Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
September 21, 2016: 08:5 AM: This is the restored version of my first campaign thread, which was reconstructed after what I like to call "The Great ENWorld Crash of 2016." When the crash occurred two days ago (September 19, 2016) the database was corrupted to such a point that I lost my second campaign thread completely; my first campaign thread, which I posted in March 2016, lost all of its replies except for the first 8. (The original number of replies: 162!! That's so depressing, ha ha.) Thus, I lost 154 posts by myself and my players, which had been posted over a three month period, during June - September 2016.

But hey, crashes happen, and life moves on. So I went to Google, and looked through the cached pages, and found about 90% of the text of those posts, and saved it to a flash drive. I'm not going to re-post all of it. I will simply re-post the background materials that I think the players would like to have access to, and then I will re-create the second campaign thread from scratch, and summarize the events to the point where gameplay can continue. And of course, from now on, I will make periodic backups of these pages, so that I will not be forced to repeat this experience in the future.

This game runs 3.x rules; it is a combination of 3.0, 3.5, my own house rules, and bits and pieces that I have integrated from other systems, such as Pathfinder; It will start on June 20, 2016. In the meantime, players should make accounts for the following websites:

1) ROLLZ (This is the official online dice rolling system that the game will use. You should join dice room GTGE_Chap7 to make your rolls.)
LINK: Roleplaying Dice Roller · Rolz

2) MYTHWEAVERS (This is the official online character sheet system that the game will use. You will need to share your sheet with TellerianHawke.)

NOTE: The dice room on Rollz will change at the end of each chapter. New dice rooms will follow the same pattern (such as GTGE_Chap8, etc.)

Please add color to your posts! You can use whatever colors you like.

My personally preferred colors are:

~Thought texts are enclosed with the WEAK APPROXIMATION (~) symbols, like so.~

"Dialogue is enclosed in quotation marks, like so."

Descriptive text is simply text without any enclosing marks. You can make descriptive text bold, if you want to emphasize something. Or you can use italics. Or you can do both.

The campaign will start in the Free City of Dyvers. The mayor of Dyvers is a reclusive lord, rumored to be an elf of ancient age, and albino complexion, known as Margull The Pale. Other rumors exist about Margull as well; some say he is in fact a demon, while others say he is an undead abomination. Of course, there exists no proof of the allegations, at least not that anyone has been able to discover. But since Dyvers has prospered greatly under Margull's rule these last 338 years, no one has bothered to complain about his longevity. (Margull was elected ruler of Dyvers by the Landed Gentry shortly after the sudden death of the former Magistrate, who bore a similar name [Margus] in CY 620. Margull requested a 5-year leave of absence "to tie up loose ends," before beginning his duties, and the Gentry granted it, appointing Larissa Hunter, the city's Knight Captain, as interim Magistrate.) Margull assumed the office of Magistrate in CY 625, and changed his title to Lord Mayor in CY 628.

CURRENT TIME AND DATE AT START OF CAMPAIGN: Patchwall 9, CY 963, 5:00 AM (Just before dawn.)


Restored Campaign Thread (Combines 1st and 2nd Chapters, Reconstructed After The Crash)

Chapter 3 Campaign Thread

Chapter 4 Campaign Thread

Respen's Gambit (Side Adventure Thread, Connected To Chapter 4)

Chapter 5 Campaign Thread

Chapter 6 Campaign Thread

Chapter 7 Campaign Thread (Current)
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Background Info On The Free City of Dyvers, AKA The City of Sails

Here is a "general overview" map of how the city is organized:


When I refer to the Trades District, I am referring to the Northern, Northeastern, Eastern, or Southeastern sections of the city.

When I refer to the Dock District, I am referring to the Upper Northwestern section of the city.

When I refer to the Royal Grounds, I am referring to the raised plateau in the center-most Southern part of the city, where the Nobility lives; travel on the streets of the Royal Grounds for the purposes of passing through is permitted to all; entrance into any public place in the Royal Grounds (government offices, mercantile shops, restaurants, inns, etc.) is also permitted to all; However, there are sections of the Royal Grounds which are gated, and travel into and out of these gated areas requires a Writ of Nobility issued by the mayor. There are also several "members only" buildings (private clubs, private restaurants, private guilds, etc.) which also require a Writ of Nobility to enter; gated areas and members only buildings are heavily guarded and possession of Writs are strictly enforced.

