Spelljammer Hadozee: You got Starfrontiers in my Spelljammer!

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What races from the Alternity setting would everyone like to see as a D&D race? curious The sasquatch-like Weren? The psionic Fraal? the Lizardfolk-like T'sa? The gargoyle-like Seshayan? Or the Half-Construct, Mechalus? I know, this should be for another thread.... :p
Seshayan for sure. They're close to aarokora, but there's something just alien enough about them that I'd want a full race write-up.

Weren would be shifters, maaybe reskinned goliaths.
T'sa would be lizardfolk or reskinned gnomes.
Mechalus would be warforged.
Fraal? Who cares, they're space elves. :p


Does anyone else remember the Desmudo? I loved those guys.
Desmodu, the large bat riding underdark bat people with 12 HD so they could be appropriately used as adversaries for drow in a high level 3.0 module? I never really liked their aesthetic.


Seshayan for sure. They're close to aarokora, but there's something just alien enough about them that I'd want a full race write-up.

Weren would be shifters, maaybe reskinned goliaths.
T'sa would be lizardfolk or reskinned gnomes.
Mechalus would be warforged.
Fraal? Who cares, they're space elves. :p
I think Seshayans and Fraal got distinct writeups as PC races in some 2e era Dragon Magazine issue.

Seshayans we might start from the Hadozee PC race and change some things around.
Fraal would definitely have Telepathy and some psionic themed cantrips.
T'sa I think would be Kobolds actually, as they sort of size small reptilians.
And Weren could actually be Bugbears, or we start from there with powerful build and long-limbed.
Mechalus I think we should start from the Simic Hybrid as an example, but make them more mechanical themed instead of biological.


CR 1/8
Desmodu, the large bat riding underdark bat people with 12 HD so they could be appropriately used as adversaries for drow in a high level 3.0 module? I never really liked their aesthetic.

View attachment 255677
It's a good pic insofar as it answers the question of how to do armor for creatures with wingflaps.
It's not such a good pic because it answers that question with "lace-up leather mankini with pauldrons."

Voidrunner's Codex

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