D&D 5E [GUIDE] So art lies hid by its own artifice - an artificer guide

"So art lies hid by its own artifice" - an artificer guide

This guide is now updated to the latest version of the artificer found in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, previously found in Eberron: Rising from the Last War. Please let me know if I've missed anything.

Tasha's provides a new subclass, the Armourer, adapted from the UA version, as well as a few additions and amendments. This compares to a large shift from the previous version, which mechanically put a lot of reliance on a (now non-existent) spell called arcane weapon.

Comments, corrections and suggestions are all welcomed.

1. Attributes
2. Class features
3. Race options
4. Proficiencies & backgrounds
5. Specialisms
6. Spells
7. Infusions

Colour code
Goldenrod [#FBA026] = amazing, almost compulsory.
Turquoise [#1ABC9C] = grade A, often an optimal choice.
Blue [#2C82C9] = grade B, a solid option.
Black = grade C, a pass mark, but not great.
Purple [#553982] = situational, usually sub-optimal but can occasionally shine.
Red [#B8312F] = probably a poor choice, weaker or less synergistic than other options.

NOTE: in the end this is an RPG, and the most fun is had by playing cool ideas and trying things out. The ratings I give are my subjective opinions on the efficacy, primarily in mechanical terms, of different options. The colours allow an 'at-a-glance' view. Please do not let them stop you playing your planned character idea. This is particularly so in 5e, where no matter which options you pick you are unlikely to find the end result unplayable. You do you.

1. Attributes
Strength: you can be a front-line fighter as an artificer, but you'll be using Intelligence or Dexterity if you do so. Get someone else to carry all your stuff.

Dexterity: no longer primary since E:RftLW, this is still an excellent stat. It assists with things like Thieves Tools and a host of useful skills, as well as initiative of course.

Constitution: we all like hit points.

Intelligence: your spellcasting stat, while also affecting your specialism abilities. This is primary, and should be as high as you can make it.

Wisdom: a useful skill stat, with the ubiquitous Perception, as well as being a common save to make.

Charisma: much like Wisdom, except there are probably much better people to be the party face. This might change if you're playing a dragonmarked character in Eberron - you'll garner attention so it's useful to be able to do some of the talking!

2. Class features
Magical Tinkering: this is effectively extra cantrip effects, but the indefinite duration is worth noting.

Spellcasting: it's good to see the artificer back as a half-caster. You have a delightfully characterful method for preparing new spells (modifying your spell focuses) and some great spells, but remember that you have very limited spell slots so make them count! One point you might not notice on first reading is that the artificer can swap out cantrips as they level up. Your GM might allow you to do this already, but RAW other casters cannot.

Infuse item: what would an artificer be without creating magic items? Again I'll go through the individual infusions later on.

Artificer Specialist: now with four options.

The Right Tool for the Job: a flavourful ribbon mostly, very appropriate.

Tool Expertise: good old expertise. Tools are typically narrower in application than skills, but you have quite a few tool proficiencies to apply it to. Disarming traps will probably be the most frequent use.

Flash of Genius: the saving throw part of this is simply excellent. We all know how powerful the Paladin's Aura of Protection is, and while the uses are limited and a reaction is required, we get a 30ft range immediately.

Magic Item Adept: how useful this is depends very much on your campaign.

Spell-Storing Item: an interesting variant on the wizard's Spell Mastery... which we now get at level 11?! I suppose it makes up for the removal of our 2nd attack feature. Note that the item can be used by anyone and uses your spellcasting modifier, so hand it to that 1st-level NPC and save the party's actions for greater things.

Magic Item Savant: a simple extension of Magic Item Adept.

Soul of Artifice: I'm not usually that interested in capstone abilities, as you're so rarely at the level to be using them, but this is nice enough! You get some serious staying power.

3. Race options
If you're using the optional rules in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything then you can change around many racial abilities, including ability scores. This obviously makes any race flexible and suitable for any class, allowing you to pick a race purely based on character concept without sacrificing much mechanically. The following ratings are based on the races presented as they are, without these alterations.

PHB - core
Hill Dwarf: not that great. Neither Dex nor Int, though the base Con bonus isn't bad for any class. Darkvision is always good. In Eberron you'd much prefer a dragonmarked dwarf however.
Mountain Dwarf: Worse than hill dwarf, most of the time. Unless you're building a strength-based artificer, leave this alone. The armour training is wasted either way, as you get those proficiencies as part of the class.
High Elf: not bad at all! One of the best races stat-wise. Add darkvision, keen senses, trance, and you can't go wrong. The weapon proficiencies are very useful early on, until your specialisms make them largely defunct - that is unless you take green-flame blade as your cantrip. That works nicely, as an Alchemist in particular, if you have a good enough attack stat.
Wood Elf: not quite as great as high elf, with no Int boost, and a bit of an odd one flavour-wise. But if it's what you envisage for your character, the base elf stats are solid enough to make it work.
Dark Elf: compared to the other elves, it's just not worth the sunlight sensitivity. Better in an underdark/Ravenloft campaign.
Lightfoot Halfling: both halfling subraces are appropriate, with a Dex boost and Lucky. Remember that the small size rules out heavy crossbows.
Stout Halfling: Con is better than Cha, but generally much the same.
Human: a uniform stat boost is uninteresting, but obviously workable, and does increase intelligence.
Variant Human: if you want a feat, then this is the place to go. Artificers aren't feat-dependant, but there are lots of nice options. Crossbow Expert becomes worthy from level 5, and while it would be an underwhelming start it allows an ASI at level 4.

