D&D 5E Need help with paladin sorcerer build


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i'd like to play a paladin-sorcerer character. I plan on going 6 level of paladin because i want the aura ( i'm thinking about vengeance subclass but other suggestions are welcome) and then sorcerer main (divine soul or shadow, since i dont like the flavour of aberrant and clockwork). The stats are very good, i got 18 17 17 16 15 14, and tasha is available. Now i don't wanna be a smite machine, i wanna use spells and eventually fuel some smite. I'd like to help the party and to fill every role i can (without stealing any spotlight ofc) within the limits of the game (though some homebrew could also be added if you wanna suggest some) also I think i'll use a sword and a shield. I hope the gm will allow the sorc sublclasses to get more spells just like tasha's ones (my goal isn't to break games, but i'd like to have a wider choice and not just twin haste and the usual stuff, i don't have an optimizer's mind i just like to cast some cool spells)
My questions are, other than a build itself:
some must-have spells
whether or not to take 1-2 hexblade dips
and some feats

the more info you wanna put, the better, also consider i only plan to play this on campaigns that get to higher levels, so if it's something possible to begin with, i'd like to have fun by being "efficient" thoughout the whole journey whether i start from low levels, mid or high levels
i thank you all very much in advance

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Welcome. It really depends on what you are trying to do with your sorcadin. Are they

i'd like to play a paladin-sorcerer character. I plan on going 6 level of paladin because i want the aura ( i'm thinking about vengeance subclass but other suggestions are welcome) and then sorcerer main (divine soul or shadow, since i dont like the flavour of aberrant and clockwork).
Vengeance is a perfectly good choice. Good channels and spells that generally work well without needing to tailor yourself or the group to a specific situation (misty step, in particular, is good all around for anyone).
The stats are very good, i got 18 17 17 16 15 14, and tasha is available.
Let's just cut to the chase, are you playing this in an actual campaign, or are you just dreaming up a character for your own amusement*? Because, if it is the former, and this isn't some DM-authorized power-fantasy campaign, this is going to get shot down. *we have all done that
Now i don't wanna be a smite machine, i wanna use spells and eventually fuel some smite. I'd like to help the party and to fill every role i can (without stealing any spotlight ofc) within the limits of the game (though some homebrew could also be added if you wanna suggest some) also I think i'll use a sword and a shield. I hope the gm will allow the sorc sublclasses to get more spells just like tasha's ones (my goal isn't to break games, but i'd like to have a wider choice and not just twin haste and the usual stuff, i don't have an optimizer's mind i just like to cast some cool spells)
If you want more spells, perhaps some other paladin archetype would work, and you can take Fey Touched and Shadow Touched as feats (alongside a race with spells, such as Hexblood).
My questions are, other than a build itself:
some must-have spells
whether or not to take 1-2 hexblade dips
and some feats
If the party has no cleric, then lesser restoration is near must-have. Your sorcerer should get shield (and/or silvery barbs), absorb elements, and a ranged cantrip. If you go divine soul, also grab guidance and healing word. Other than that, decide on a role -- if you want to add to the party utility, Knock, Enhance Ability, See Invisibility, and such are useful. If you want to help in combat, shield of faith or similar might help.
the more info you wanna put, the better, also consider i only plan to play this on campaigns that get to higher levels, so if it's something possible to begin with, i'd like to have fun by being "efficient" thoughout the whole journey whether i start from low levels, mid or high levels
i thank you all very much in advance
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?


First Post
Welcome. It really depends on what you are trying to do with your sorcadin. Are they

Vengeance is a perfectly good choice. Good channels and spells that generally work well without needing to tailor yourself or the group to a specific situation (misty step, in particular, is good all around for anyone).

Let's just cut to the chase, are you playing this in an actual campaign, or are you just dreaming up a character for your own amusement*? Because, if it is the former, and this isn't some DM-authorized power-fantasy campaign, this is going to get shot down. *we have all done that

If you want more spells, perhaps some other paladin archetype would work, and you can take Fey Touched and Shadow Touched as feats (alongside a race with spells, such as Hexblood).

If the party has no cleric, then lesser restoration is near must-have. Your sorcerer should get shield (and/or silvery barbs), absorb elements, and a ranged cantrip. If you go divine soul, also grab guidance and healing word. Other than that, decide on a role -- if you want to add to the party utility, Knock, Enhance Ability, See Invisibility, and such are useful. If you want to help in combat, shield of faith or similar might help.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?
hi thx for the answer
yes i plan on playing this on an actual campaign. The gm is fine with the stats if that's what you are worried(no disrespect intended with the term) about. What do you suggests for a more spellcasting paladin? i was thinking on going vengeance bc first im not sure if i'll get elven accuracy(in the case i'd dip hexblade) in the future and i've heard its channel divinity is one of the few that works best with it, also vengeance's misty step and hold person are spells i would have taken in the future too. But again if you have better ideas i'll gladly listen. For the last thing you pointed, i meant that i'm planning this build for long campaigns, so that efficiency and functionality over the various "tiers" are to be considered when making the build (as long as it's something possible to do) hope i made myself clearer


As long as i get to be the frog
what i see as your bread and butter is something like

Quicken bonus action - hold person
Reaction - silvery barbs to help it land
Action - 2 attacks + smites for major damage

  • If you want to not just be a smite machine and use your spell slots for actual spells (presumably more than a few with concentration) then warcaster and resilient:con are fine choices.
  • Combat feats like Crusher/Slasher/Piercer, Elven Accuracy, Shield Master, or Polearm Master are good (although, for the later two, you will have competing uses for bonus actions).
  • Mobility and Alert are good on any build.
  • Inspiring Leader works well with your Cha (although as XGtE and TCoE have come out, there are more and more sources of bonus HP).
  • Fey Touched and Shadow Touched are solid ways of advancing your casting stat while picking up additional spell options and uses per day.
  • Just taking ASIs is a solid option.

Warlock (hexblade) dip:
The question becomes, what does it get you?
  • Your stats are such that you don't need to be using your cha to attack. Elven Accuracy does work for Cha, so there is some advantage (with a feat), but this is possibly offset by the opportunity cost of what happens if you run into a belt of giant strength.
  • You do pick up a good ranged attack, but only if you take 2 levels or a feat for agonizing blast. Otherwise it is a decent enough ranged attack, but only marginally better than what a sorcerer already gets (and sorcerers get a lot of cantrips, meaning they can have a backup one if they are facing a fireproof enemy, for example). And you have the stats to switch-hit to bows if needed (especially if your DM is lax with shield donning/doffing rules).
  • A few extra spells known, and a 1st level slot that charges per LR.
If that's worth it to you, go ahead. Otherwise, don't.


As long as i get to be the frog
ok but what about the feats and the hexblade dip though?
my initial thought is go genie warlock 1. Take EB and then the feat that gives you agonizing blast (eldritch adept).

Primarily use eb. Use hex if you need just damage. Use control spells otherwise. If something gets in melee pull out your sword and smite it to death.

Use your movement to position your aura where it’s most needed.

*if your dm allows hexblade curse to apply the damage bonus to each magic missile then go hexblade instead.

If this is what you want to do then let’s talk feats.

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