Level Up (A5E) Going old school: Gold as XP

Glade Riven

I got to thinking that this could be an interesting dynamic. Sure, a narrator would have to increase the wealth of drops to compensate for XP, and sure, players could buy (maybe) higher tiered magical items at earlier levels, but it would allow for strongholds to be invested in fairly early. And you can end up with a player turning into Batman - reliant on gadgets, wealth, and brains when dealing with Justice League level threats, with the rest of the party having super powers. But the flatter scaling of 5e in general and Adv 5e keeping the same scaling, it would be viable for a rich-but-low-level character to keep up with the higher powered ones if they play it smart.

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Glade Riven

Oh, for sure. It's an interesting concept for gaming but not one I'd like as a baseline. Although it kind of is a baseline with the stronghold rules, since strongholds are meant to be an alternative to dumping money into magical items.

Another option that I've been thinking about is letting players "cash out" their XP if it hasn't been committed to gaining a level. Down-time lets them "spend" their XP to get gold (or something of GP value). But that's just the background mechanic. Maybe the cleric runs a fund raiser, or the fighter gives pointers to some drinking buddies, or somebody just does some odd jobs around town for a while.

Maybe tie it into the destinies, like wealth.

Ooh. Now that’s some design space I hadn’t thought about. Different destinies getting xp for different things.
Just for reference, I recall in some AD&D 2e supplement there was something similar: rogues getting extra XP for each GP gained, fighters for each new tipe of enemy defeated or tactic employed, etc. I don't remember the details now, might have been in some Players' Options (maybe Skills and Powers).

Just for reference, I recall in some AD&D 2e supplement there was something similar: rogues getting extra XP for each GP gained, fighters for each new tipe of enemy defeated or tactic employed, etc. I don't remember the details now, might have been in some Players' Options (maybe Skills and Powers).
That was in the base PHB for 2E (page 117 of the April 1995 printing special edition). Appropriate text: "Individual Experience Awards: Player Characters also earn experience points for individual deeds, as determined by their class. Generally, each character earns points for doing actions appropriate to his group. Warriors earn additional experience for defeating creatures. The more difficult the battle, the greater the number of experience points. Wizards earn points for using their spells for specific purposes. The wizard who walks into the woods and casts his spells for no reason doesn't gain experience points; the wizard who casts a lightning bolt at a beholder has used his spell for a purpose. He gains experience points. Wizards also earn experience points for researching new spells and creating magic items. Priests can earn experience points for researching new spells and creating magical items. Priests can earn experience points by spreading their belief and using their powers in services of their deity. Rogues, who tend to have a larcenous streak, earn experience points by using their special abilities and finding or earning gold."

I also know that older editions had a 1:1 GP to XP conversion for all characters (page 85 of the Efreeti cover DMG under "Experience Value of Treasure Taken". ) but also had suggestions for weaker XP rewards.

That was in the base PHB for 2E (page 117 of the April 1995 printing special edition). Appropriate text: "Individual Experience Awards: Player Characters also earn experience points for individual deeds, as determined by their class. Generally, each character earns points for doing actions appropriate to his group. Warriors earn additional experience for defeating creatures. The more difficult the battle, the greater the number of experience points. Wizards earn points for using their spells for specific purposes. The wizard who walks into the woods and casts his spells for no reason doesn't gain experience points; the wizard who casts a lightning bolt at a beholder has used his spell for a purpose. He gains experience points. Wizards also earn experience points for researching new spells and creating magic items. Priests can earn experience points for researching new spells and creating magical items. Priests can earn experience points by spreading their belief and using their powers in services of their deity. Rogues, who tend to have a larcenous streak, earn experience points by using their special abilities and finding or earning gold."

I also know that older editions had a 1:1 GP to XP conversion for all characters (page 85 of the Efreeti cover DMG under "Experience Value of Treasure Taken". ) but also had suggestions for weaker XP rewards.
I remember something more detailed than this, an actual table specialized for the individual classes and the amount of XP gained for each activity. The description given above is basically a description of when to give XP in general, and one of the reasons why I ignore Xp altogether.
For the fighter there's a 100% overlap between gaining XP for defeating monsters and the indication given above.
The only thing I liked about this (as opposed to 3.5) is that creating magic items or researching magic actually gives XP instead of consuming them, so it was a much more rewarding activity. I love that LU has actual mechanics for the last two, and the costs are very reasonable and generally acceptable.

I remember something more detailed than this, an actual table specialized for the individual classes and the amount of XP gained for each activity.
I think the 2E DMG breaks it down in more detail, but my copy is in storage right now and I can't verify.

The only thing I liked about this (as opposed to 3.5) is that creating magic items or researching magic actually gives XP instead of consuming them, so it was a much more rewarding activity. I love that LU has actual mechanics for the last two, and the costs are very reasonable and generally acceptable.

Same. Regardless of whatever caster I played I tended to be very prolific in researching new spells (did some crafting of items too, but no where near as many). I'm also thrilled A5E has fleshed those out.


I just tied it into milestone XP, where if you return with a Treasure Hoard, you get a chunk of Milestone XP, like described in 05E dmg.

simply make this the only way to get XP, and you get the same effect

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