PHB - alternate
Dragonborn: not the typical artificer, with boosts to Str and Cha. The breath weapon is a nice feature but there is little else going for the race mechanically.
Forest Gnome: weirdly the better gnome subclass.
Rock Gnome: they're both good though, even if Tinker is a bit duplicative.
Half-Elf: you're better off fully elf or fully human, Cha isn't your thing. But you do at least get darkvision, and can pick +1/+1 to Dex and Int.
Half-Orc: much like mountain dwarf, unless you're building a strength-based character this isn't much help. At least there's no wasted ability alongside the strength boost.
Tiefling: Int and darkvision, but Cha isn't much use unless you're somehow the party face.

E:RftLW - Eberron races
Changeling: +2 Cha isn't a great start for most artificers, but your choice of a secondary increase allows you to get +1 Int. The main thing about this race is the Shapechanger ability, which can be of much use.
Bugbear: much like the half-orc.
Goblin: no Int bonus, but Dex and Con are the next best thing, plus a smattering of useful abilities.
Hobgoblin: this is a great race to be an artificer. Martial Training is only useful early on, but everything else is useful. Saving Face is a wonderful boost to saving throws; you can only use it once per rest, but you don't use the ability up unless it will make the difference.
Kalashtar: the unique and interesting core ability (Mind Link) makes this similar to the Changeling, but neither stat increase is that useful to you. Choose if you wish.
Orc: see half-orc, but with a slightly worse set of abilities if anything.
Shifter: none of the four options are particularly synergistic for you in this variation, with one or both of the stat increases being poor. At least you get darkvision.
Warforged: some really solid abilities here, with +2 Con, +1 Int and +1 AC making you a particularly sturdy artificer, great for a front-line Battle Smith.

E:RftLW - dragonmarked race variants
Mostly if selecting one of these race variants you'll have a story-based reason for doing so. But in terms of the stats, some are obviously better than others. Note that all now add spells to classes with Spellcasting or Pact Magic.

Mark of Detection: better than the original half-elf, as far as the artificer is concerned. Wis is slightly better than Cha, and you can still get +1 Int. Then add free spells and a bonus to Int (Investigation) checks.
Mark of Finding: Wis is better than Str for you, so an improvement over the original half-orc.
Mark of Handling: you can get +1 Int - but unless you really like animals, the variant human is better.
Mark of Healing: as per the normal halfling; a solid base with an unexceptional addition.
Mark of Hospitality: as above. Sleep is amazing at level 1, but going forward +1 Cha is poor.
Mark of Making: here we go - a premium artificer race for House Cannith, which is known for its artificers. Maker's Gift is a bit redundant, but everything else is just excellent.
Mark of Passage: not the archetypal artificer house, but an excellent set of abilities.
Mark of Scribing: these aren't your typical gnomes, and your typical gnomes are better are being an artificer than these are.
Mark of Sentinel: pass.
Mark of Shadow: the elf base remains a good starting point, but Cha isn't great. Invisibility is probably the best part of this, along with adding pass without trace to your spell list.
Mark of Storm: as a swap from the Wayfinder's Guide, this is now the least helpful half-elf version.
Mark of Warding: this, thankfully, fulfils the spot of the dwarven artificer. I remember thinking this when the WGtE was released, and it holds true with the latest artificer incarnation.

Volo's Guide to Monsters
Aasimar: much like dragonborn, the Aasimar have an interesting single-use effect, but do not have the best stat increases for a typical artificer build.
Firbolg: similarly, some interesting features but poor stat increases. As-written, they are also unlikely to be artificers story-wise, but don't let this stop you if you have an appropriate character idea!
Goliath: similar use to the hill dwarf, but without darkvision. At least you can fix that with goggles. If you want to make a strength-based artificer, then it will work.
Kenku: the main decision as to playing a kenku will be whether you're willing to role-play the Mimicry trait. As far as the artificer goes, the +2 Dex is solid.
Lizardfolk: if your campaign is set in the wilderness then Cunning Artisan is a way of getting targets for your infusions at a pinch, I suppose. +2 Con is ok for most classes, and the proficiencies and Natural Armour don't hurt. It's a shame that the bite attack is via strength.
Tabaxi: it's a +2 Dex race with ok, if not astounding features.

Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Eladrin: once again, the elf base is good. While not as tailored to the artificer as the high elf, Fey Step is simply a wonderful ability. If the +1 Cha were something more useful I'd rate the race as turquoise or gold.
Sea Elf: +1 Con is a good addition to the Dex. Obviously better in a sea-based campaign.
Shadar-Kai: like Fey Step, you have a bonus action teleportation (with a minor bonus at level 3) which is just amazing. +1 Con is better than +1 Cha. The reason this isn't turquoise? Your teleportation is every long rest, instead of short rest as per the Eladrin.
Duergar: much like the drow, this is better in an underdark/Ravenloft campaign, but the dwarf base is worse than an elf for most artificers.
Githyanki: strength and intelligence is a rare combination... the Int is obviously good, but the Str is wasted on you.
Githzerai: wisdom and intelligence is also a rare combination, slightly better than the githyanki.
Deep Gnome: unlike the other 'deep' races, deep gnomes do not have Sunlight Sensitivity! The gnome base is excellent, +1 Dex is good and increased darkvision is probably better than the forest gnome bonuses. Even better than gold in an underdark campaign.

4. Proficiencies & backgrounds

Armour & weapons

Medium armour + shields is enough, you likely have solid dexterity anyway. For the first few levels it would be nice to have better weapons, but later on it won't matter.

Predictably you get a good set of tool proficiencies. Thieves' tools will be exceptionally useful, and much like a rogue the artificer makes an excellent 'trap-detector' role. Tinker's tools are probably more fluff than use, as is your choice of artisan's tools. Pick your free tool choice carefully with your spellcasting in mind - how do you imagine creating the focuses for your spells?

Proficiency in constitution and intelligence saving throws. Like most classes you get one primary save (Dex, Con, Wis; roughly corresponding to Reflex, Fortitude and Will from previous editions) and one secondary save (Str, Int, Cha). Constitution is amazing as a primary save for a caster, because it's used for keeping up concentration spells.

