D&D 5E Goodman Games latest OAR, Grimtooth's Old-School Traps


I crit!
As part of Goodman Games OAR line Grimtooth's Old-School Traps for 5e and DCC is comming to Backerkit.

Produced under license from Rebellion, Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps features more than 150 traps suitable for your modern dungeon crawl! Every trap is explained, illustrated, and fully statted for immediate use at the game table. Curated by legendary trap master Grimtooth the Troll, this collection includes awesome engines of destruction, delver dicers, character crushers, adventurer anxieties, minion munchers, hero haranguers, general tricks, and other rare and dangerous hazards for use in defending game master treasures! You want it and you need it. And if you don’t order one, Grimtooth the Troll will hunt you down!


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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
This one is interesting. I guess I had assumed Caverns of Thracia was next, but that's probably a lot of work -- at least as much as Dark Tower, which hasn't fulfilled to its backers yet, I believe.

But these traps are a pretty bad fit for most 5E games (imagine a dungeon run by Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius) and are a different kind of wacky than DCC. This would be a better book for another OSR system, honestly.


I crit!
This one is interesting. I guess I had assumed Caverns of Thracia was next, but that's probably a lot of work -- at least as much as Dark Tower, which hasn't fulfilled to its backers yet, I believe.

But these traps are a pretty bad fit for most 5E games (imagine a dungeon run by Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius) and are a different kind of wacky than DCC. This would be a better book for another OSR system, honestly.
I've used GrimmTooth's traps in DCC, though usually I prefer the players know there is a trap and play from that point, especially the goofier ones. It's extremely fun.


I crit!
Juat recently finished getting the first 6 OAR volumes, and noticed they scrubbed anything about them from the GG page, so it seems there won't be any more TSR volumes. But this seems interesting.
If you want any I’d get them sooner rather than later.


This one is interesting. I guess I had assumed Caverns of Thracia was next, but that's probably a lot of work -- at least as much as Dark Tower, which hasn't fulfilled to its backers yet, I believe.

But these traps are a pretty bad fit for most 5E games (imagine a dungeon run by Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius) and are a different kind of wacky than DCC. This would be a better book for another OSR system, honestly.
Yeah... to be honest, as fun a read as Grimtooth's is, 95% of its contents are convoluted to the point where I just cannot see myself ever putting them into a game. The burden of having to describe such Byzantine creations outweighs the fun of the trap.


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh new trap filled funnel!

Part of what makes deciding to get this a little more difficult is the bifurcation of DCC and 5E stuff, when it not cler to me that Grimtooth needs to be that system specific. It makes more sense as DCC, maybe, but I see a lot more 5E in play...

Voidrunner's Codex

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