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[GRIM TALES] Warhammer 'Chronicles of the Witch Hunter'


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Johannes von Tritheim - Smart 4th (current hp: 18 of 18)

DM said:
I will let both Rat and Johannes fire into melee combat next round as they held the actions as it were to 'line-up-a-shot
So okay, Johannes is lining up his shot. All the while he tries to think of a spell he could cast but doesn't remember which could be of use... [OOC: attack (not re-rolled) 8+3=11 dmg=6; the round that will follow his shot, Johannes will reload his pistol.]

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Karl Green

First Post
the Barren Hills, May 15th, night

(occ a bit worried this will be lost :( but we will see /occ)

Round 2
11 - Rat
10 - Gunther
10 - Night Hunter
9 - Johannes
7 - Seif
6- Grimmor

Rat lines up her shot and fires an arrow into the flank of the beast as Seif dodges back from one of its big claws, but the darkness flows it and she over shots the creature. Gunter charges forwards and slashes the creature with his sword, biting deeply, but otherwise being ignored by the monster – which again tries to bite Grimmor but this time only catches air with its huge maul and tusks. One of its’ claws also fails to connect, but the other slams into Grimmor and he barely stays on his feet, his armor and years as a soldier saving him from taking the full force of the blow that would have decapitated a horse! Johannes’s fires CRACK-BOOM and his bullet strikes the creature in one of its forelegs, but it seems to ignore the pain. Seif cries out again and slashes the creature a might blow with his tulwar, cutting it deep and spilling some of it entrails onto the ground, yet the beast does not fall! Grimmor roars a battle cry and slams his great axe into the creatures neck, and finally the punishment it to much and the creatures staggers a step or two back and then falls to the ground moaning loudly, and finally slumps over dead!

Rat attack roll 9+5=16, hit, 20% chance to miss in the dark, 8%, miss! Gunter charge was possible, +2 to attack -2 to defense, 20% to miss rolling 62% hit. Creature attack roll totals 13, miss, 16, miss and 24 hit. Damage is 9-2=7 points. Johannes shot hits, 20% to miss rolling 58% hit. Seif attack roll 12+8+2=22, 20% miss chance rolling a 69%, hit. Damage is 4+5=9 points. Grimmor hit, knocking creature to just below zero sooooo dead.

Grimmor has taken 33 damage total
Oh yea keep track of your bullets used. Not a big deal yet but ;)


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With so many "meat shields" between herself and the monster Rat even takes the time to look at her arrows path, just in case she wants to find it later.
"Bloody darkness, the gods realy pissed on us then they decided to make a time in which only things that like to eat ya can see."
The bow is drawn again and she fires another arrow.


Gunther rushes to the bloodied and beaten dwarf's side. "Are you going to be allright? Yer quite a scapper, I'll give you that.", he says with a wide grin.


Grimmor rubs the blood from his eyes. "Aye.. I'll be all right... need... some... rest... but no pesky chaos beastie is gonna take down one of the Rockfist clan so easily!" He staggers around, coughing up blobs of blood.


First Post
Johannes von Tritheim - Smart 4th (current hp: 18 of 18)

Johannes approaches cautiously the beast "Hey! First time in my life I do shoot at some living creature! However, thanks guy to have taken care of it. What a monster!" Johannes begins to study the beast for a moment, but finally decides it will be best to wait daylight for this. He turns again to the three who went meleeing against the abomination "I see some of you are wounded! Let me examine you, and see if I can do something. I studied medicine at the University!" Johannes takes some water and tissues, and begins to heal the warriors if they need it. [OOC: Heal check on everyone who is wounded. I begin with Grimmor: 7+8=15 so give back 2hp; next Seif: 5+8=13 so failed; Gunther: 17+8=25 so give back 2hp.]

Karl Green

First Post
the Barren Hills, May 15th, night

(occ ops made a mistake, Grimmor has +1DR from his class so he took 3 less damage, and with Johannes's healing he is down 28 points. If you travel slowly tomorrow and Johannes makes another Heal check, he can heal double his level or 8 points a day /occ)

After cleaning and treating Grimmor's wounds, the party has to pack up and move a bit in the night to a new campsite... the body of the beast they slew sticks and makes the horses very nervous... and would more then likely draw more predators to the area.

After a bit, the party finally settles back down, and with the normal watches makes it through the rest of the night unmolested, although they all hear howling and growling coming from the direction of their old camp.

In the morning, Grimmor is sore, but ready to go, and the group mounts up and heads deeper into the Hills. After some time the trees again become more common, but again they are even more sickly looking then even the day before - black and twisted with an unnatural feel and look to them.

Almost no animals or birds are seen that day, only fat mosquitoes and horse flies that assault the party unending.

By the end of the day, Johannes and Rat figure that the party is in the right location where the Warp-Stone should be. Tomorrow a through search of the area will hopefully turn the rock up and get you out of this area.

Again the watches are set, and Grimmor suborning insists that he take first, and while many strange and unnatural noises can be heard, the party is able to get a whole night of rest.

That morning the group starts their search of the area - the sighs of mutation quit evident in the unnatural look of the trees and the bugs that assault the party. But the 'impact' point eludes their search when around midday; Rat hears some growling and low howling in another bowl valley. When she goes to take a look, staying well hidden, she is greeted with a very unsettling sight - a group of at least a dozen goblins and large black mangy wolves are moving through the bowl. They will move then likely cut across the party trail and the wolves could very likely pick up the party's trail!

IF Johannes makes another DC15 Heal check, Grimmor is down 20HP at this point (22 pts remaining), otherwise he will be down 24HP (18 remaining)


Gunther rolls his eyes at Mallory's news of another battle. "With Grimmor not at full fighting strength... no offense meant, Master Dwarf... we are not suited for a tough battle. Do you think we could avoid them?"

Gunther leaps onto his warhorse. I won't get caught off my mount again, he thought. Best to take advantage of the added speed, especially if we need to go against Goblin wolfriders.

"I have battled these curs before.", he states. "Like most beings, strike at the head and the body will die. If we can kill the leader, the rest of the band will surely be driven off."
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First Post
Johannes von Tritheim - Smart 4th (current hp: 18 of 18)

Johannes again takes care of Grimmor's wounds. [OOC: another Heal check on Grimmor: 7+8=15 so give back 2hp. (Same die rolls!)] Hearing about the goblins and wolves he says: "Hum, I could hide some of us in a magical mist, but I don't know if that would be really useful..."


"Yes, lets avoid any battles for now. What would ye all do without me uh?" chortles Grimmor heartily. "But goblins.. if not for their wolves I'd certainly like to stick them with Gnasher here..."

Back! And so are the boards...
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