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Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


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I take the medallion and put it in my pocket and thank him for the gift. As he leaves I wish him well on his journey and marvel a bit at his skeletal steed. "Travel swiftly Roscoe." I whisper to myself, "Darius, I will have to remember this name."

Upon hearing the news of the pyramid appearing to the Northeast, I will head that way immediately and still maintain my waste strider.

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Janus' armor rattles slightly as he recoils from within his second skin. Several retorts bubble up from the sea of his muddled thoughts, ranging from curses to threats to invocations. In the end, after a few moments, he settles for: "No, thank you." Janus forces his tone level, knowing he would not be able to muster cordial. "In honesty, I'm more interested in getting my bearings, and then I'll trouble you and yours no further."


Sheela climbs onto the bat's back. "I am going to call you Mortimer." She says quietly, "Just so that way I have something to call you should we get into a battle." settling onto the bat's back. Sheela sits up straight. "Alright. Mortimer. Lets get to know each other...".

OOC: Going to spend the rest of the day working with the dire bat, riding, hunting, bonding type of thing before heading back to civilization

GM: You and Mortimer hunt the forest like it was easy. While riding him, practicing combat maneuvers, teaching him, you can feel the pull of the wild fill you up. This forest is large and beautiful, and so far, seems untouched by men's hands. The smell of willow, oak, fir, and sassafrass fills the air, as you guide mortimer to dangerous aerial maneuvers successfully. Then you feel the pull of the wild again, and you wildshape into a bear. Mortimer seems startled at first but notices that you still smell like you, and so continues, with a bear on his back. Time passes as you and Mortimer train all day together, and you feel your magic welling up, and the pull of the wild willing you to use it to help areas of the forest you found to have suffered from a lightning storm. Injured deer flock to you. A baby squirrel looks to you for help finding its mother. Other direbats visit and you sense that they are impressed that Mortimer has been chosen to serve you. An angry owlbear even tried to eat you and Mortimer, but you managed to calm it down (nat 19 on Animal Empathy check). After helping the plants and animals in the forest, you can really feel yourself let go and connect to the spirits of the forest. And in so doing, you and Mortimer find comfort in a small grove. There the spirits praise you for your efforts to help their home and denizens. You swell with joy, but then remember that this is all too familiar, as if this event has happened before, back whe.... PAIN strikes you. The cold, mind-numbing, searing pain drops you to your knees. You gasp for air, shiver, and struggle to maintain an upright appearance. Slowly, your mind stops trying to remember the past, and the pain slowly passes. You require rest, but you feel filled up with Nature's Purpose and Resolve.

You have reconnected yourself to your Nature Portfolio and divine powers. Mortimer receives the spirits blessing and a measure of your power and is now at his full strength according to his sheet. You gain 20 Qxp and 5000 XP.
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I leap forward, Wind Parts Reeds, striking with two fists at his left knee, left foot lashing out at his right knee..

OOC: d20=13+13=26 first attack. d20=17+13=30 second attack

GM: The dragon parried your first blow, but it left him open to your second, which connects solidly. (AC 29). In future, also include damage rolls with each attack if you think it may be high enough to hit.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merlin's Reaction

The Dungeon Master said:
Merlin- Your inherited abilities work, but seem diminished somehow, as if the divine power behind them is only barely there. After pondering over the mummified man on the table, you realize that it is an attempt to trap this man's soul within these standing stones as sort of a prison. The corpse does not detect as evil, but within the cone, out beyond the stones, in the fog, you detect multiple presences of evil. As well, darting about unseen within the stone circle, is an overwhelming presence of evil. It darts around through your detection range, always along the outside edges of the stone circle. As if it were trying to escape from an unseen cage. As you try to contemplate the meaning of such things, the unseen evil presence suddenly stops darting about, directly in the middle of your detection spell's area, at the edge of the stone circle. Then the evil presences in the fog stop moving, and all is silent. The overwhelming evil presence begins moving toward you. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, as you realize that your sensing it has alerted it to your presence...

Sensing the entity, Merlin uses his innate Protection Vs. Evil spell-like ability; even a diminished protection is better than no protection at all.

~Hmmm... the entity wants out of the stone circle. The other entities want IN. They must be trying to free him? Then perhaps this poor being volunteered to contain the entity within the stone circle at the cost of his life? I wonder if the fog prevents ME from leaving? I must attempt to do so, and I must do it now!~

Merlin grabs the bag with his things in it, and spreads his wings; he flies straight up into the air, a distance of 40 feet. Then he attempts to fly out of the stone circle.

Initiative roll, if needed: 16

GM: No apology required. You take flight and once you get about 30 to 40 feet up you slam your head into an invisible wall in the sky, dazzling you for 1 round but not causing any real damage. You press against it with your wings but it doesn't budge. Your knowledge of magic is telling you that it is a very high caster level, solid forcecage effect. You notice that the evil presence below you remains on the ground, but it has moved to be directly below you. You hear whispers in the dark corners of your mind, memories of being adrift in the astral plane and hearing such maddening whispers are recalled.
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Red scanned her new teammate. Judging by her response, there was something profound about this particular breed of ogre. She took a moment to scan her memory, briefly, trying to avoid that awful and aching pain for something to do with blue-skinned ogres.

OOC: Will I need to roll knowledge check? If so, it will be using my base score because I have no skill points in anything even remotely related to knowledge anything.

