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Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


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His grip firming around his shield, Janus turns, following the right hallway.

OOC: Rolled Religion for check, 1d20+11, result 12. Crit fail.

GM: no such thing as a crit fail on skill checks. A DC 12 you can recall that weak mindless undead, or weak outer planar beings, don't generally leave ichor behind after a meal, or sound insane while speaking the common tongue.
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Helm- As you round the right turn, the hallway goes straight for another 30 feet, then turns into a stairway going down to a landing 10 feet, then turning right. At the top of the stairway is another stone door, but this one is broken in half, the top wedged into the doorway, and the bottom is shattered into pieces and chunks. Claw marks and more ichor, though old and dry, mark up the doorway and stone chunks. There looks to have been a sort of river of broken bones, skulls, and bone pieces coming out of the doorway and littering the floor. Not a single bone is left without teethmarks, and there is no flesh left on them. You also notice a lot of bare-foot prints on the old stone floor.


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Janus peers into the room ahead, frowning within his metal second skin. He approaches the footprints, kneeling for a better look. He checks the footprints for anything else that might give him a clue as to the cackling occupant, before peering into the vault ahead.

GM: the foot-prints are vaguely human in shape, but longer, and what looks to be long toenails that grind on the stone with each step. The footprints do not look to go into the room.
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Janus stands, armor clattering against itself as he rises.

This creature raided this ossuary... or perhaps catacomb from the teeth marks, some time ago. Time to proceed.

Janus turns, descending further past the door, down the stairs to what remains of the passage.

GM: You glance into the room as you pass by the broken door and the floor is littered with bones, all of which were chewed to pieces, the walls lined with broken sarcophagi. It seems it was a chamber for lesser kin to the family who owns this mausoleum.
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"I consign my soul to Xan Yae's care at my death, Mighty Wyrm. Beyond that, I ask for little from my god." I run a trembling hand across my face. "I fear that my ordeal has tired me. Please do not think me rude for taking my leave." I stagger towards the nearest large tree and attempt to hoist myself to a sturdy bough. "If you remain after I've rested, you may instruct me as you will of the Draconic Order." I curl my body into a meditative pose and withdraw my consciousness into the Nothing.

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Helm- The stairs lead down to a right turn, which leads down a little further to an intersection. Infront of you is stairs up, and to the front right is an archway, forming a T-intersection with you standing at the upper left part of the T. You hear gnawing on a bone, someone hoch a loogie, and then the insane feminine voice you heard before is now much clearer, "Come in, come in, I haven't had a guest in OH soooo long. Please, make yourself comfortable, dreadful sorry for the mess on the way in, would have tidied up had I known someone was coming uninvited..." her voice trails off as sounds of broom pick up, multiple sets of foots falls; then "Herbert! Not there you imbecile, put that chair near the door for the guest, hurry!". You hear a dull moan and groan, some more footfalls, and a thud. There is torchlight coming from the archway, and multiple shadows moving around can be seen.

Zuoken- "I shall return upon your waking hour, as I have needs to tend to...", Narthcellus' voice trails off, but you can hear his stomache growling. "Trust in that your rest will not be interrupted while I hunt the area." With that, the purple-colored dragon takes flight, headed away from you, causing unease, but not frightfulness.

GM: You enter meditative trance. It is a void. Your senses become detached from your body, and you can't focus on anything. You feel weightless in the empty, calm, quiet blackness. So peaceful, that you can't feel anything. After a time, a pinpoint of light appears in the blackness. You focus on that light, and suddenly your eyes open. You find yourself lieing unceremoniously upon a bough of the tree. You realize that you fell asleep and did not dream, while in your meditation. Your rest restores hitpoints for having rested for 8 hours, and your exhaustion and fatigue are gone.