When I refer to the Old Town, I am referring to the Lower Northwestern, Western, and Southwestern sections of the city.

Places of Interest (Check Back Often, I will update this post from time to time, in order to add things as we go):

Laramon's Tower (Gray Elf Wizard Emeritus of the Dyvers Mage Guild, entrance by invitation only, occasionally accepts commissions for magic item creation.) Dock District (DD1 on the map.)

Margull's Tower (Mayor's Office) Public access, center-most section of the Royal Grounds. Strangely, this office is completely unguarded! Rumor has it that the mayor has told the guardsmen (many times) that their talents are wasted here, and that they would serve a more useful purpose by guarding other buildings in the city.

Trade Gate (TD1 on the map) - The most heavily used gate in the city, because of the commerce generated by the Trades District. Entering by this gate often takes hours. However, it is also the least restricted, since the Trade District also serves as the city's Foreign District.

The Dyvers Mage Guild - entrance is by paid fee, located in the Old Town, just south of the Dock District, against the Western wall of the city, near the Old Town gate.

The Seven Sails Tavern - A cheap, gritty hellhole located in the Dock District, where sailors go to congregate, and to pick fights with newcomers.

The Minotaur & Kobold - A tavern / restaurant located in the Trades District, which serves mid-level merchant clientele. The sign depicts a Kobold being impaled on a trident by a Minotaur, and held in the air, spraying blood. Supposedly, they have the best ale (imported Dwarven Redwheat, by exclusive contract for the Central Flanaess) and the best cheesecake in the city.

Dog & Hammer - A Dwarven weaponsmith by the name of Eldek Hammergold runs this weapon shop in the Trades District; his sign depicts a dog carrying a blacksmith's hammer in its mouth. Eldek can make any weapon, but specializes in axes.

Jocelyn Jharmenliefner - (Dock District) Jocelyn is the owner and captain of a ship called Lady of the Lake, which is usually docked in a large, well-maintained slip. Jocelyn is a leather merchant; when her ship is docked, her shop (in the Trades District) is open. Her shop closes whenever she leaves port on business. (She buys and sells leather and various other goods abroad, although her shop is strictly leather goods.) Her (now deceased) mother, Jelinda, was the first proprietor and owner of this business venture; when Jelinda died, Jocelyn inherited everything. Jocelyn's skill as a leather craftsman is unequaled, although she maintains that her mother was even better.

Seamus Muldoon - (Dock District) Seamus is the owner and captain of a ship called The S.S. Tallpine, which is a ship-for-hire, either for freight delivery, or for charter passenger cruises. Seamus inherited this ship (and corresponding business) from his father, Greybeard Muldoon, who is now retired, and spends most of his days drunk, hanging out at the Seven Sails Tavern. Seamus' boatswain is a tall Gray Elf by the name of Aldennius Silvermoon. It is said that Aldennius keeps order on the ship with an iron hand, and a cold heart.

Eagle's Roost Armory - (Trades District) - This place is famous, and expensive. If you want armor, especially if you want it made of materials other than leather or steel, you come here, prepared to pay handsomely. This is the shop of Ralph Dunengrogg, a famous Dwarven armorer with a twin brother; his twin, Hrothgar Dunengrogg, is the owner of a weapon shop in Greyhawk, known as The Dragon's Teeth. The reason for their separation is for the sake of peace; Hrothgar is the bitter rival of Eldek Hammergold, and the two Dwarves have never been in the same vicinity for more than 10 minutes without engaging in an all-out brawl. Ironically, Ralph and Eldek are good friends, and it was Ralph who called the "truce" and arranged for the two to live in separate cities.

The Temple of Wee Jas - (Dock District) - This massive stone structure is falling down, and badly in-need of maintenance and repair. The doors to the place are always ajar, although most people can't remember ever seeing anyone going in or coming out, with one lone exception: this place is frequented (once a week) by Margull. A few brave "townees" have ventured into the place on occasion, and have come running out, scared, although none of them could ever remember what is was that frightened them so. There is a lone city guard stationed near the outer perimeter of the place; he won't prevent you from going in, but he will advise you against it.

