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Goliath Warden Build Help


First Post
Yah, Winters Harold was the best option for me.

Could we hire a cleric npc? What are the rules to that?

The items are great. I'll keep them in mind.

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First Post
It's up to your DM if you guys can hire a cleric or not. There are no real rules for hiring NPCs that I am aware of. If your DM is a good DM and you guys are having a really hard time healing then he may supply you with an NPC with some limited healing capabilities.

You can't rely on that though. If your group is missing a role, in this case a leader (healer), then each member of the group will have to do a small part of that role. Someone suggested taking a warlord multi-class feat, in fact it might behoove other members of the party to take multi-class feats that come with healing abilities as well - at least early on. I think you'll find at higher levels your group will harden up and the leader role will be less missed, though still appreciated.


First Post
So we made it to level 2. I was dropped twice, Kolbalds with their gang up ability and Drakes rending me apart. I've got the Utility power chosen, but not the Feat.

I'm thinking Toughness for the 5 extra hit points.

Is there any other feats that can make me more durable without the need to spend healing surges, as we have no leader?

Maybe something that increases my Defences?


First Post
Toughness is a good feat that any defender should pick up. Also remember to take advantage of your stone's endurance racial power. Whenever you've marked a pile of opponents, activate stone's endurance for an extra 5 damage resistance per hit.

My other advice is to save your action points exclusively for your second wind. You're not a dwarf, unfortunately, so using your standard to second wind can be a little inconvenient. It's another ability that heals you and raises your defenses, however, and remember your Earthstrength ability gives you a big bonus to your AC when you second wind. If you get bloodied, go ahead and use that action point to second wind, then get in someone's face.


First Post
Another problem could be your party's tactics. You're a defender, but you can only take so much. (You'll get steadily more invulnerable as you level up don't worry.) Since you're the only melee character you'll be taking all the front line attention, which is a lot. You've got two strikers, so they should be focusing fire on the most dangerous opponents attacking you while your wizard (controller) deals with groups of weaker opponents and discourages the enemies from attacking the back lines.


First Post
I would have been fine, except one drake crit me and I do believe they have bonus damage if another drake is near by.

I took Imp Init, giving me +4 to init. Though now I have buyers remorse on not getting the extra 5 hit points. I'll pick up a creghammer later for the Warden Crushing Earthstrength feat.

Do you think I made the right choice?


First Post
Ehhhhh... Improved Initiative is an ok feat in my opinion, but you would be better served by having Toughness. Wardens have more HP than any other class and you should definitely specialize in your strengths. Remember that more hit points means a higher surge value as well.

Regarding Crushing Earthstrength, if you were a nova warden that would be one thing, but your job is not to do damage. Abilities that grant you extra damage can be a trap. Hitting stuff is very important for your abilities to work, however. So to hit bonuses are a-ok. Have you gotten Weapon Expertise yet? Please say yes.

Some other feats to consider are;
  • Mark of Warding, which improves your defenses slightly and turns your mark from a -2 penalty to a -3 penalty
  • Sudden Roots, slows enemies that you hit with opportunity attacks. This makes you slightly more sticky and almost impossible to get away from while in Form of Winter's Herald.


First Post
I do have Mark of Warding (First level Feat) and it makes me the most attractive guy in the party. All the baddies want to be my Friend, surrounding me asking for an autograph.

Joking aside, I've been in 4 battles and the baddies if marked by me attack me, why suffer the -3. So Sudden Roots isn't that good of a choice, I can't see a time I could use it.

From the DM
"I'd like to play without the various expertise feats. They offer to large a bonus to pass up but are otherwise boring. If people end up missing too much I'll simply adjust the monster defenses accordingly."
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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I would not be taking improved init or toughness in your position. There are plenty of warden-specific feats that will do you better than either of those.

Sudden roots should be a fairly early choice, for example.


First Post
Sudden roots is a great feat, but not for my Board and Sword build. The baddies, when marked, attack me. Why leave and get the -3 to attack.

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