GM: You remember from your training at the academy that Ogres that are organized and led by blue-skinned versions of their kind are much more dangerous, including the magical abilities of the blue-skinned ones, and that they typically can unleash dangerous and damaging magics
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Loki- The voice behind the door has a stutter in it, "Ye.. Yessir, just a moment." You can hear clamoring of dishes, moving of boxes, a chest being opened and a lute being broken as it is forced into a space not meant to hold it. Then door lock clicks and the door swings open. A man wearing the hides of beasts stands before you, quite tall and heavy, but with a sickly look. The color from his face, eyes, and hair looks drained. He is weezing while breathing. He waves you in, "Please, come in, and put her on the table. Jessiera has the same affliction as I, but do not worry, we can't spread it to others, it is merely punishment from Odin." The man picks up a healer's kit and sets to work properly dressing her wounds with poultice and bandage. "I am called Garith. Milord, I did not expect to ever see you in person in this life. I have never stopped believing in you, even after what happened at Asgard. And so, Odin punishes us for remembering and teaching."
Garith.jpg jesseira.jpg
Garith Jesseira

Zoser- The sun starts setting just to the right of the direction you are travelling, across the desert sands. Once it has dipped just below the horizon, you see a tiny streak of fire flash along the horizon out of the sun's last light. You recall that seeing the streaking last light of the sun in the desert is a portent of a good night to come. The wind is calm as you travel across the cool night sands. The moon is full and the stars bright in the clear sky. You can hear coyotes howling in the distance, and the clicks of some scorpions on a rock as you pass by. Then you notice out in the distance infront of you is a large, far-stretching patch of very dark colored sand, Blacksand. And out in the sand, you can see a large figure in the moonlight. It stands motionless, quiet. You notice that the whole area is quite. Devoid of life of all kinds. And unnaturally cold.

Helm- "Well, deary, you now sit in the mausoleum built by my kin. The Von Carsteins," she informs. "We were once a noble, wealthy family of Baldur's Gate, but we were undone by our own arrogance, and dealings with the undead of this great cemetary. You see, Mannfred Von Carstein, our elder, made a deal with an old and evil vampire that lived here. And in so doing, doomed the whole family. Every member that didn't accept his gift were put to the sword, or in many cases, the poison. The rest that did, well they've never been happier. Living it up large with their fancy balls, and weeding their greedy fingers into everyone's business up and down the whole Sword Coast, from Luskan and the Hosttowers, to the northern edges of Calimshan, beyond Amn." She pauses to take a slurp of gruel. "Oh but I do tire of talking, please, tell more about you!" She smiles excitedly.

GM: You have a vision in your mind. It wanders to normal laws and customs of civilized areas. You recall reading about crimes committed with no victims but that are still found to be heinous and punishable by death. One leaps to the forefront of your mind: to lay with the undead as lovers. Another comes: to consume the dead. And yet another: to raise undead for any purpose other than life or death, self preservation.
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*after placing the woman on the table, Loki remains silent for a short time, while Garith treats her. Steadying himself from the toll his abilities have taken on him, he finally speaks*

"I had thought her claim of punishment by Odin to be the ravings of a madwoman. I am less certain now. Father does not usually have the time or inclination to see to the punishment of random villagers, personally. Though I would not put it past one of the others in the market to have prayed for this affliction, and Father granting it without thought for the consequences. He can be kind, when it suits him. However infrequent that may be. Far more often he will view the mistakes of others as malevolence. Once this woman is treated, we must discuss your attempts to cure this malady. If you have not yet sought simple curative magics to remove the ailment, that is easily remedied with the coin in my pocket. What crimes so heinous warrant a life in forced seclusion, squalor, and misery? Punishing someone merely for following me is harsh, even for Father. Do the villagers accuse you falsely of some other cruelty? Have you opposed the son of some ruler in this village, and they seek harm to you as redress for the perceived slight? At first I took the looks on some of the others as hope that Jesseira might die from her injuries... looking back... it may have been fear to aid her, or hope that someone else was brace enough to help her. Your village must be experiencing dire times indeed."


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"Intriguing." I cast Shroud of Undeath to protect myself from the negative energy of the blacksand and turning it into healing if I need it. I wade out into the blacksand to see what this figure is. I make no attempt at trying to hide myself upon my approach.

GM: Your spell makes the hazard of the Blacksand negligible. As you walk unheeded toward the tall figure in the moonlight, you can see other tall figures in similar stature farther away, also standing in the Blacksand. And far in the distance, you can see some glittering on a tall, pyramid-like structure, in the moonlight. As you close the distance with the tall figure, you can make out the true nature of the giant infront of you: it is a skeleton. And it turns toward you, its red pinpoint eyes flare, and it begins jogging toward you! It is far enough away for you to get a surprise round before rolling for initiative
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Janus allows the righteous flame that had been holding restrained to break free of his self-discipline. Baldur's Gate. The Sword Coast. Even if it's wrong it's enough, time to end this charade.

The crusader's hand comes to his sword's hilt, metal creaking as his grip ratchets ever tighter. "Honestly, I can't tell you much about about myself except for one thing I distinctly remember. I am a sworn warrior of Siamorphe..." he trails off, taking up his shield and rising to his full height. With a harsh scrape of metal against leather, Janus draws his sword. Dropping into a half crouch, shield warding, Janus continues. "...and the universal laws are clear. I have witnessed evidence of three transgressions against the dead. All of them call for your death."

Janus' glare tightens, a burgeoning sense of expectation growing in his breast. "Stand and deliver, or be destroyed."

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