The Dwarven Shrine - (Royal Grounds) - This small, stone temple is dedicated to all of the Dwarven gods, and inside, there are shrines and prayer benches for each individual deity. This shrine was built by Kalduran Frostbeard, a rich, Dwarven merchant, who wanted to give Dwarves who travel for the purpose of business a place where they could reflect in prayer. The shrine is run by three priests: Holden Silvershield, Patriarch of Clangeddin Silverbeard, Mattsos Wrenn, High Priest of Moradin, and Juneau Frostbeard, Curate of Vergadain, and son of Kalduran. The shrine is open to all, even to non-Dwarves, although those of non-Dwarven heritage who seek services here will pay a hefty premium.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
More Places to See in Dyvers

Other Places of Interest, Organized by District:

Dock District:

Hook and Gaff (Equipment Shop)
The Blue Whale (Restaurant)
The Copper Cup (Tavern)
Knife & Stone (Fine Weapons)
The Gorgon's Cave (Tavern)
The Wailing Wench (Tavern)
Redfern's (Restaurant)
Beef and Broth (Restaurant)
Cullpepper's Armory (Fine Armor)
The Vault ("Gently Used" armor and weapons)
The Druid's Table (Restaurant)
Geldervan's Tavern
Roderick's Rooms (Inn)
The Sleepy Seargent's (Inn)
The Mermaid's Rest (Inn & Tavern)

Trades District:

Seskan's Fine Jewelry
Burt's Maps
Gallendar's Rest (Inn)
Gorski's Herbs & Spices
Hallendar's Ten Tables (Restaurant)
Dallen's Bookbindery
Hadley's Yard (Fencing School)
Dyvers Merchants Guild (City Government)
Dyvers Municipal Barracks (City Government - Guard Barracks & Armory)
Dyvers Dockworkers Guild (City Government)
Dyvers Teamsters Guild (City Government)
Dyvers Masons Guild (City Government)
Dyvers Carpenters Guild (City Government)
Dyvers Cartographers Guild (City Government)
Sadler's Haberdashery (Fine Headwear - From Hats to Crowns)
Four Feathers (Adventurers Club - Members Only)
Delleck's Leather Goods
Olaf's Wine and Cake (Restaurant)
Five Smiths (Blacksmith)
Weller's Wagonry (Wainwright)
The Flaming Talon (Tavern)
The Roc's Roost (Inn & Tavern)
The Silver Shield (Tavern)
The Sword & Cross (Tavern)
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
On the Matter of Writs of Nobility...

This sign is posted on the front door of Margull's Tower:

Proclamation, issued by his lordship, Margull The Just, mayor of The Free City of Dyvers, uncontested ruler of the surrounding lands, and supreme magistrate of the Dyvers Guild of Masons:

Be it here noted, so as not to waste his lordship's time;

Writs of Nobility are issued by his lordship only; if his lordship is not in at the time of your visit, you must return at another time; there is no other proxy available who can sign in his stead. His lordship reserves this right for himself, only. Writs of Nobility are enforced directly, therefore, they are only as authoritative as the entity who signs them. His lordship strictly insures any and every writ that he ascribes his name to, personally, if need-be. Those caught attempting to forge such a document shall face the penalty of his lordship's personal wrath. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Costs and Fees:

Writ of Nobility, Minor: 1,000 gp. fee, 50 gp. scribe cost (entry into the city's records); purchaser must be able to present proof of ownership of no less than 500 acres of land.

Writ of Nobility, Standard: 5,000 gp. fee, 50 gp. scribe cost (entry into the city's records); purchaser must be able to present proof of ownership of no less than 1,000 acres of land.

Writ of Nobility, High: 10,000 gp. fee, 50 gp. scribe cost (entry into the city's records); purchaser must be able to present proof of ownership of no less than 5,000 acres of land.

Forgery of land ownership documents, as with the writs themselves, will subject the forger to his lordship's personal wrath. Be it known that his lordship does not suffer fools, and that his wrath is sure, swift, and violent. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Nyr Dyv Region of Dyvers 001.jpg

There have been reports of undead activity in and around the abandoned village of Skorane, just south of the city, in the Gnarley Forest.

The Mayor is offering a reward for the proof of destruction of undead creatures. Tainted skulls from raised skeletons, tainted ears from raised zombies, tongues of either a Ghoul or a Ghast, will all be recompensed at a rate of 25 gold per item submitted.

