his attentions turning inward.

Everything else is gone, or blocked by the promise of pain. Janus does not pry any further than the edge, returning back to the present moment. Something is blocking his memories of himself. Something has brought him to this forsaken place, but yet the goddess could still hear him. He can remember his skills, how to fight, how to don his armor, he realizes.

Credit where credit is due, this is an elaborate game I've been thrust into, but for now...

With a final small stanza of pardon, shield raised, Janus slots his right hand into the right-side door, and pulls...

Rest first. I can break down the situation once my head is clear.

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