Class skills
Arcana: part and parcel of your role as a magical 'scientist', it's hard to imagine an artificer without this skill.
History: you likely have a good intelligence stat so you're as good as any at this skill, but it's unlikely to be a priority.
Investigation: you have good intelligence and this is a generally useful skill.
Medicine: if you choose spare the dying as a cantrip, then you don't need this. Otherwise it can be useful when magical healing is sparse.
Nature: another intelligence skill, but not one you're likely to prioritise.
Perception: practically gold. This is an extremely useful skill for anyone, but particularly if your job is to sort traps for the party. Your wisdom score is unlikely to be exceptional, so having proficiency really helps.
Sleight of Hand: you have a high dexterity score, so you'll be good at this. Whether you want to be is a matter for you.

Non-class skills
Athletics: you generally want this or acrobatics if you can. Since you're likely to have good dexterity, choose the other one.
Acrobatics: as athletics, but this time tied to a far better stat. Escape grapples with ease.
Stealth: a dexterity-based skill which is useful to have across the party.
Religion: much like history and nature, you'll be good at this, but you don't have many skill choices so probably have better things to pick.
Animal handling: leave it to the ranger - only one person in the party really needs this.
Insight: a useful skill to have on multiple characters, it's the social version of perception. How useful this is in practice depends somewhat on how your GM deals with social encounters.
Survival: see animal handling.
Deception: probably the most useful social skill for someone who isn't focussing on them, because if someone is caught out in a lie then the whole group might be. Still, there are better options for you.
Intimidation: having this or persuasion can't hurt, but you're not the best party face.
Performance: charisma is likely a low stat for you, and it is not an essential skill.
Persuasion: a mirror to intimidation.

DISCLAIMER: I personally believe that backgrounds should be selected primarily based on how you imagine your character's history, not on which option is most mechanically effective. Furthermore, the vast majority of GMs will let you modify a background or create a completely new one to fit your character idea. Be creative!

I have therefore put background ratings behind a spoiler. Feel free to ignore.

PHB backgrounds
Acolyte: extra languages aren't bad (potentially excellent, depending on your campaign), but the skill choices are definitely suboptimal.
Charlatan: you end up with a wide spread of tool proficiencies, probably more than you need. The skills are ok but not exceptional.
Criminal: thieves' tools duplicates with artificer, which makes it a 'wildcard' tool proficiency. Quite which tool set you want proficiency in over and above the artificer choices is unclear... this ends up being very similar to charlatan for you. The feature can be exceptional or a waste depending on how your GM plays it.
Entertainer: acrobatics is a great skill which you can't get through your class (or any other printed background so far, save through a wildcard duplication), but performance and a musical instrument are unlikely to be paired with a good enough charisma stat for most artificers.
Folk hero: a poor selection of skills and tool proficiencies for you.
Guild artisan: two social skills makes this more appropriate for a party face, and the artisan's tools is duplicative. [NB if you're running an Eberron campaign, there are a number of variants on this for the dragonmarked houses which fit rather better.]
Hermit: similar in utility to the acolyte. The Alchemist gets proficiency in the herbalism kit at level 3, so treat that as a wildcard tool proficiency - which you probably don't need.
Noble: history is a narrow skill but at least you're good at it. Another ok social skill.
Outlander: similar to the folk hero, not a great choice.
Sage: now this is quite appropriate. History again, which isn't amazing, but does suit your stat block. Arcana is a great skill and taking it via background enables you to select a different class skill. Two extra languages can't hurt, though how useful this is will depend on the campaign.
Sailor: perception is amazing, but athletics is sub-par unless you've created an odd strength build.
Soldier: another outlander in effect.
Urchin: two dexterity skills, but two tools is probably unnecessary, even including the wildcard.

E:RftLW background
House agent: slightly better than the guild artisan as investigation is good for you, but two tool sets is even more duplicative. You might speak to your DM about swapping the skills depending on which House you are part of.

SCAG backgrounds
City watch: similar to the soldier, though two languages are probably more useful than tools (campaign depending). Insight may or may not be better then intimidation for you.
Clan crafter: history is Int-based, and insight is ok. Again, a tool proficiency is duplicative.
Cloistered scholar: this is basically the sage is a different cloak. An excellent choice.
Courtier: two social skills, two languages. If you're somehow the party face then great, otherwise not exceptional.
Faction agent: very flexible depending on the faction-specific proficiency. It can be similar to sage again, except insight rather than history.
Far traveller: perception is great, insight is ok, and a language can't hurt. The tool proficiency is mostly flavour.
Inheritor: the compulsory survival isn't great for you, but you can take arcana which is a key skill for you. Sage or scholar is generally better.
Knight of the Order: as per inheritor, but with persuasion instead of survival. Take your pick.
Mercenary veteran: athletics and persuasion? Pass.
Urban bounty hunter: stealth and a social skill, of which insight is likely best. Again the duplicative tool proficiencies; remember that thieves' tools is a wildcard for you.
Uthgardt tribe member: this time it's the outlander in a different cloak. Not that useful.
Waterdhavian noble: and again with the noble. Nothing new here.

5. Specialisms
We are now back to three specialisms. All follow a similar pattern, starting off with a tool proficiency (which I won't comment on), extra spells, and a pet or ability.

The Alchemist
Alchemist spells: unfortunately the lower-level crowd-control spells are gone from this list now, but they still neatly synergise with Alchemical Savant.

Experimental Elixir: even more versatility, including giving access to (a very slow form of) flight at 3rd level.

Alchemical Savant: this makes you a solid secondary healer, but the fact is you don't have that many spell slots. The fact that the offensive buff affects fire damage now makes the cantrip situation much improved at least. Not as good as an extra attack, but no complaints.