If anyone can recover and submit the ashes of a destroyed vampire, the mayor will pay the handsome reward of 1,000 gp.


The above map shows the location of Skorane, relative to Dyvers. The scale is that each hex equals 6 miles. DO NOT REMOVE THIS MAP FROM THE DOOR! Sketch yourself a copy if you need it, or go buy a copy from the Cartographer's Guild.

Lord Margull The Just, Mayor of Dyvers

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Free City of Dyvers, Updated Primer for CY 963:

PLEASE NOTE: This version of Dyvers is based largely upon materials appearing in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, having been only slightly modified to fit my campaign, which operates in a significantly advanced timeline, which is more than 375 years into the future of what is considered to be “canon.” [Canon is considered to be CY 585; my campaign is set in CY 963.]

Proper Name: Free Lands of Dyvers
Ruler: His Excellency, & Justicar of the Sails, Lord Mayor Margull the Just.
Government: Democratic meritocracy: magister elected for undefined term of office, on the basis of personal achievement, by the Landed Gentry of Dyvers (minor nobles, landowners, and wealthy merchants)
Capital: Free and Independent City of Dyvers
Major Towns: Dyvers (pop. 52,000), Caltaran (870), Maraven (530)
Provinces: Dyvers the city (a major noble fief), plus six lordships (minor noble fiefs) over two villages (Caltaran and Maraven) and surrounding countryside
Resources: Shipbuilding supplies, foodstuffs (fish, meat, cheeses, local ales), clothing
Coinage: [Modified Furyondy] citadel (pp), wheatsheaf (gp), galley (ep), wagon (sp), common (cp)
Population: 128,000—Human 78% (Osfbr), Gnome 8%, Halfling 6% (Lightfoot), Elf 3% (high 50%, sylvan 50%), Dwarf 2% (hill), Half-elf 1%,
Half-orc 1%, Orc 1%
Languages: Common, Rhopan, Gnome, Halfling
Alignments: N*, LG, NG, LN, CG, CN
Religions: Zilchus*, St. Cuthbert, Pelor, Fharlanghn, Wee Jas, many others
Allies: Furyondy, Veluna, Verbobonc, Greyhawk (weak)
Enemies: Iuz, Pomarj, Orcs of the Gnarley Forest

Overview: The city of Dyvers is located in perhaps the most lucrative trading nexus in all the Flanaess, a fact that has benefited it greatly throughout its long history. The city’s position on the southern banks of the mouth of the Velverdyva River allows Dyvers to capture the flow of trade from markets such as Schwartzenbruin, Highfolk Town, Thornward, and Verbobonc. Of course, trade flows up the Velverdyva, as well, so Dyvers sees much traffic from the Nyr Dyv and her various port cities. Accordingly, Dyvers is a reflection of many cultures—even the common barkeep can make change in a dozen different coinage systems.

The Free Lands of Dyvers consist of approximately 2,000 square miles on the southern bank of the Velverdyva, including four river islands, the verges of the Gnarley Forest, and the northernmost tip of the wooded Kron Hills. The land nearest the free city is suitable for farming and is leased to freemen by the Gentry of Dyvers, a collection of noble families who proudly trace their lineage back to the city’s Aerdi founders. The wild lands beyond the farms are technically owned by the less influential members of the Gentry, but are in fact populated primarily by lawless woodsmen, Sylvan Elves, and no few Fairies, which of course pay tribute to no Human lord. A number of small villages dot the Free Lands of Dyvers. The most notable is Maraven, a burgeoning eastern town near the border with the lands of Greyhawk. Maraven straddles the highly traveled Greyhawk Road, and in the past, played the Gentry of Dyvers against the Directing Oligarchy of Greyhawk, managing to remain neutral, even during periods of heavy skirmishing between the cities. In CY 621, however, the interim Magister of Dyvers, Larissa Hunter, put an end to this intrigue, stationing a castle to the east of Maraven, solidifying a hold on eastern nobles whose support was once tenuous at best. The castle was finished in CY 625, just before Margull assumed office.

Dyvers enjoys temperate weather throughout much of the year, with some accumulation of ice on the Velverdyva in deep winter. Due to its immense size and perhaps magical properties, the Lake of Unknown Depths does not freeze in cold weather; Dyvers runs shipping operations year round. Crews are mindful of the monstrous predators of the lake, however, and prepare accordingly.

