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GRIM TALES: Creature Creation (Spreadsheet)

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Wulf Ratbane said:
Works for me.

Anyone else reading who wants to confirm that it works for them in the current incarnation?

Nope, I'm having the same problem trying to change the Full Attack field. Other dropdown fields are working fine, though.


Hello All,

I think it is an Excel2000 issue that has caused this problem.
The cells are locked as the sheet claims.

On my system, using Excel2000, if I type directly into the cell, I get the "locked" message. However, if I change the value by the drop down, it works.

I believe this was "fixed" as a bug in later versions of Excel. Thus, I'm not seeing it, but some of you are. It is a simple matter to fix so that the cell is not locked, but is only validated to the allowed list. Hopefully that will fix it.

Yes, I made the thing. Sorry for this oversight. We will get it fixed.


I'll provide as much support as I can.

However, Wulf owns it, so distribution is in his court. I know Wulf and I know he'll make certain everyone is happy as quickly as possible.

I'm working on the stat block generation as I can, but it takes time. To my mind it is a matter of getting everyone a full patch against sending one partial now and another in the near future.

This is not meant to be an excuse or minimization, there is a bug here and it needs to be fixed, but I'd point out that the full attack error does not impact the CR calculation. Selecting the type of attack provides the "correct" default damage die. Ultimately, the CR value is determined by the number of attacks and the base die of the attack. So if you have a 4d6 tail slap, it doesn't cost any more or less CR than a 4d6 slam.

This, unfortunately, is not the case for the DR part.

I don't know the exact answer to your specific question, but I have received updates to RPGnow purchases in the past. So I believe there is a painless automated way to get updates to everyone who has purchased a product.

Wulf Ratbane

Yuan-Ti said:
Thanks, Bryon and Wulf! Will you send out a new download link, or how will we get the new version?

I can always post a version where the entire "working" area is unlocked-- just be careful not to change anything you're not supposed to.

I'll get the correction uploaded tomorrow.



First Post
It's not a HUGE deal. The erroneous CR on the DR was what caused me to go "hrmmmmmm" on it. I realized the attack was mostly flavor that, without a statblock generator, really didn't DO anything to my final product (so I just changed the dice to reflect what I needed). The DR isn't huge either, but I'm creating alot of Fey with DR x/Cold Iron ...

Thanks for the quick responses all around, to everybody concerned.


Wulf Ratbane

Wulf Ratbane said:
I'll get the correction uploaded tomorrow.

Well, since I can't experience the problem, it's a little difficult for me to track it down.

Any volunteers to run through the sheet top to bottom and tell me which cells are giving you trouble?

I'd like a thorough accounting, rather than just wholesale turning off all the locked cells, because you really can screw up your spreadsheet with an errant entry. (The incremental buttons in particular are sensitive to this.)

All of the blue and yellow fields should be tested, and I'd love to have the row/column headers for each cell.

I'll send a free product link to anything in the current offerings, or a link to the next cool thing I upload (soon!), to anyone who helps out.


Voidrunner's Codex

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