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Has the half-elf changed enough from previous editions

  • Yes, the half-elf is not the uber-human wanna-be anymore

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • No, the half-elf is still the uber-human wanna-be

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Undecided about the half-elf

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Other (Please explain)

    Votes: 6 13.6%


In my experience, half-elves were the choice for players to use if they wanted to play a human type, but wanted to be able to multi-class.

The one drawback when comparing a half-elf to a human were the demi-human limits. Now the normal limits were something like 8th level in fighter and magic-user and 6th level or something for clerics, but I always gamed with the rules that having a higher score in your prime requisites increased the maximum level you were allowed. Most of the games never went beyond 10th-level or so, so this limit did not have the effect I think it should have.

One advantage of being a half-elf over a human was of course multi-classing. I saw too many half-elf fighter/magic-user/thief or fighter/magic-user/cleric characters than I can begin to count. This coming from groups when I was growing up in PA, to my experience with different groups in the military. With the half-elf being the only race that was able to take three classes, they had a distinct advantage over all other classes. Now since alot of my experience comes from the military, many campaigns started with characters higher than 1st-level, since we had so many players come and go.

Another advantage the half-elves had was the ability to cast spells in elven chain. Virtually every elf and half-elf had elven chain. Since 3e adds the chance for arcane failure in armor regardless of race, the 1e/2e half-elf has a distinct advantage over the 3e half-elf, regardless of having elven blood or not. In some games I have been in, half-elves were allowed to be bladesingers (you draw the next logical conclusion.)

As for the half-elf stereotype, I agree. But truth be told, the half-elf was IMHO always the best for role-playing for me personally. So many questions needed to be answered like which race did you get the elven blood from? Which racial philosophy did you prefer? And so on. I must say though, I cannot remember any half-elves that I have played that followed the Tanis stereotype

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First Post
I'm currently playing a 1/2 Orc Barbarian-1/Cleric-5 (Pelor). I'm having an utter blast. "PELOR WILL GIVE YOU STRENGTH"! Heh. I say that every time I cast Bull's Strength and I love it. He's not too well liked by his church (what with him being chaotic), but that's OK because he's not out to be liked.
Yeah, we had a character just like that, only he was of Kord, and he was (naturally) a strength maven too. He was one of the more interesting half-orcs and indeed his player had fun too. Be aware also that a character that is fun to roleplay can often be extremely annoying to other players - I'm not suggesting that yours is (and the cleric/barb of Kord wasn't, though he did dominate personality-wise) but too many half-orcs, in my experience, are...

I guess they're just beginning to wear on me in general - mostly the tanks played by a certain kind of player who have "half-orc", "stupid, violent and bullying" and "20 strength" as their personality... :rolleyes:
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WotC's bitch
rounser said:

Yeah, we had a character just like that, only he was of Kord, and he was (naturally) a strength maven too. He was one of the more interesting half-orcs and indeed his player had fun too. Be aware also that a character that is fun to roleplay can often be extremely annoying to other players - I'm not suggesting that yours is (and the cleric/barb of Kord wasn't, though he did dominate personality-wise) but too many half-orcs, in my experience, are...

I guess they're just beginning to wear on me in general - mostly the tanks played by a certain kind of player who have "half-orc", "stupid, violent and bullying" and "20 strength" as their personality... :rolleyes:

That sounds to me more like a problem with a player in your group, as opposed to half-orcs in general. What would happen if half-orcs weren't available? This guy would probably just play a human with 18 Str, a "barbarian" background and exactly the same personality.

You can have annoying players who express their annoyingness in all sorts of ways. The ubermage with save DCs of 25+ for phantasmal killer, the dual-wielding ranger/rogue, the big dumb barbarian with 20+ Str -- it doesn't matter. With some players, they're great to have around. With others, they become a pain.


I guess they're just beginning to wear on me in general - mostly the tanks played by a certain kind of player who have "half-orc", "stupid, violent and bullying" and "20 strength" as their personality...
end quote:

Sounds like the elven bladesinger of old.


First Post
Jasperak said:
For those that are currently playing half-elves, do you find that race as a more role-playing choice than in previous editions? BTW, what classes are your half-elves?

I picked it because I wanted to play one. I enjoy Role Playing, and it's been fun having a half elf that is not hated by others. I had a loving family, both parents laved each other and married. It's not an angst filled half elf like so many I've seen. Sure, the feat and extra skill points of a human would be nice, but that lowlight vision is worth more then a feat for me. And bonuses on 3 highly useful skills is great, as is the bonus to enchantment spells. THe immune to sleep hasn't come up yet. Our party wizard has not cast it as yet. THe extra language is good. THe Favored class I doubt will come into play because I'm not plaiing on multi classing to either another core class or a Prestige class. I'm taking Ranger levels till the campaign's overs.


I'm some one who played a half elf in 2e, then converted that character to 3e and kept playing...

and i don't know what this is on about. what made them so good in 2e? my character was 'better' in 3e, as she was a wizard and i like wizards in 3e much better than i did in 2e. but the half elf bit stayed the same!


Olive: That is a good point if your character was a single-classed M-U in 2e. In my gaming history, I have played with more powergamers than anything, almost to the point of bending the rules (half-elven bladesingers?)

If your char was a single-classed M-U, then that character did not take the possible advantage of multi-classing. If this is the case, then of course your character now is more powerful now in 3e. All characters are more powerful in the new edition.

We could compare a half-elf fighter/magic-user to a half-elf magic-user from both editions and find the 2e F/M-U only about 2 levels behind the half-elf M-U. Now in 3e we are all familiar with the multiclassing rules.

In 2e, the half-elf fighter/magic-user was a powergamer's wet dream. All that I am saying is that the half-elf was more powerful (and by extension, the elf) in 2e because of the the spell casting rules for elves and half-elves in addition to the multiclassing rules.


That's Latin for "cool"

I'll admit. When it comes time for the interrogations/ information gathering/ shaking down the bartender ... I shut up a lot. I tend to play those kind of characters. I'll give up 55 minutes of game time if for five minutes everything depends on me doing what I do. I think part of what makes our hobby special is that we are a group of heros, whereas in most other media there is only one hero.


PS: (to keep it OT) halfies r0x0r.


BiggusGeekus brings up the point I am trying to determine for myself, can the half-elf have the spotlight for himself in the new edition, if only for 5 minutes every hour. In the past the half-elf IMO had more of the spotlight than most others although YMMV. I started this poll to try an get a general idea of where the half-elf stands amoungst the other races.

I am preparing to introduce 3e to a group/s of wargamers that have played 1e for 20 years. Within this/these group/s there are certain expectations and I wanted to get an idea from the community about how to handle half-elves. Should I change the race to make it more appealing or leave it alone? From what I am learning I think any race played well can have its time in the sun so to speak, although I would like all the opinions I can get.

BiggusGeekus: What would you have done with the half-elf?


I was one of those who voted "other" in the poll.

Conceptually, I have a problem with the half-and-half races. Do humans and orcs or humans and elves interbreed so often that there is such a sizeable population of half-elves and half-orcs? Half-elves and half-orcs should be very rare.

I am considering taking out half-elves and half-orcs as possible race choices for PCs, and introducing the "Elvish Ancestry" and "Orcish Ancestry" feats which can be taken by humans at 1st level instead.

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