Restorative Reagents: free lessor restoration is great, but those temporary hit points are just wonderful. Your 1st level slots make amazing healing potions now, although note this does not double up with Alchemical Savant.

Chemical Mastery: again, greater restoration and heal are nice spells to have on hand. Not so dramatic a bonus to have at this level.

The Armourer
Armourer Spells: some overlap with the Artillerist, providing good area spells which are great given your low number of spell slots. No shield and no wall spells until 17th level, so not quite as good, but close.

Arcane Armour: well, you're in power armour now... this doesn't do a great deal mechanically though.

Armour Model: this is the functional part. Oddly, the main boost is the in-built attack, which allows you to use your intelligence modifier like the Battle Smith does generally.

Extra Attack: no comment necessary.

Armour Modifications: extra infusions! Specific to your power armour, but that encompasses boots / helmet / weapon.

Perfected Armour: interesting affects, if not that powerful by this level.

The Artillerist
Artillerist Spells: damage-dealing spells abound (plus the excellent shield), but with so few spell slots it's the fact that so many are area-effect spells or walls that makes these so good. A great complement to the spells already on your list.

Eldritch Cannon: though only slightly changed, this feels a lot more setting-appropriate than the previous Arcane Turret ability. I'm particularly glad that setting it up is described as creating rather than 'summoning'. Gloss aside, this is a very strong use of your bonus action. You can choose small or tiny depending on whether you want a separate source from you, or alternatively whether you want to carry it with you.

Arcane Firearm: +1d8 and +Int have roughly equal expectation values, but this is more variable. Neither are as good as a 2nd attack feature, but it's nevertheless a solid damage boost to your main action.

Explosive Cannon: I don't like the feel of the detonation feature, but mechanically it's another option for you. The +1d8 damage to your bonus action is good; note it doesn't boost the Protector variation.

Fortified position: this is undeniably a powerful effect, particularly when combat doesn't require much movement so the group can stay together.

The Battle Smith
Battle Smith Spells: lots of concentration required unfortunately. I find this the least inspiring of the spell lists, but it is still extra spells, and shield at least is great.

Battle Ready: this makes you an extremely solid primary-Int combat character. No Arcane Weapon now unfortunately, which makes this slightly less impressive than it was before.

Steel Defender: and here is the pet, but a traditional one this time! Very happy to see the Iron Defender return - and now upgraded to steel. The combination of bonus action attacks and Deflect Attack is very solid. The attack is obviously worse than your own, but the damage is better than an off-hand attack would be without feats, and not needing two weapons to get it gives you other options. Post-Tasha it can now act undirected if you are incapacitated.

Extra Attack: no comment necessary.

Arcane Jolt: the healing option on this makes your Defender's attack useful in more situations, acting a bit like a repeatable healing word. You need to hit, but note that it applies to your own magical attacks too, not just your pet's, which makes this much more consistent and a really strong ability.

Improved Defender: not particularly game-changing, but any healing/damage buff is useful.
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6. Spells
Ritual spells will be marked with (R), and spells that require concentration with (C). Expensive components are generally noted. Spells added in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything are marked with an asterisk*.

Most of your spells come from the wizard list, though a number are cleric spells. It feels like more class-specific spells would be appreciated, for levels 2–5, much like the paladin gets - hopefully this will be fixed in time. The specialisms add a number of offensive spell options to an otherwise largely utility-based spell list.

Cantrips (0 Level)
Acid splash: an ok attack for the level 5+ Alchemist, but now the ability adds to fire bolt too, which is better. Otherwise, just use a crossbow.
Booming blade*: this does not work with the extra attack feature of the Armourer or Battle Smith, and at higher levels the other specialisms probably have better things to do as well. Early on this is an ok spell though; take it then swap it out.
Create bonfire (C): a great spell when used to block a doorway or similar.
Dancing lights (C): concentration is a shame, and you already have a way of creating light, albeit far more limited.
Fire bolt: perfect for the level 5+ Alchemist, otherwise it's ok but uninspiring.
Frostbite: disadvantage is a great effect to add to a cantrip. On the negative side, Con save isn't the best as many enemies will have a high Con, and the damage is low.
Green-flame blade*: see booming blade above.
Guidance (C): there's a reason this is a staple for clerics.
Light: you have a much smaller, permanent version as part of your Magical Tinkering, so it's unlikely to be worth the cantrip choice.
Mage hand: shame you can't get the Arcane Trickster's version. Still useful.
Magic stone: not that great for yourself, but if you have a weak tag-along ally this is a solid enabler.
Mending: extra utility for you given the cannon/steel defender, and obviously thematic. A solid option. Remember that it has a 1min casting time, so it's not an in-combat heal.
Message: the pointing requirement (i.e., needing to know the direction of your target) can be slightly frustrating.
Poison spray: boosted by Alchemical Savant, but why get that close in the first place?
Prestidigitation: much like light, some effects are covered by Magical Tinkering. Pass.
Ray of frost: an alternative to fire bolt, but usually worse.
Resistance (C): concentration and a short duration hinder an otherwise useful effect. Unlike guidance, the need for saving throws is less predictable and less likely to occur out of combat.
Shocking grasp: you don't tend to need to escape combat in the same way a wizard would, but another party member might.
Spare the dying: for when you don't trust your medicine skill.
Sword burst*: like thunderclap, it's a cantrip that can hit multiple enemies! A marginally better saving throw and no stealth destruction makes this slightly better.
Thorn whip: controlling movement is an interesting option for a cantrip, albeit towards you is the least useful direction normally.
Thunderclap: area effect cantrips are rare but 5ft isn't far, Con save isn't ideal, and it's anything but stealthy!