The elite of Dyvers’ small military forces are the Free Marines, 1,500 well equipped and trained mariners who double as passable cavalry and infantry in times of crisis. Most troops are in the Free Army, roughly three thousand humans carrying either polearms or shortspears, and shields. Both the Free Marines and the Free Army are composed of troops contributed to the city’s defense by the Landed Gentry.

History: Long a trade port, Dyvers was also the capital of Aerdy’s Viceroyalty of Ferrond. In that role, it served as a welcome port to goods and travelers who braved the unexplored shores of the Nyr Dyv. The palace of the viceroy rivaled that of his colleagues in the west, and its domed central structure and austere stone towers have long been cited in travelogues as among the finest examples of Oeridian architecture. By 254 CY, the degradation of the Great Kingdom had grown too profound for the lords of the west. In that seminal year, the heir to Viceroy Stinvri was proclaimed King Thrommel I. The Viceroyalty of Ferrond was no more. In its place stood a vast independent kingdom, Furyondy, with Dyvers as its cosmopolitan capital.

Dyvers had been the region’s capital for more than 150 years. Despite the grandeur of the palace grounds and the long tradition, however, Thrommel and his newly installed court desired a grander seat for their new realm. A short time after the coronation, plans were drawn for a new capital, Chendl, far to the north. By 288 CY, the king had abandoned the “City of Sails” for his new seat of power, the meticulously crafted architectural wonder of Chendl. In the ensuing centuries, Dyvers slid further from the affairs of central Furyondy. With the construction of the new port city of Willip, on the Nyr Dyv’s northern shore, much traffic from the north and east was diverted from Dyvers, and the region entered an economic slump. At this time, Greyhawk entered a period of expansion and wealth that served as a mixed blessing for Dyvers. Increased wealth to the southeast meant the creation of new markets and an invigorated flow of goods and coin. It also meant increased territorial ambition on behalf of the Landgraf of Selintan, Greyhawk’s traditional ruler. While both cities grew richer, a bitter rivalry developed. Dyvers, once the center of learning, art, and culture in the west, saw much of its influence sapped by the upstart city that had deemed itself, without bothering to confer with the Gentry, the “Gem of the Flanaess.”

The people of Dyvers are a mercantile folk, prone to cutting corners to achieve profit. Furyondy’s relationship with Veluna troubled the freethinking folk of the city, as Veluna’s cleric rulers were highly principled, rather ascetic, and encouraged great donations to church coffers. When many cities in Furyondy established a code of “canon law,” replete with church courts stocked with Raoan doctrine and Cuthbertine punishments, the Gentry of Dyvers decided that enough was enough. Preparing for the worst, they informed the crown of their intention to split from Furyondy in 526 CY. Perhaps because Furyondy feared the growing power of Greyhawk, and felt it needed an ally in the region, Thrommel II, the reigning monarch, allowed the secession to pass unchallenged.

In recent years, Dyvers has gained the unfortunate reputation of being a good place to “get lost”—or, rather, to lose one’s pursuers. After the Horde of Elemental Evil was routed at Emridy Meadows, some adherents to darkness who did not flee to the Wild Coast instead traveled north to Dyvers, bolstering the criminal element in the city. In part because of the aftermath of that conflict, the Gentry of Dyvers live in fear of the so-called Pomarj “empire,” and have even charted out wholesale evacuation plans for the city in the event of invasion (the populace fleeing to either Furyondy or Verbobonc). However, Lord Margull has promised to make the Pomarj a major “project” of his, meaning that he has plans to strengthen the city’s defenses and quell the threat of the Pomarj humanoids.