You see the dragon down below in the glade. It has 3 deer lieing beside it, and it is in the process of swallowing a fourth.
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My stomach growls as I watch the dragon break his fast. Lunch? Sup? I realize that I do not know east from west, nor do I know the time of day. I assume late evening, and so I spring from the tree, landing lightly upon on foot in the beginning position of Downing the Sun. Slowly at first, testing my body for injuries or aches, then faster with more confidence. I segue from form to form, 7 Moons Circle to Leaf Parts the Stone to Brush the Lion's Mane to Dragon Consumes the Sun. For an hour I put my body through familiar paces, striving for perfection, unperturbed when I do not reach it.
"Well met, Good Narthcellus" I hail, mopping a light sheen of sweat from my brow. "I see you've attended to your needs", I say, nodding towards the devoured remains of his prey. "So, tell me of this Draconic Order. Are they the Gods of the dragons, or mayhap a High Council of sorts?"

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OOC: Sorry for the delay, Christmas and traveling has been very time consuming. Here is my first post to the original posting.

Looking down to see the frozen earth made me sick. "Who could possibly want this?"

As I dug my feet deeper, I felt the warm sand, I felt the warmth within me swell. "Things aren't so unfamiliar after all." The sun was giving me what I needed, the light to see, the hope that this is not all unfamiliar, and time to gather my wits to rest from this wicked exhaustion. I close my eyes and listen to the whispers on the wind and hear that familiar tone. I put on my belongings and walk over to the cactus. I take out my scimitar and prod the cactus to form a small hole where some water will come out. I drink until the cactus gives me all the water it has that I can possibly have. "This thirst, it is never ending."

After drinking my fill, I prepare my camp for the evening. With my stomach growling, I open up my small box and whisper a few words to see my dinner appear. "Dried meat, just the kind I like." I smile and devour my meal. I then take out my empty mug, and whisper a guttural vibrating "Nnnnnnnn" as my cup fills. I drink 3 full mugs. It feels like I haven't eaten or drank in days. I take out my mirror to see if I have any injuries to my face and notice that I am not in my elven form. I change my appearance to the form I grew up with. "Much better, I almost didn't recognize myself." I lay out my bedroll, get my winter blanket ready for the cold night, for the journey west tomorrow shall require all of my strength. I think to myself, "This sandstorm to the west, the waste never stops speaking to me." I whisper my blessings to the waste for all it provides, close my eyes, and fall asleep.

OOC: If allowed to sleep for the evening, the following will be my morning after. I will also be healing at double rate due to my bedroll. If my spells refresh, I will be preparing waste strider and casting it. if not, I will just move normally.

I arise from my slumber, still tired from the day before, but not nearly as much. I put my belongings on. I retrieve my armor and weaponry from my ring and don it slowly to make sure that it fits perfectly as it always has. I hold up my ring to my mouth and say "Dbe" and my armor, scimitar, and shield disappears. I put my backpack on and drink 1 mug of water. I journey west to the sandstorm stopping at every cactus briefly to fill my mug with water.

GM: The sounds of the caravan fade, as they seem to be heading in the opposite direction of the sandstorm. When you fall asleep, it is dreamless. It passes so quickly that when you wake you are unsure that had even slept at all, but you do regain hitpoints for having rested for 8 hours, and your exhaustion and fatigue are gone. You may prepare spells. You notice that some scorpions had hidden amongst your belongings while you slept, but they leave you alone otherwise. The sandstorm in the west has grown immense, and appears to slowly be working its way toward you.
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Zuoken- It is now morning when you hop down to address the dragon. With a chuckle, Narthcellus replies, "Nay, Zuoken, they are not gods. Just enlightened people who have come together to learn from the wisdom and experiences of the dragons whom they serve. They have a monastery high in the mountains to the south of here. It was founded long ago by a follower of Xan Yae when he learned that she was mother to some of our forefathers." Narthcellus pauses to gulp down another deer carcass, then picks another up, stares at it for a moment, and then a mote of fire flies out of the dragon's eye and incinerates the corpse with a good sear. It offers the now-cooked deer to you. "Do you require sustenance?"


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Janus' grip tightens even further on his sword, coming around the bend in the corridor to the stem of the T. Without speaking, he proceeds towards-- presumably -- the origin of the voice, silently preparing himself for battle. Allowing his weapon arm-- his left -- to swing freely now, he accentuates the clack of his armor with the occasional tap of his sword against his greaves, the promise of battle if threatened.

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