1st Level
Absorb elements: shield but for elemental attacks. You won't get much use of this at level 1, but later on this is a great spell to have.
Alarm (R): rituals are at a premium, given your small number of spell slots. Only one person in the party needs this, but if you don't have a wizard then it might as well be you.
Arcane weapon (C): RIP.
Catapult: better than it seems. Note that it only stops if it hits the target, so if you can get multiple enemies in a line you have extra opportunities to strike. If you're wanting direct damage, this is a very solid option. Be creative with the items you catapult too. Grappling hook? Jar full of caltrops? Talk to your GM about flinging flasks of acid as well.
Cure wounds: you don't have enough spell slots to be a primary healer, but depending on the party line-up this might be an ok backup spell. It gets better for level 5+ Alchemists, but then they have better options for healing in the form of healing word and their potions.
Detect magic (R, C): again a ritual spell, and an extremely useful one at that. The concentration requirement isn't really an issue, given the spell's use.
Disguise self: very situational, but great when it works. Prepare it when necessary.
Expeditious retreat (C): you have enough things that require your bonus action already, and you simply don't need this. Needing concentration is another negative.
Faerie Fire: a solid buff for the rest of your party (/debuff to enemies, depending on how you see it).
False life: perhaps use it at level 1? Even then I'd prefer other options.
Feather Fall: an excellent spell which you'll rarely use, but will be glad to have prepared when you do.
Grease: great fun when you get an appropriate terrain situation.
Identify (R, 100gp pearl): another ritual spell, but you probably will not have space on your 'default' spell list for it - you can switch-in Identify after finding magic items. Its usefulness will depend on how your DM provides magic item information.
Jump: if you have an otherwise impassable chasm, then go for it. Otherwise pass.
Longstrider: similarly not that great.
Purify food and drink: given you prepare your spells, you can grab it when you need it.
Sanctuary: requires a bonus action, and a target that's happy not attacking. Bard, Cleric or squishy NPC might want this.
Snare: in my experience adventuring parties move around too much to make use of this often.
Tasha's caustic brew*: the damage is slow to stack up, but unless you get thunderwave from your subclass this is likely your only level 1 area damage spell. Alchemists get a bonus to this from level 5, but note that only applies to one damage roll to one creature.

2nd Level
Aid: concentration-free and stacks with specialism-granted boots (it's an increase to HP, not temporary HP).
Alter self (C): you have better ways of getting a magic weapon... Aquatic Adaptation will, very infrequently, be useful.
Arcane lock (25gp gold dust consumed): a very thematic spell. I would rate this higher because it's permanent and can be used to great effect, but realistically you're not going to have it prepared every day.
Blur (C): the concentration kills this, otherwise it would be an ok defensive spell.
Continual flame (50gp ruby dust consumed): another permanent spell, but expensive for an effect which is not that impressive.
Darkvision: thankfully this is not concentration and lasts a while. Darkvision is an excellent ability, but you don't have many 2nd level spells and there are better ways to solve darkness.
Enhance ability (C): concentration makes this worse than it could be. Just use Guidance and save a spell selection.
Enlarge/reduce (C): concentration and a short duration. Maybe if there's a grappler in the party?
Heat metal (C): another thematic spell. Disadvantage without a save for those in metal armour.
Invisibility (C): amazing in certain circumstances, particularly scouting.
Lesser restoration: great when you need it, but prepare it to order.
Levitate (C): an interesting variation on hold person against enemies without ranged attacks? It's mainly a situational utility spell.
Magic mouth (R, 10gp jade dust and honeycomb consumed): Magical Tinkering combined with graffiti saying "TAP THIS" gives you a budget version without preparing a spell or spending jade.
Magic weapon (C): you have much better ways of doing this.
Protection from poison: situationally useful.
Pyrotechnics: this spell has some great, if situational uses. Needing a fire there already is what prohibits this from being amazing. Create bonfire can get around this, albeit using a second action.
Rope trick: a guaranteed short rest if you need it. Depending on campaign and party composition this might be great, but generally your spell slots are too hard to come by.
See invisibility: extremely useful for specific enemies later on.
Skywrite (R): a ritual, but a very situational one.
Spider climb (C): much like alter self, it may occasionally come in handy.
Web (C): battlefield control! An excellent spell, though it does require concentration.

3rd Level
Blink: a cool spell, and a no-concentration defensive buff. The only issue with blinking onto the ethereal plane is that your enemies can just attack someone else in the party. Shame you didn't get mirror image at level 2.
Catnap: campaign-dependant. If your GM is flexible with short rests, then this may be of no use at all.
Create food and water: prepare it when you need it.
Dispel magic: not as frequently useful as counterspell, but still great.
Elemental weapon (C): a thematic addition to the artificer spell list, but quite simply not worth the level 3 slot and your concentration. You probably have equally good effects from magic items by the time you get spells at this level.
Flame arrows (C): much like elemental weapon this is not worth your concentration. If you have two archers in the party and your GM allows two people to draw from the same quiver, it might be more interesting.
Fly (C): the ability to fly is great, but by the time you get 3rd level spells this might not be so impressive. What can be encounter-breaking at level 5 (i.e. for a full caster) probably isn't at level 9.
Glyph of warding (200gp powdered diamond consumed): another permanent spell. Expensive but effective. Prepare when necessary.
Haste (C): only good if you have a good target.
Intellect fortress* (C): concentration is probably too high a price to give one person advantage on mental saving throws, which is the main part of this spell.
Protection from energy (C): shame it requires concentration.
Revivify (300gp diamonds consumed): if you have enough spell choices to keep this prepared then great. Better left to the cleric if you have one.
Tiny servant: no concentration and a long duration, but do you really need a second pet? Probably not worth it by this level.
Water breathing (R): very situational, but encounter-breaking when you need it.
Water walk (R): as above.

