Dias Ex Machina
Publisher / Game Designer
I posted this on WOTC but I surf ENWorld more and consider it a more reliable source of intelligent conversation, so here it is...
I should first say I was one of the first critics of 4.0 and still reserve some harsh complaints about WOTC practices in the past 6 months. They have admitted many mistakes and the GSL and the SRD is the end of a very long wait for many of us.
I have a personal interest in this considering I am a publisher and my 3.5 product which took two years to build and test was released only two months ago. So we have felt like the rug was pulled out from under us despite positive reviews and encouraging first month's sales. We understand that moving to 4ED is financially the right choice despite the vocal--but minor--opposition.
On the surface, there have been a lot of knee-jerk reactions to the GSL, even from me...but I took a breath and looked it over, and I feel there are ways to create a distinct, original setting within 4ED without having to compromise. I invite anyone to the table and I hope I am right in these determinations:
--Although you cannot alter, define, or redefine entries, this does not stop you from removing them altogether. If you don't any of their races, create your own batch. You might not be able to use the word elf, else it could confuse your entry with theirs, but perhaps you could create a new group of fey-based creatures. People within the setting may call them elf but the book my not give them the official title.
--From the previous point, you could remove all classes that are magic-based and create a setting that is low or absent of magic. You could then take a few rare abilities and reference them as feats. The SRD does imply you could recreate abilities based on those in the books. You could create an all new Wizard class, just not use the name, if you so desire. Plenty of words in the English language.
--The reference document is just that, therefore it lists those terms you can call upon and those you can't...but look at it closer. Sure, some monsters are copyrighted, but certain others can't be. Look at demons. There has been some flak around the idea that 3PP products could not have demons. I think this is incorrect. You could have demons as the name is not copyrighted but just not the demons and the fluff created by WOTC.
--There is also no stipulation you cannot add certain science-fiction elements to a setting. Their mention of a non-fantasy SRD seems to imply a D20 modern 4ed coming soon. But what of techno-fantasy games? I think we are good on this. Shadowrun may not fit with that idea, but I think techno fantasies like Final Fantasy should be ok.
--Remember, you can still add new abilities, paragon paths, maybe even create a whole new rule that is applied to classes we have no thought of. As long as wizard is still a wizard, who cares if there are new rules to expand on them?
--And I don't think they are saying you can't have a company website or a website advertising your product, just that you cannot create some interactive flash-game 4ed website.
I am just saying it’s not all bad. If I am right on these points, I think we can make our setting work. Lets not all freak out over this until we have had a chance to read them all through and understand the meaning of the words rather than assume Scott and the others are plotting the end of the 3PP industry. I still have reservations about 4.0 and had hoped there would be more freedom with the GSL, but since we can't close our eyes and wish for it, we have to make do with what we have.
If I am totally off base on these assumptions...then I will be sad.
I should first say I was one of the first critics of 4.0 and still reserve some harsh complaints about WOTC practices in the past 6 months. They have admitted many mistakes and the GSL and the SRD is the end of a very long wait for many of us.
I have a personal interest in this considering I am a publisher and my 3.5 product which took two years to build and test was released only two months ago. So we have felt like the rug was pulled out from under us despite positive reviews and encouraging first month's sales. We understand that moving to 4ED is financially the right choice despite the vocal--but minor--opposition.
On the surface, there have been a lot of knee-jerk reactions to the GSL, even from me...but I took a breath and looked it over, and I feel there are ways to create a distinct, original setting within 4ED without having to compromise. I invite anyone to the table and I hope I am right in these determinations:
--Although you cannot alter, define, or redefine entries, this does not stop you from removing them altogether. If you don't any of their races, create your own batch. You might not be able to use the word elf, else it could confuse your entry with theirs, but perhaps you could create a new group of fey-based creatures. People within the setting may call them elf but the book my not give them the official title.
--From the previous point, you could remove all classes that are magic-based and create a setting that is low or absent of magic. You could then take a few rare abilities and reference them as feats. The SRD does imply you could recreate abilities based on those in the books. You could create an all new Wizard class, just not use the name, if you so desire. Plenty of words in the English language.
--The reference document is just that, therefore it lists those terms you can call upon and those you can't...but look at it closer. Sure, some monsters are copyrighted, but certain others can't be. Look at demons. There has been some flak around the idea that 3PP products could not have demons. I think this is incorrect. You could have demons as the name is not copyrighted but just not the demons and the fluff created by WOTC.
--There is also no stipulation you cannot add certain science-fiction elements to a setting. Their mention of a non-fantasy SRD seems to imply a D20 modern 4ed coming soon. But what of techno-fantasy games? I think we are good on this. Shadowrun may not fit with that idea, but I think techno fantasies like Final Fantasy should be ok.
--Remember, you can still add new abilities, paragon paths, maybe even create a whole new rule that is applied to classes we have no thought of. As long as wizard is still a wizard, who cares if there are new rules to expand on them?
--And I don't think they are saying you can't have a company website or a website advertising your product, just that you cannot create some interactive flash-game 4ed website.
I am just saying it’s not all bad. If I am right on these points, I think we can make our setting work. Lets not all freak out over this until we have had a chance to read them all through and understand the meaning of the words rather than assume Scott and the others are plotting the end of the 3PP industry. I still have reservations about 4.0 and had hoped there would be more freedom with the GSL, but since we can't close our eyes and wish for it, we have to make do with what we have.
If I am totally off base on these assumptions...then I will be sad.