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Grand List of iPhone Apps for D&D Gaming


I've used HM3HJEWJWW36 - I've got an iPad and I'll try to give some feedback.

To use the codes, click 'Redeem' at the very bottom of the screen in the iTunes store. I think these codes need you to have a US iTunes Store account.

Regarding apps accessing the Compendium, I don't know how it works - I'm no programmer - but there's an iPhone app called 'Compendium Helper' which does it well, and the Scryer website uses a separate interface to make it work. I'm sure most people exploring this have investigated those methods, but I thought I'd point them out.

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If you find any applications for Blackberry Curve please let me know. I hate that Iphone gets all of the attention, I perfer a blackberry in every possible way exept the apps.

I dunno, my wife had an IPod Touch and a Blackberry. She just switched to an iPhone 3gs 32GB

Initially, she thought the BB would be nice, it has a keyboard, web browser, email, BB messenger, so she could surf and stuff when not near wifi.


the browser sucks compared to Safari
the email client sucks at handling attachments, compared to iPhone
the track ball retainer clip is notoriously fragile and pricey to "legitimately" replace
the battery life is worse than the iPod Touch or Iphone 3g that I have
the BB PIN system for exchanging info so you can BB IM is painfully tedious to look up

the only thing she liked was googleTalk, GoogleSync, and BB messenger because IMing with it and GoogleTalk was free, whereas using MSN or yahoo IM actually cost you SMS messages even though it wasn't SMS (we found out AT&T's price gouging when her 1 month trial with the Tilt, a WinCE phone) revealed that.

GoogleSync was nice, because it keeps your calendar and contacts synced up with your google account. Switching phones literally meant setting up Google Sync on the iPhone, and suddenly all her stuff was there from her BB.

For work, I have a Verizon BB, and it's lame. Verizon limits your usage, so I avoid using it for anything except work emails. Additionally, BB just changed from using a standard USB charging connector to a new "different" USB connector that is non-standard. Despite the EU and a lot of other countries and the cell phone manufacturers all agreeing to use the USB standard. not that I like Apple's funky USB cable, but at least its standard for most Apple toys.

While BB was once the king of smart PDAs, they are losing the war. Google and Apple are pretty much on the right track of making small portable computers that happen to be able to make phone calls and are shaped like a cell phone.


Arcadian Knight
I am a Droid fan... who also has an itouch... way better phone system on Verizon in our Area So Apple lost out. Even so way better display on my Droid (twice the resolution crisper images big time) The two browsers I have ummm do not suck at all. The Dolphin one is great. I can load anything on it I want I use it as spare zip drive to take files form home to work and vice versi... , 16gb card and I have a spare and can swap out batteries too if I need to. It sounds really commercial like but damn Droid kicks. One of my wifes favorite elements she calls the Garmin (it has voice out put for navigation)

I am kind of not surprised the BB is not impressive old interface paradigm they haven't caught up.

I really dont need pages designed specifically for the Droid normal websites including this one here even work well on it.


First Post
Hey, I found this list useful while looking for apps to help with DMing, unfortunately there wasn't anything that did what I wanted, for example, the initiative trackers are slow to input, painful to use or just lacked the features to make them useful for my situation (can't add multiple of the same monster?!). So I've gone ahead and written my own


I basically wrote it for my own needs as a DM running a 4e campaign so reordering of initiative order is done by dragging cells around instead of inputting everybodies initiative numbers, its easy to add damage to multiple monsters for burst/blast attacks, shows bloodies enemies and defenses, groups like-monster names in the initiative order etc... it really compliments my needs and I plan to expand it in the future based on user feedback (and for my own evil DMing purposes ;) )

One thing I'm keen on implementing is being able to save encounters so I can set up a bunch before a game and load them as needed (although its fairly quick to add monsters to the encounter atm anyway)

Its just been submitted but if you want to review it ill give out some review codes once its been accepted
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First Post
It took longer than I wanted but, i4e is now available on iPad. The new version of i4e has been converted into a Universal app containing both iPhone and iPad native version of the app. You can find the app here.
  • - Improved support for importing from DDI Character Builder
  • - Augmented power tracking and power points
  • - Easier power editing, multiple attack types
  • - Completely re-designed iPad interface
  • - Custom keyboards to help speed entry
  • - Updated import site to allow you to edit everything using a full sized keyboard
  • - Import site also has links to DDI entries so that you can easily copy/paste information

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