4th Level
Arcane eye (C): if only it could open doors (the gaps probably aren't 1" wide), it would be amazing. It still gives a unique scouting effect.
Elemental bane (C): extremely situational. Very powerful if your party is dependant on an elemental type and come across a creature resistant to it, but your party should probably diversify its attacks.
Fabricate: you'll likely have the tool proficiencies to create a variety of things with this spell. Note the long casting time, despite it not being a ritual.
Freedom of movement: I'm unsure how to rate this. It's very situational, but can be amazing when required.
Leomund’s secret chest (5,000+50gp chests): if you have the ridiculously expensive material component then sure, but there are better uses for 5,000gp.
Mordenkainen’s faithful hound: an interesting spell, but 5ft range isn't great and unfortunately it can't move. I would be much better were it a ritual.
Mordenkainen’s private sanctum: you don't get Leomund's Tiny Hut at 3rd level for some reason, so this will do.
Otiluke’s resilient sphere (C): 4th level feels too high for this effect.
Stone shape: somewhat situational, but in multiple ways. Note the permanent duration!
Stoneskin (C, 100gp diamond dust consumed): a useful effect, but not worth the cost and concentration in my opinion.
Summon construct* (C): concentration again, but a great one for action economy. There are few good combat spells available to you at this level on your main list to compete, though some subclasses have better ones.

5th Level
Animate objects (C): you will want to carry a bag of 10 tiny objects for this spell.
Bigby’s hand (C): a powerful use of bonus actions when you get to this level, if you don't mind using up your concentration on it. Animate objects is better if you just want damage.
Creation: well, it's certainly on-theme.
Greater restoration (100gp diamond dust consumed): great when you need it, but prepare it to order.
Skill empowerment (C): need to persuade your way through the court in a way that suggestion and their ilk cannot fix? Well, a 5th level spell is still a high cost for this effect.
Transmute rock: the flexibility of this spell is interesting, and will depend slightly on how expansive your GM's definition of 'rock' is, re buildings.
Wall of stone: I'd prefer wall of force, but all wall spells have potential.
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7. Infusions
Most items are extremely campaign-specific in terms of their usefulness. Significant variables include the make-up of your party, the challenges you regularly face, and the magic items you acquire naturally. For this reason, the ratings in this section are even more subjective than those above.

Items which require attunement are marked with (A). Eberron specific items are marked with (E).

No pre-requisite
Armour of Magical Strength*: if your GM is constantly knocking you prone this might be useful, but others will be better at Strength checks and Strength saves are rare.
Enhanced Arcane Focus: not as good as the other basic magic items, because the spells are already magical and this doesn't boost damage. On the other hand as an Artillerist you probably want one for yourself. Maybe as an Alchemist as well, but note it doesn't mesh with your Alchemical Savant ability which requires Alchemical Tools as your focus. If your GM uses an excess of terrain features then it improves in utility.
Enhanced Defense: an extremely solid option, if uninteresting.
Enhanced Weapon: as above, but ever so slightly more useful than AC or the wand as it likely gives someone a magic attack who wouldn't have it otherwise.
Homunculus Servant: more of a role-play or utility element. Like a familiar, but slightly less useful as you cannot look through its eyes. Still, it has darkvision and Int 10, so it's quite a good little scout. Now you can get this from level 1 (*Tasha's), you may get a few levels out of its bonus action-directed attack.
Mind Sharpener* (A): you use a lot of concentration spells. Losing concentration is terrible. Keep that mind sharp!
Repeating Shot (A): a strictly better Enhanced Weapon until level 10 if you're using a crossbow, unless you have run out of attunement slots. A solid option.
Returning weapon: a nice variant for thrown weapons. Probably best to give to your strength-based companions who have few other ranged options.

Replicate Magic Item - 2nd level
  • Alchemy jug: mostly a ribbon ability.
  • Armblade (A, E): a neat magic weapon, but the bonuses granted by enhanced weapons are usually more useful than being able to hide it in your arm.
  • Bag of holding: these are normally easily obtainable for parties in game, but if not then sure.
  • Cap of water breathing: a useful effect, though from level 6 the cloak is better.
  • Goggles of night: particularly important for those without darkvision.
  • Prosthetic limb (A, E): amazing if someone in the party needs it!
  • Rope of climbing: the Alchemist's Flight Elixir will create most of this effect with a normal rope, without using up an infusion slot.
  • Sending stones: a nice piece of utility, particularly if your campaign moves around a lot.
  • Wand of magic detection: this is quite useful. You have detect magic as a ritual spell, but sometimes you really want to check an area quickly.
  • Wand of secrets: the range is a bit too small with only 3 charges to cover most dungeons.

6th level infusions
Boots of the Winding Path (A): far less useful than it could be due to the destination restriction, but teleportation is teleportation. It allows you to hit and run whilst avoiding opportunity attacks should you wish to do so.
Radiant Weapon (A): a nice little upgrade on Enhanced Weapon until level 10, or a way of infusing two magic weapons at once.
Repulsion Shield (A): a similar upgrade on Enhanced Defence until level 10, if you're using a shield. A 15ft push can be particularly interesting in certain combat scenarios (rooftop fights anyone...?).
Resistant Armour (A): if you're spending a lot of time fighting predictable foes, then this may be quite good, but otherwise it's too narrow.
Spell-Refueling Ring* (A): the action required to activate means this is not something to use mid-combat, but so long as you have more than one combat per day this will be of use. An extra 2nd or 3rd level slot can be quite significant.

