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Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


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*Loki attempts to offer aid to the poor unfortunate woman, while shrieking profusely for help*

OOC: If the woman looks like she is going to pass, and will not survive, he activates his aura to give her comfort in her final moments

GM: Heal check d20+4; 18 on the die; 22; result- you tear of part of her jerkin and wrap it around her head with one of her gloves under it to provide pressure in the dressing, and after a moment it stops the bleeding completely. Nearby townsfolk look in your direction when you called for help, but when they see who is in need of help, they give empty stares in your direction, some have looks of shame, some have looks of disappointment, and others have a look that can be described as hopeful . You stabilize her condition, and about a minute later, she rouses from her unconsciousness, dazed and confused.
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Red took a moment to refasten her scarf into place as she listened to Aurelia lay out their plan of attack and another moment to mull. Taking into account the camp, number of enemies, possible rotations for raiding, and the distinct areas promising good cover and concealment, this did seem like the only way to go.

~Not the best strategy I've ever heard, and taking on 10 ogres is still going to be rough going for just the two of us, but it's certainly not the worst strategy either. I wonder what would compel this slight ranger to tackle an entire contingent of these brutes? She obviously wasn't expecting backup when she found me or she wouldn't have invited me along on her hunt. I wonder. . .~

"Sounds like a solid plan to me."Red concurred at last with a final nod of her head. Rising to her feet and resting her helm back on her head. "We will take them when the raiding party has moved out of range. Until then, we can move up to this location."

She pointed at a particularly secluded copse of trees near enough the camp to spot them leaving, but not close enough to warrant any disguise or subterfuge. Full plate would make her far less than stealthy, but the shade would provide for enough cover to keep a stray gleam of light from streaking to catch the eye of an ogre in passing.

"Perhaps while we wait you would be so kind as to tell me where I am and why you're out here hunting an entire encampment of ogres on your own."

Red shoved open the door to the lodge and stepped out into the forest.


Thaklor turns with a start at the new presence, but as he realizes what he is witnessing he quickly drops to his knees in a bow to this obviously superior being. After the elemental finishes speaking Thaklor pushes himself up enough to speak to it in kind.

You honor me with your presence oh great one. If it is Kossuth's will, I will gladly submit myself to this cleansing. Is there anything I need to know before I begin?"

OOC: What do I know of the creature before me, and also for the white flame in which I'm supposed to cleanse myself? I'm assuming a Knowledge Planes for the prior and a Knowledge Religion for the later. In both cases I rolled up a 15.

GM: With your religion check, any para-elementals and quasi-elementals of fire are considered equals to the standard elementals, with respects to their servitude to the Lord of Fire. With your planes check, you recognize it as a Magma para-elemental, and you know that they are slightly more intelligent than their standard earth and fire kin, with more fluid personalities.

GM: Your religion and planes checks about the Whiteflame allow you to recall that it is the hottest and strongest flame on the Prime Material plane. High priests of Kossuth rarely venture to a Whiteflame location, but when they do, they are there for one of three reasons: they are ready to ascend from the Prime Material to serve the Lord of Fire as a purified petitioner to his realm, they gather to purify relics of enemy faiths in the flame, or they come seeking the aid of powerful elementals that they can call through the flame into this realm. In order to purify yourself, doctrine dictates you must expose your body to the flames while chanting the Prayer of Pure Flame. If the Lord of Fire accepts your petition, the flames will not utterly consume you, unless that is your wish, in which case you will transcend your mortal shell and become a petitioner in his realm. But, to survive, you must clearly speak the Prayer without slurring any words or syllables, whilst the flame consumes your body. If you do not submit to the flames fully, your prayer will not be heard.
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Red Knight- Aurelia follows you, and you almost don't hear her behind you as you walk. "If you use your fancy magic to hide your armor, you'd be a lot quieter in your clothes," she says.