The mayor of Dyvers is a reclusive lord, rumored to be a Gray Elf of ancient age, and of albino complexion, known among common folk as Margull the Pale. Margull does not like this nickname. Other rumors exist about Margull as well; some say he is in fact a demon, while others say that he is an undead abomination. Of course, there exists no proof of the allegations, at least not that anyone has been able to discover. But since Dyvers has prospered greatly under Margull's rule these last 338 years, no one has bothered to complain about his longevity. (Margull was elected ruler of Dyvers by the Landed Gentry shortly after the sudden death of the former Magistrate, who bore a similar name [Margus] in CY 620. Margull requested a 5-year leave of absence "to tie up loose ends," before beginning his duties, and the Gentry granted it, appointing Larissa Hunter, the city's Knight Captain, as the interim Magistrate.) Margull assumed the office of Magistrate in CY 625, and changed his title to Lord Mayor in CY 628. When Margull took office in CY 625, he retained Larissa Hunter as his Lady High Sheriff (a significant promotion from Knight Captain,) and she served the city proudly and honestly for 49 years, before her death (of old age) in CY 674, at the age of 77 years old. The current Lord High Sheriff, Marcus Hunter, is her direct, blood-kin descendant (many greats grandson.) He is 32 years old as of CY 963.

Conflicts and Intrigues: Rhennee bargefolk now inhabit the four islands of the city’s River Quarter, causing trouble. Outlying farms in the south now suffer raids by Orcs, Gnolls, and Ogres from deep in the Gnarley Forest. Lord Margull has offered nice rewards to adventurers who bring him the weapons of Pomarj raiders; all of the Pomarj humanoids use specially emblazoned weaponry of high quality; the greatest rewards, of course, are given for the spiked Ogre clubs, which bear the mark of the skull. There have been reports of undead activity in and around the abandoned village of Skorane, just south of the city, in the Gnarley Forest; the Mayor is offering a reward for the proof of destruction of undead creatures.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Further Explanations for Writs of Nobility

OOC INFORMATION: If you obtain a Writ of Nobility, you are expected to own PRODUCTIVE land; if you own land that is NOT occupied / farmed / developed by peasants, you are required to pay a yearly tax to the city's Viceroy, in the amount of 5 gp. per acre. (Thus, the fee for Minor Writs is 2,500 gp. per year, and for Standard Writs, it is 5,000 gp. per year; for High Writs, it is 25,000 gp. per year.)

Nobles who pay this fee, and own non-productive lands, or who own foreign, non-contributing lands, are called "Petty Nobles," or "Country Gents," or "Foreign Nobles," or even "Bumpkin Lords." They are considered "new money," and thought to be impostors (think of the modern term, "poser.") Their existence is tolerated, because their wealth contributes to the city, but their existence is scoffed at, because contribution of staples and troops is considered highly patriotic; conversely, the contribution of monetary funds alone is looked upon as exploitative.

Nobles who own productive lands are required to contribute to the city in the following manner:

Contribution of basic staples (grain, corn, tobacco, and cotton) in the amount of 1 ton (total) per 10 acres per year.

Minor Writ: Contribution of 50 tons per year.

Standard Writ: Contribution of 100 tons per year.

High Writ: Contribution of 500 tons per year.

Contribution of 0.15 soldiers per acre owned;

Minor Writ: Contribution of 75 soldiers stationed within the city. The amount must be maintained, and losses replaced.

Standard Writ: Contribution of 150 soldiers stationed within the city. The amount must be maintained, and losses replaced.

High Writ: Contribution of 750 soldiers stationed within the city. The amount must be maintained, and losses replaced.

All soldiers contributed are provided a monthly salary, clothes, shelter, food, equipment, medical care, and training by their respective patrons.

Currently, all 6 members of the Landed Gentry (High Nobility) are holders of the High Writ. Thus, the 4,500 troops stationed within the city are from their fiefdoms. Their staple contributions amount to 3,000 tons of product per year.

There are currently 8 holders of Standard Writs (all of whom are non-troop-non-staple-contributing.)

There are currently 74 holders of Minor Writs (all of whom are non-troop-non-staple-contributing.)

The List of the Holders of Writs is a public document, posted on the door to the Mayor's office.

Non-Troop / Non-Staple Contributing Nobles currently account for 225,000 gp. worth of revenue per year.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Dyvers Orc Policy


Persons of Orc blood,
whether half or full-blooded, must surrender all weapons for the duration of their stay within the city. Exceptions to this rule include bearers of the insignia of Foreign Nobility, from the lands of Veluna, Verbobonc, Furyondy, Greyhawk, and the Shield Lands.

Persons of Orc blood, upon their first visit to the city, must submit to inspection by the guard;

......Persons of Orc blood who bear the tribal tattoos of the Orcs of the Pomarj shall be subject to immediate arrest and indefinite detention, and/or possible execution.