Replicate Magic Item - 6th level
  • Boots of elvenkind: useful for scouting. In of itself sight is a bigger issue than sound, but you probably have access to invisibility by now, so this is an ok counterpoint.
  • Cloak of elvenkind (A): better than the boots if you don't have easy access to invisibility, otherwise worse.
  • Cloak of the manta ray: in most circumstances this is simply better than the cap.
  • Eyes of charming (A): a situational 1st level spell at DC 13 isn't worth it.
  • Gloves of thievery: just get the knock spell somehow... useful but not quite enough power.
  • Lantern of revealing: you have see invisibility on your spell list, and can exchange spells on a long rest rather than just on level up. Obviously this works for the whole party, so is better, but it's probably not worth the infusion slot.
  • Pipes of haunting: not bad - if you have the proficiency in wind instruments. Does your bard?
  • Ring of water walking: this will certainly look impressive, but it's not an effect you'll use often.
  • Wand sheath (A, E): you need both a good wand and a warforged in the party to make this useful.

10th level infusions
Helm of Awareness* (A): a more limited weapon of warning (restricted just to the wearer) as a hat.

Replicate Magic Item - 10th level (all require attunement unless marked "NA"):
  • Boots of striding and springing: by 10th level you want access to flight, not extra jumping.
  • Boots of the winterlands: aside from resistance to cold damage, these effects are only really useful if you can provide them to the whole party. As a single item, not that useful.
  • Bracers of archery: a solid item for an archer. Use yourself if a high elf (or resorting to a shortbow); give to another party member otherwise.
  • Brooch of shielding: defence to force damage is hard to come by, but then force damage is quite rare in of itself.
  • Cloak of protection: you really can't go wrong with this. Boosts to AC and saving throws will be useful your entire career.
  • Eyes of the eagle: you probably don't have the best of Wisdom scores, but someone in your party will. Give this to them.
  • Gauntlets of ogre power: the problem with these stat-changing items is that by level 12 you already have your primary stats up to 18 or 20, and if you haven't by level 10 then you'll be close. Strength isn't always very useful unless it's an attack stat for you (although it does at least give you grapple options), but nevertheless fixing a stat at 19 is change in power can be significant.
  • Gloves of missile snaring: who needs decades of training as a monk, when you can just put on some gloves? You're probably a Dex-based class yourself. These are useful and cool.
  • Gloves of swimming and climbing: useful, but it feels like you should get more at level 10.
  • Hat of disguise: disguise self can be very useful, but you don't need it that often, and it's on your spell list. Not worth an infusion slot.
  • Headband of intellect: much like the gauntlets of ogre power. Changing a stat to 19 is undeniably powerful, but you may not have need for this effect. Intelligence is limited in use, like strength is.
  • Helm of telepathy: this is a pretty cool item. It's a shame the DC is so low, but you'll get some use out of it just by sending telepathic messages between you and the party.
  • Medallion of thoughts: strictly worse version of the helm of telepathy (save for how visually prominent a helm is by comparison to a medallion).
  • Necklace of adaptation*: very campaign-dependent.
  • Periapt of wound closure: depends entirely on the amount of healing available to you and your party, but this is probably underwhelming at this level.
  • Pipes of the sewers: swarms of rats aren't really strong enough to be worth your attention at this point. Unless your campaign will provide a strong diplomatic bonus for you ridding the town of an infestation in a non-violent fashion...
  • Quiver of Ehlonna (NA): this is a cool variant on items of holding, but most builds don't need that many weapons on hand.
  • Ring of jumping: see the boots above. If flight isn't available to you then this gets better.
  • Ring of mind shielding: an excellent item for campaigns where the NPCs intelligently utilise magic like real people would.
  • Slippers of spider climbing: this is far more interesting than the other jump/climb items, but I would still prefer flight.
  • Ventilating lung (E): extremely situational.
  • Winged boots: and here we are. This is just better than many of the other 'movement' items. Be your best Hermes and put on those boots.

14th level infusions
Arcane Propulsion Armour* (A): similar to the Armourer's 3rd level subclass ability, reasonable for the other subclasses but not exciting – unless you're missing a limb, in which case it is an upgrade on Eberron's prosthetics.

Replicate Magic Item - 14th level (all require attunement unless marked "NA"):
  • Amulet of health: setting a stat to 19, but constitution is probably a much better stat to do this with, it being helpful to everyone but not a primary stat so probably not 20 through ASIs. That's no doubt the reason why this comes at level 14 instead of level 10. A solid choice to give to the party member with the lowest Con score.
  • Arcane propulsion arm (E): an upgrade on prosthetic limb, for anyone who needs one. Superseded by arcane propulsion armour.
  • Belt of hill giant strength: a strict upgrade to the gauntlets of ogre power.
  • Boots of levitation: if you need to fly at short notice (e.g. in combat) then using an action makes this worse than the winged boots. This is still effectively flight though, with no 4h limit like the boots.
  • Boots of speed: I would choose the winged boots over these, but the effect is ok.
  • Bracers of defence: an excellent item if you have a monk, or similar unarmoured companion. Monks are probably the only such that will be in the front line, hence the 'situational' general rating.
  • Cloak of the bat: this is a fun item. Advantage on stealth checks is an ok bonus for a scout. Polymorph into a bat is the most interesting feature. The non-bat fly speed would be great in places such as the underdark, save the need to use both hands.
  • Dimensional shackles (NA): this is campaign-dependent, but is an amazingly useful and unique effect if you need it.
  • Gem of seeing: true-seeing is very powerful, but the combination of needing an action and a 10min duration stops this item being perfect.
  • Horn of blasting (NA): for me the 1/5 chance of blowing yourself up is too high, considering the effect is a level of damage that can be replicated by most full spellcasters at this level. The loss of the item isn't a problem, because you could make another, but 10d6 damage during combat is dangerous.
  • Ring of free action: how often does your GM use the paralysed or restrained conditions on you? If regularly then you may well want this.
  • Ring of protection: another copy of the cloak you obtained at level 12, albeit a ring is more convenient.
  • Ring of the ram: this is interesting as an attack, as a) force damage is rarely resisted, and b) the push provides battlefield control. 6d10 damage + a 15ft push isn't bad, though at level 16 the +7 roll to hit leaves much to be desired.
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
EDIT: This was written with the Feb 2019 version, with only Alchemist and Artillerist as options

You know, with a dip for the Archery fighting style, the Artificer makes a pretty good Hand Crossbow expert as a way to stretch it's limited spell slots and feature uses. Their Arcane Weapon spell grants Hex/Hunter's Mark like bonus damage but without the need to spend a bonus action to move it. They effectively get Extra Attack, with the option of Infusing their own weapon if they don't find a magical one.

