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Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


~Kossuth's will guides me!~

The heat doesn't really bother him as of ye. He spent his formative years tending to the great bier in his deities temple and this as of yet hadn't reached even that point. This felt more like coming home than walking into the depths of a fiery hell to him. Nevertheless, his earlier protection held, and while he could feel the heat coming from ahead, he did not 'feel' hot.

But the prospect of earth fire was not to be overlooked. Let alone what else might be found in this place. With this in mind Thaklor began to pray as he walked forth, calling upon the power of his deity to guide and protect him from whatever dangers he may soon face.

A strange feeling came over him as he did this. While some of the energy for his magic came in the traditional way, from without and and 'above', some of it came from within. Almost as he, himself, was the source of the magic. Yet it was still imbued with the familiar heat that suffused all blessings of Kossuth.

~Maybe it's something to do with the Heart... Heart?~

The pain came back suddenly. He couldn't remember the source of the thought and the pain threatened to debilitate him when he needed to be prepared. He would come back to this at a later time. Instead he focused on what lay ahead. Lifting the chain from it's hook he let it out and spoke the command word, "Ignis", causing flames to spring forth across it's length. If battle is to be had, perhaps something down here can be purified.

Feeling prepared he strode forth into the light before him.
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Loki- You see a mead hall on the top of a bluff, in the distance. Smoke is rising from its 2 chimneys, and the sound of merrymaking can be heard. You can see banners all around the mead hall, displaying the symbols of your kin, homes and shops around a small market center, and farther up the mountain, a shack displaying a smaller banner, with your symbol upon it. It is about 2 miles away, but the air is very clear and the sun bright upon the fresh snow, with no clouds, as the winter flurry passes.

Kossuth- The tunnel turns into a funnel opening into a humongous cavern with uneven floors, pits, and stalactites several yards long. Indeed, the lava in the room is extremely hot and bright. The central area is roiling and bubbling as new magma surfaces, but not at a fast enough rate to overcome the lava tubes leading out from under the magma. You can see a huge, white-blue flame hovering just above the boiling center. Looking around for any threats, you notice some rocky formations moving about, as well as some living flames moving around the edges and above the lava. The heat in this room is staggering. Some of the closest rocky formations move towards you in a slow moping gait, as if an innocent animal were coming to investigate something in a forest.

GM: Reminder: You need the protection of an endure elements spell or heat endurance level 1 to ignore the heat effects.
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First Post
*moving through the snow, he heads towards the shack with his symbol. While there will be more money and food to be had at the hall, valuable information might be learned from the owner of the shack, with the proper enticement. Ever wary, he keeps watch for signs of anything unusual. As he approaches checks for any magical auras on the building.*

OOC: Provided nothing is amiss, and any spells on the building do not seem out of place, he will knock in a manner common among the thieves guilds which he frequents
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"What wonderous beauty! Kossuth be praised!"

Thaklor continues forward sensing no direct threat as of yet. He keeps an eye on the rocky creatures, but makes no overtly threatening actions as he aims towards the nearest source of 'living flame'. With hope he could find an ally in this chamber of earth and fire.
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First Post
Loki- As you pass through the town to the path leading up to the shack, several townsfolk are milling about with their daily chores. Hardly anyone gives you more than a glance, as you seem to be just an elderly woman to them. Some children run by you playing "Slay the Dragon!", one child is wearing a long green cloak and roaring, and two others have wooden swords and helms, and one child is holding a wooden hammer with wings coming off of his helm. They chase the dragon around the market, and you hear the child holding the hammer yell something about calling down thunder and lightning onto the dragon's head. A blacksmith seems to be forging several weapons, one amongst them appears to be a dark blue metal dagger. There are some cheesemakers stirring their pots, a bread maker pulling some loaves out of the ovens, and some tailors and tanners working on winter clothing. When you approach the path up the mountain, sickly young woman comes out of a hut near you to address you, "If you are wanting to visit the shaman, be warned he carries a plague, as do I. It is punishment from Odin for remembering Loki and wanting to spread merriment in his name." She looks you in the eyes, and you see that she has cataracts, but for a moment you think she can see you. She turns to walk back to her shack, trips on a stone in the road, and slams the top of her head into the floor boards, knocking herself unconscious. She is bleeding profusely, as head wounds usually do, and you notice the blood is quite dark in color.

Kossuth- The small earth elementals follow behind you slowly as you approach one of the small fire elementals near the lava edge. Noticing you approach, the small fire elemental moves to the opposite side of the lava river, watching you. You can feel the stone beneath your feat shudder slightly.
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Sensing the disturbance, Thaklor stops a short distance away. He bows to the fire elemental, possibly a useless gesture and then speaks to it in the language of fire and brimstone. "Kossuth has guided me here, though I know not why. Please, brother I wish to know what the reason for this place is that I might divine my mission."


~Great.~ The young halfling woman said mentally as she moved closer to the bat.

"Alright...Lets do this then? May I ride you? I would love to get out of this cave if you don't mind. I do have a bit to do with myself. And I am sure you would be rather bored if you just...stayed here."