......Persons of Orc blood, who carry the marked weaponry of the Orcs of the Pomarj shall be subject to immediate arrest and indefinite detention, and/or possible execution.

Persons of Orc blood, who bear the scars of the removal of Pomarj tattoos, and whom also bear the facial tattoos of the Temple of Marek, are allowed into the city, but must still surrender all weapons for the duration of their stay within the city. Exceptions to this rule include bearers of the insignia of Foreign Nobility, from the lands of Veluna, Verbobonc, Furyondy, Greyhawk, and the Shield Lands.

Persons of Orc blood (even those of Foreign Nobility) must respect the decisions of all private business owners who choose not to allow their kind, and to post signs to that effect at the entrances to their places of business.

Persons of Orc blood (even those of Foreign Nobility) who violate such premises shall be judged guilty of trespassing, and are subject to immediate arrest and indefinite detention.

These edicts are from the pen of the Lord Mayor himself, who retains the right of final judgment in all Orc matters.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Maps For Players' Reference


This is an overview of the Dyvers / Greyhawk / Barony of the Five region, with Dyvers on the very Left edge of the map.​

Barony of the Five Color Hex Map.jpg

Note that Maure Castle is now known as The Hold of The Five, and is the centerpiece to the capitol city of Muldash. (Muldash is a walled city which completely surrounds The Hold, which has its own, inner wall.)

Notes on Maps

The Barony of The Five includes some lands purchased from the Duchy of Urnst; in particular, the city of Pontyrel, and the surrounding rural areas are now under the domain of The Five, as well as Mount Felnarix, the ancestral home of a large Weretiger clan.
(This clan is peaceful, and has "livestock tribute" arrangements with the local hillsfolk, in return for not attacking human settlements.)

There are also two Dwarven strongholds within The Barony of The Five; these are Dumadan and Karakast. These Dwarves are self-governed, and have the following agreement with The Five: The Dwarves rule the underground / under-mountain settlements, while The Five hold domain on anything above-ground. The Five have troops stationed outside the entrance to both strongholds, to help safeguard their Dwarven neighbors from surface attack. In return, The Five enjoys a lucrative trade agreement with the Dwarves, whereby foodstuffs and mercantile items from The Five are exchanged (in mass quantities, keeping the Dwarves well-supplied) for Dwarven gemstones.

The Dwarves of Dumadan have (for many, many years) been at war with the Duergar of the Underdark, who raid the lowermost and innermost section of their mountain stronghold on a regular basis; recently (within the last 5 years or so) the Dwarves of Dumadan have opened their stronghold to adventurers, and offer them bounties for the collecting of Duergar-made armor and weapons. Each Duergar mail shirt that is turned in to the Captain of the Guard will pay out 200 gp.; each Duergar-made weapon that is turned in will pay out 50 gp. This is their way of fighting back at the raiders, without committing their own forces to the task.

Since the great schism of the Spring of CY 904, Muldash is still the only Human-held city to allow a temple to the Orc God, Marek, to be built within its walls. The Orcs of Marek also have a small settlement within the Barony of the Five, known asOrctown, located 1 hex Southeast of Greysmere, on the detail map below. Population: 513. Size: Village. Orctown also has a large temple dedicated to Marek, but it is not as big as the one in Muldash.

This is a close-up map of the Western portion of The Barony of the Five, with various associated locales indicated.

Pontyrel Region 001b Boundary.jpg

A third Dwarven fortress, Greysmere, exists near The Barony of The Five, but is not under their direct domain. Castle Karistyne is also nearby to the south, and is the home of Lady Karistyne, a paladin of Heironeous. The Lady is actually the fourth person to hold this title; all of her ancestors before her were also paladins of Heironeous, and the holy sword (which is part of the Castle's crest of arms) has been passed down from one generation to the next.

This is an overview map that shows the location of Dyvers in relation to the location of The Pomarj. (Both marked by red arrows.)​

Dyvers vs The Pomarj 001.jpg
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
More Reference Maps

More Reference Maps, For The Dyvers Campaign, And Other CY 963 Campaigns As Well:

Barony of the Five Map V2.jpg
Barony of The Five Boundary Map V2

Elven Temple Location 001.jpg
Location of Elven Temple Near Dyvers

Location of Dwarven Redoubt.jpg
Location of the Dwarven Redoubt

Voidrunner's Codex

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