More attacks with more riders should bypass even growing cantrip damage with a +INT boost.

An Alchemist can lay down Web and maintain concentration while attacking once they reach sufficient 5th level to get 2nd level spells. Gives judicious use of spell slots and then an at-will resource.

Only problem is overload of bonus actions - while you don't need it to change targets, you do need it to start Arcane Weapon, and to use you Homunculus - though many of it's actions can be done between combats.
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'm torn how to rate the turret. The damage never scales, so while it seems like it's potent it soon gets reduced to a spiritual weapon-type category - nice extra damage but nothing amazing. Except for the gobs of temporary HPs it can give out (assuming foes are attacking multiple members of the party so they aren't wasted). Heck, just spending a 1st level spell to bring out the Defender turret between combats is more efficient then False Life or other 1st level spells because it can target everyone.

One quick thing to note. I'm pretty sure the Alchemist's +int to damage works with Arcane Weapon RAW. If it does its a slight boost to damage for the first attack hit after casting it. Worth noting I feel.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
One quick thing to note. I'm pretty sure the Alchemist's +int to damage works with Arcane Weapon RAW. If it does its a slight boost to damage for the first attack hit after casting it. Worth noting I feel.

Agreed, as long as that attack is of the allowed types (acid or poison), it should add. Good catch.

One quick thing to note. I'm pretty sure the Alchemist's +int to damage works with Arcane Weapon RAW. If it does its a slight boost to damage for the first attack hit after casting it. Worth noting I feel.

Agreed, as long as that attack is of the allowed types (acid or poison), it should add. Good catch.

Yes, good catch! I had to re-read the wording quite carefully to come to that conclusion, to make sure it was the spell doing the damage rather than the weapon attack per se. Also note that all your spellcasting uses a focus, whether or not the spell has a material component. Arcane weapon has only verbal and somatic components, but you can still use your alchemist's supplies to get the Alchemical Mastery bonus.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
EDIT: This was written with the Feb 2019 version, with only Alchemist and Artillerist as options

This is to get an idea of what they can do without weapons. To give a bench-line for comparing to Arcane Weapon, Arcane Armament, and Infusion, perhaps even investing in Crossbow Expert, martial weapons, Booming Blade/Green Flame Blade cantrips, etc.

Alchemist Native at-will potential damage per round (assuming ASIs to INT)
Will be reduced by: saves (cantrip), misses (homunculus), switching to different cantrip for acid instead of poison damage / greater range.

Level 1-2: Poison spray (d12 CON save, 10' range) avg 6.5
Level 3-4: Poison spray + bonus action acid spittle (d6+2) = 6.5 + 5.5 = 12 w/ bonus action
Level 5: Cantrips improve, prof improves (better homunculus): 2d12 / 1d6+3 = 13 + 6.5 = 19.5 w/ bonus action
Level 6-7: Alchemical Mastery: 2d12+Int(4), 1d6+3 = 17 + 6.5 = 23.5 w/ bonus action
Level 8: ASI: 2d12+5 / 1d6+3 = 18 + 6.5 = 24.5 w/bonus action
Level 9-10: Prof inc: 2d12+5 / 1d6 + 4 = 18 + 7.5 = 25.5 w/BA
Level 11-12: Cantrips improve: 3d12+5 / 1d6 +4 = 24.5 + 7.5 = 32 w/BA
Level 13-16: Prof inc: 3d12+5 / 1d6 +5 = 24.5 + 8.5 = 33 w/BA
Level 17: Cantrips & prof improves: 4d12+5 / 1d6 + 6 = 31 + 9.5 = 40.5 w/ BA

(I'm breaking out bonus action, because it still can add to normal weapon attacks, but needs to be considered vs. the extra attack of Crossbow Expert.)

Artillerist is like the non-hounculous damage from Alchemist, but assuming using a Wand Prototype for +Int to damage instead of a poison/acid cantrip.

The turret can add in cone fire damage and single target force damage for a bonus action, but cant' be assumed to be available for every encounter. The single target bonus action damage would be 9 for comparison to the Alchemist, doubling to 18 at 14th level. (Though I like the other Arcane Turrets more, this is the most apples-to-apples.)

As a small note, Warlock 2 is often seen as a "cantrip power" dip that grows without more Warlock levels. Because of how these are written, neither helps Eldritch Blast (which is good). Also, you need 6 levels of Artificer to get the features so that the rest is just based off advancement in other classes. So it's not as cherry-pick-able. That's good in my book.
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41st lv DM
Dragonborn: not the typical artificer.

Really? Not being the typical artificer (whatever that even means) is you're criteria & whole explanation to rate this as "Avoid at all costs"?
Avoid because....? What, the 1st image in your head isn't of a dragon-man making things/brewing potions? It has a poor stat set up for the class? Something else?

Provide an explanation. Mechanics based preferably. Setting based if plausible (I don't know anything about Ebberon, maybe there's a story reason to avoid that race/class combo there?)

I'm sorry, but if you're writing a guide, write something useful. Or at least reasoned. You're DB rating isn't. And when I run across non-useful stuff in guides? It automatically devalues everything else you've written.
At least you've avoided the useless + snide commentary often seen in Treantmonks stuff....

Worse yet? You're writing a guide based on PLAYTEST material. You're discouraging playtesting with your ratings.

*I care not one wit about Dragonborn themselves.

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