Aurelia helps you along, slowly, to find the best cover and guides quietly where you should place your steps. Once you reach the trees, you are on the far side of them in respects to the ogre encampment. When you have settled into the cover, she leans up next to, very close, and quietly whispers to you, "We're near the town of Longsaddle, east of the Neverwinter Wood. This is a training area used by Lord Nasher, of Neverwinter, for his rangers and scouts. I was on my way here to train when my unit was ambushed by these ogres. The only reason I am still alive is because I fought a running battle, and killed 6 of them myself as I fled. They broke chase after a while, content with their pillaging. I have been slowly picking off stragglers here and there, waiting for an opportunity to strike. I believe with your help, we can do it. All we have to do is lure them close to here, where I can hide and yet still move, but be close enough to them that I can hit them precisely where I need to. Hopefully enough of them will fall for the ruse long enough to thin there numbers down where I can come out and directly engage them. I can out run them all day, its just that I'm afraid of their sprinting charges finding their mark, and those big 'ole clubs of their sure do smart." When she mentions the clubs, she indicates her left thigh, that she shows you is currently in a very rigid bandage with splint. "One of them whacked me pretty good off the wagon, surprised I could still run with a numb leg."

She smirks at you, noticing she has been talking an awful lot for someone supposedly so stealthy, "Anyways, enough about me. What are you going to do to keep them distracted from me as I turn them into pincushions with arrows?"


For several moments of 'relative' silence, the creature seemed to stare back at Thaklor. Then as if he never existed in it's consciousness, it turned and slowly meandered away. Thaklor, bemused by this turn of events, yet not overly surprised stood up. He knew what to do, and had some time to prepare. Returning to the entrance from which he'd come he found likely place to store his equipment in a small corner of the wall. He began to offer up prayer to Kossuth as he disrobed and arranged his gear. He didn't have the customary robes for this ritual though he felt that wouldn't matter in the end, and he would simply come out of the ordeal as naked as the day of his birth. So it was that he approached the great pyre in the center of the cavern with nothing so much as a loincloth to protect his modesty. He doubted the elementals around him would even notice, let alone care. He went as far as he could before his protections would begin to fail before stopping. He stared at the pyre for a time, a black shadow against a white backdrop. Then, he simply dismissed the protective magic one at a time, letting the heat wash over him and burn at his body. Only once fully vulnerable to the raging flames before him did he step forth with a look of intense concentration and determination upon his face. And as he strode forth he began to speak the Prayer of Pure Flame, shouting it into the inferno.


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OOC: Total skill roll was a 10 (base 1+9) for Knowledge the Planes

I will continue in the direction of the caravan and shift my form back to my elven form. I will maintain waste strider as well.


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Kossuth- The heat is sweltering and excruciating, you will be harmed. There are columns of rock you an step on and balance your way up to the flame, but there is no such pillar of stone under the Whiteflame, you must either fly, levitate, or take a leap of faith and hope that the Whiteflame will hold you until your ritual is complete. The Prayer of Pure Flame will take 4 rounds to fully complete, which will require concentration checks. You will also need to to make fortitude saves to stave off some of the effects of your skin and flesh cooking and burning.

Zoser- You travel for about an hour to the south east and you come upon a huge sand dune. Once you climb to the top, you can see clearly for miles. Out in the distance you can see a city on the coastline and a well travelled road leading north out of it. There are several farms built up along what can only be a river and the city is built around the river delta. It is about 8 miles away. You are sure the caravan was taking a path along the tops of sand dunes to get to this city.

GM: you know the creature was an elemental, but are unsure of its exact nature or plane of origin


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"I can't say," Janus says tersely, sheathing his sword with reluctance as he sits. He places his shield at his foot, ready to be snatched up at a moment's notice. "The last thing I remember was pain and then I awoke in this graveyard. I can't remember anything else." He glances around the room again, noting the tactical layout more out of an aversion for looking at the horrid woman than actually preparing for battle.

"If I try to remember, whatever's afflicting me will only cause me further agony."

OOC: Sorry for the delay! Been a busy few days. My last roll in the rollz chatroom is for I believe a Religion check on the old woman. I'm not posting from my computer at the moment.


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I will continue for 8 miles to the city trying to hug the river when I am able to. If allowed to reach the river, I will drink to my hearts content.


Thaklor grits his teeth as the heat and flames begin to burn his flesh. Yet he moves forward nonetheless while doing his best to maintain both his balance and his concentration on the task before him.

OOC: Balance for 4 rounds(if necessary), 13, 9, 19, 8.
Concentration for 4 rounds, 19, 23, 21, 20

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