First Post
Red lifted off her helm and took a knee, digging into her satchel, and pulling out a couple of trail rations herself.

"How about we have breakfast on me today?" She said jauntily, "I owe you a meal anyway."

She sat promptly and cross-legged in her armor and tugged free the knot in her crimson scarf. She didn't feel like fighting with it while trying to eat, but removing the cover set her at great unease. It was so juvenile! This woman, Aurelia, had already seen her naked face and all else. Far be it for her to try and conceal anything now. It made no sense, but as she tried to call upon the reasons why, the pangs of that debilitating pain needled in at the corners of her consciousness. She could sense that just there, beyond her reach, through the fog of razors and pins, it was there. The truth of. . .

She abandoned the inner quest with a shake of her head and a small, dissatisfied moan. That was something she would have to put off for a little while yet. Looking up from her repose, she came once again to the starry-blue gaze of the woman ranger sitting just across from her.

~I suppose there are worse places I could be.~ She thought with a smile and pushed the second ration toward Aurelia. ~There are far worse fates I can see than being stranded in some unknown forest shack and no recollection of how I got here with a woman who may be plotting my untimely demise and the looting of what I'm only assuming are the final vestiges of my life before discovering myself naked as a newborn colt in the middle of a field of ice? Right, Red. There are entirely worse places you could be. . .~

She opened the pack of her rations and chewed a large hunk off of one corner.

~Always remember to be calm, polite, courteous, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet. That's tactics 101. Don't you ever forget it.~


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I continue back to my original place of origin with the frozen ground, keeping a keen eye out for any other people. I think to myself, "Was he talking about me? Am I this trespasser?" I revert to my native form out of curiosity in hopes that I meet up with this creature again.

"What if I am responsible for this frozen ground? What if I am to blame for something going awry in the waste?" I sigh deeply and hope that the cause of my great pain from yesterday was not myself and that we are both looking for the same "he."


First Post
Kossuth- The ground around stops shuddering and you hear a sound of rock grinding against rock behind you, as well as a swell of heat that threatens to overcome your simple protections. When you turn to see what it is, a huge pyroclastic elemental has risen out of the stone. A pair of white-blue flaming gems move into a swirling mass resembling a face, and it speaks to you with 2 different voices, one in Ignan and one in Terran; "IFif THEthe LORDlord OFof FIREfire GUIDEDguided YOUyou TOto THISthis PLACEplace, THENthen ONLYonly BYby PURIFYINGpurifying YOURSELFyourself INin THEthe Whiteflame WILLwill YOUyou UNDERSTANDunderstand HIShis GUIDANCEguidance." ~The only moment the voices were in unison was when they refered to the Whiteflame~ The elemental points to the center of the chamber, at the white gout of flame ever persistent above the middle of the roiling lava.

Sheela- The bat hops to the ground, next to you, and you no longer sense any ill-will of any sort toward you, instead, that sense is replaced by an empathic link to your new animal companion. When he feels excited or joyous, you can sense it, and right now, he's feeling a little excited, and hungry. He offers his back for you to climb onto, and you sense he is eager to have a first hunt with his new partner.

GM: Mortimer doesn't have the buff from your divine powers, yet.

Red Knight- Aurelia eats what you have offered to her with a smile. "Thanks, but the reason I offered food to you was because of my magic pouch here. It always has enough food in it to feed me 4x over every day," she says as she pats the survival pouch on her hip.

After finishing breakfast with you, Aurelia pulls out a small parchment map she must have made while you were sleeping. It has several crude drawings on it to represent the field, the farm house, this lodge, a barn, a barracks, the training yard, and the ogre camp where they built their fire. She has indicated several areas of cover and concealment on the map. She points at the ogre camp, "After you fell asleep last night, I snuck out the chimney to scout the ogre camp. There are twenty of them. And most of them have fashioned crude armor and weapons out of the spoils they have stolen from the people they have murdered. They seem to be divided into two teams of 10 whenever they leave their camp, 10 stay behind while the other 10 raid, presumably so they can take turns resting. Whoever is leading them or directing them is far from the stupid blockheads that typical ogres present. If we are going to have a good chance at killing them, then we should wait until one of the teams leaves and is beyond range of hearing shouted warnings before we engage the team that is left resting. So, what do you think?" Aurelia's cheeks are slightly red as she looks to you, seemingly for approval.

Zoser- When you return to the frozen circle, you remember the direction you heard the caravan sounds coming from. You also notice that the ground where you woke is still frozen. Off in the distance, to the south, you see a small dust devil swirling, typical for a hot desert day. You can't see any tracks in the sands, as the wind from the day has likely filled them in. As you think about the gargantuan elemental that spoke to you, you start to think of the why of such a creature coming to this place and looking for someone. Perhaps, what happened to you was not your doing, and in happening, drew the attention of powerful beings in the area.

GM: A Knowledge: The Planes check can let you recall more information about the elemental you saw.

Voidrunner's Codex

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