D&D 5E [GUIDE] So art lies hid by its own artifice - an artificer guide

Hey glad to see you've updated this with the new subclasses so quickly! There's two small things I'd disagree on. I think the Archivist has plenty of spells for it's mind-smite thing, after all it has the same number as the Paladin and they get along just fine. Second, I'd definitely rate the Battle Smith's spells lower than black. All the smites are bonus action activated, which means you can't use your pet on those turns. That's a huge opportunity cost given that in my opinion the pet is usually better than using a spell slot for the smite, leaving half the Battle Smith's spells as subpar, and like you said they also require concentration which means no Arcane Weapon. I think your description of Purple (situational, usually sub-optimal but can occasionally shine.) fits perfectly here.

Edit: Oh, one more thing. Arcane Jolt triggers when your pet OR you hit with a magical weapon attack, so you don't have to rely on the pet to trigger it. This also opens up a ton of positioning options on it if you either leave the pet to its own whims or use a ranged weapon since you can now effectively trigger it on any enemy in the fight.
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I initially hesitated on rating the bonus spells lower than black, simply because it's free spells and that's never a bad thing. But on further reflection I agree that the list is so bad that it should go down to purple.

Re the spell slots, of course it is the same as the paladin - who in my view also struggles for lack of spell slots at the level the ability is obtained (hence "at this point"), something that changes at level 5 when your slots suddenly double. I'll write that out more explicitly.

Good catch re Arcane Jolt, I misread that in my haste to get this updated! A much better ability that way. I might increase that to turquoise then. Consistent and repeatable free healing words is a strong ability.

The guide has now been updated to the new class presented in Eberron: Rising from the Last War. The class changes significantly in focus for the Alchemist and Artillerist, by dint of them not getting a second weapon attack, and the removal of the Arcane Weapon spell is a loss. It remains a flavourful and enjoyable class however, perhaps more so because we'll see more variation.

As ever, comments and suggestions appreciated!


Non battlesmith Artificers can use green flame blade and add intelligence to damage.

If a race gets rapiers or shortswords with 14 Dex you can deal some decent damage with it.

Or racial weapons off strength and later you can craft or infuse gauntlets or hill giant belt.

A bit rough under the default array but decent option for high elf or if you can roll a 14+ as a 4th stat.

Each Artificer with default array should probably have something like 14 Dex/con and 16 intelligence.

Said weapon use is better than damage dealing cantrips early on later you can stack your created weapons to abuse with green flame blade.

So strength based melee non battlesmith is viable.

Non battlesmith Artificers can use green flame blade and add intelligence to damage.

If a race gets rapiers or shortswords with 14 Dex you can deal some decent damage with it.

Or racial weapons off strength and later you can craft or infuse gauntlets or hill giant belt.
So strength based melee non battlesmith is viable.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Unless you're infusing a strength-setting item, then I think you're better sticking to finesse weapons and dexterity rather than going with strength. That's a valid call though, now that non-Battlesmiths do not get an extra attack.

NB that the green-flame blade cantrip is NOT on the artificer spell list, so you need to get it from somewhere else. The most likely source is from being a high elf, who also get shortsword proficiency (and longsword for later if you infuse a strength item). I think I'll add that as a plus to the high elf race.

I think it's worth pointing out that it's fire damage, which is affected by Alchemical Savant (from level 5 it becomes a 'roll' rather than static damage so it works). Seems pretty nice!


Thanks for the suggestion!

Unless you're infusing a strength-setting item, then I think you're better sticking to finesse weapons and dexterity rather than going with strength. That's a valid call though, now that non-Battlesmiths do not get an extra attack.

NB that the green-flame blade cantrip is NOT on the artificer spell list, so you need to get it from somewhere else. The most likely source is from being a high elf, who also get shortsword proficiency (and longsword for later if you infuse a strength item). I think I'll add that as a plus to the high elf race.

I think it's worth pointing out that it's fire damage, which is affected by Alchemical Savant (from level 5 it becomes a 'roll' rather than static damage so it works). Seems pretty nice!

Yes I know.

I think you want a race with short sword or rapier going Dex based otherwise you have to use rapiers.

But at level 20 you can infuse gauntlets of Ogre power, doubled stack intelligence damage on gfb via your level 5 ability. Hell you can craft gauntlets fast enough and infuse something else.

High elf is ideal, default array 14 Dex and con, 16 int.


The battlesmith is great....except for its subclass spells, which are pretty poor. I was hoping for stuff like misty step and dimension door and other mobility enhancers/escape mechanisms. I think the Mark of Passage human is quite powerful for what it adds and I'd likely favor it over the Mark of Making for the Battlesmith.

Good guide. Some notes I had:
  • I think you're greatly underestimated the power of blur. A Frontline battle Smith can reduce incoming damage by a huge amount even against NPCs with high attack modifiers like giants.
  • Acid splash is solid for artillerist also due to getting the bonus 1d8 to potentially 2 targets.
  • Ray of frost reduction of movement + cannon push back can be a solid CC in some parties.
  • Arcane firearm is probably better than extra attack. Adding 1d8 to all your damage spells is like getting them all bumped up a spell slot for free. Unlike other classes bonuses to spell damage this is not limited to one target.
  • sanctuary is really good at keeping the steel defender alive in clutch moments
  • The artillerist can become a solid front line caster by dodging/using cannon to attack. In some regards it beats the battle Smith.
  • The explosive Cannon damage is better than it looks. 20 ft radius force aoe save for half when your cannon is already low on health is solid. Nothing stopping you from throwing it either.
  • most of the battles Smith spells are pretty eh warding bond is ripe for fun with SSI + tiny servants.
  • a battle Smith wishing to improve their still defender can give them some of the infusions. Gauntlets of ogre power and cloak of protection go a long way.
  • For additional AC they could make leather barding. The way the infusion is written they could benefit from their natural armor and the enhanced defense on the barding. (when giving multiple ways to calculate your AC you are given the benefit of the choice)
  • Anyone can casst mending on the cannons/SD. Bribe a fellow party member to take it in exchange for an infusion. Double healing speed.


Would it work for a Gnome Battlesmith with the Mounted combatant feat to ride their Steel defender?
Could they give the Defender a spell-storing item with Heroism or Warding bond, and have the Defender cast it on the Artificer at the beginning of combat?


Possibly a Idiot.
Would it work for a Gnome Battlesmith with the Mounted combatant feat to ride their Steel defender?
You don't even need the feat to mount the Steel Defender, though it does help with the Defender's longevity.

Could they give the Defender a spell-storing item with Heroism or Warding bond, and have the Defender cast it on the Artificer at the beginning of combat?
No, the defender has a restricted list of actions it can take.

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