Half-Feat Conversion: PHB


I actually don't like Called Shot. It was buffed for anybody that can get advantage reliably, became more usable when you have disadvantage from another source, and it will absolutely wreck paralyzed and otherwise automatically-crit creatures because of the move to dice instead of a modifier. But maybe I just need more time to mull it over. I can tell why you made those changes but right now I just don't think the benefits are worth the new problems.

Otherwise I think this is a pretty good project so far.
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Dungeon Mistress, she/her
I actually don't like Called Shot. It was buffed for anybody that can get advantage reliably, became more usable when you have disadvantage from another source, and it will absolutely wreck paralyzed and otherwise automatically-crit creatures because of the move to dice instead of a modifier. But maybe I just need more time to mull it over. I can tell why you made those changes but right now I just don't think the benefits are worth the new problems.

Otherwise I think this is a pretty good project so far.

Definitely will want to flag it to not work when you already have disadvantage. If it was power attack, then swinging like a madman into the darkness when you have disadvantage is fun (I'm not going to hit anyway, so I might as well try), but it doesn't fit for called shot.

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Capn Charlie

I only got to charger before I had to say "w-w-what!?"

As a half feat, this seams comparable to many current feats. That +1d6 to attack roll seems really out there. I suppose in a world without great weapon master and power attack it isn't quite as abusable, but still, with this people will just move back and forth getting free attack bonus each turn. I almost feel like +1 to hit per 10 feet moved would be better. (Until you take into account 100 feet speed characters).


I only got to charger before I had to say "w-w-what!?"

As a half feat, this seams comparable to many current feats. That +1d6 to attack roll seems really out there. I suppose in a world without great weapon master and power attack it isn't quite as abusable, but still, with this people will just move back and forth getting free attack bonus each turn. I almost feel like +1 to hit per 10 feet moved would be better. (Until you take into account 100 feet speed characters).
Taking an opportunity attack each time the do so. With a regular movement speed you can double tap charger on a single turn at best.

That and 1d6 is little better than Bless.

Capn Charlie

Taking an opportunity attack each time the do so. With a regular movement speed you can double tap charger on a single turn at best.

That and 1d6 is little better than Bless.

Combined with mobile feat you have no real drawbacks, and even more movement speed. And bless costs a spell slot, and a concentration "slot" and can be disrupted, while this is 'always on'. Not to mention that this stacks with bless.


Dungeon Mistress, she/her
So you're saying a Mobile Charger will be running about a lot?
Sounds right.

I think the concern is people running back and forth. If they still take OA's, that's a self correcting problem.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
This is a pretty cool list. There's a heck of a lot of tem where my comment was mostly "Thumbs up!", which was getting very long. So if you don't see a comment, I liked it as it. :)

Called Shot:
By going for a riskier strike, you can try to leverage more damage. Whenever you make a weapon attack, you may make that attack at disadvantage. If you do, add 2d6 to that attack's damage roll.

This is often a power up from the -5/+10 people often consider too good. First, anytime to have disadvantage go for this. Second, if we look at the -5/+10 as -X/+2X, this would be balanced at -3.5 / +7. If you had advantage, that crosses the line at 6 or better, if you didn't it crosses the line at 5 or better. These aren't hard to get if you are maximizing to hit, especially if this would also grant you +1 to an ability score.

Crossbow Expert:
Thanks to extensive practice with the crossbow, you gain the following benefits:
  • You ignore the loading quality of crossbows with which you are proficient.
  • When you use the Attack action and attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a hand crossbow you are holding.

I think this is balanced against two-weapon fighting, but I would love to be able to spend a feat and make a two-handed crossbow useful. Any ideas? Obviously you wouldn't be able to use a feat for a two-handed crossbow and a one-handed crossbow at the same time so it's not power creep.

Hardy and resilient, when you roll a Hit Die, if the number rolled is less than twice your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2), and less than the maximum of the die, you may treat that roll as if it were twice you Constitution modifier (minimum of 2).
Yes, this includes rolling for health on level up.

The wording sees a bit odd. Say I have a +4 CON and a d6 HD. If I roll a 1-5 I add 8 HPs, and if I roll a 6 I just add the 6 HPs? Or should the maximum of the die be with the result part?

Elemental Adept:
When you gain this feat, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire,lightning, or thunder.
Spells you cast ignore resistance to damage of the chosen type. In addition, when cast a spell of one of the listed types other than the chosen one, you may have that spell deal the chosen damage type instead.

This seems too much by auto converting all damaging spells into a type that ignores resistance and you might be boosting from other methods. If you want a conversion, I'd say pick two other damage types and you MUST convert them. This gives you a wider selection of spells (and secondary effects) but also locks you out of some damage types, hopefully thematically.

Tavern Brawler

I know in real world boxing and wrestling are two differetn things, but I'd love an easy "unarmed fighter" feat instead of two separate ones. I think you're just spending a feat to do what others can already do with a weapon.

Great Weapon Master:
You’ve learned to put the weight of a weapon to your advantage, letting its momentum empower your strikes. Once per turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon wielded in two hands, or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one additional melee weapon attack.

I approve that this works with versatile weapons in two hands. Is it intentional it also works with ranged weapons? Also I noticed that it's not a bonus action, so it can stack with features that give you a bonus action attack. Intentional?

You have inexplicable luck that seems to kick in at just the right moment.
You have one luck point. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend a luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend a luck point after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
You can also spend a luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20,and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker’s roll or yours.
If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled.
You regain your expended luck points when you finish a long rest.

Can you take this more than once? If not, why not simplify the wording to "once per long rest" and take out all references to "luck point" currency.

Magic Initiate:

The editor ate some of what I wrote. I believe it was that with this being cheaper I would expect to see more single-attack front-lines like some rogues or clerics taking Booming Blade and/or Green Flame Blade. That's not a bad thing, though it may dilute it for the characters that have it.

Martial Adept:
You may take this feat multiple times.

I'd probably suggest if you take it multiple times that you don't get two new maneuvers every time. Either make it one each time because it's cheaper, or taking it additional times just adds dice.

BTW, with fighter's getting more ASIs and these feats cheaper, I can see a battlemaster taking a few weapon feats then just loading up on this to get more and more dice and options. That's not a bad thing at all, just saying it's viable to double-down on their subclass speciality.

Martial Training:
You have trained in the use of armour and weapons. You gain the following benefits:
  • Proficiency in Light, Medium and Heavy armour.
  • Proficiency with Shields.
  • Proficiency with Simple and Martial weapons.

I believe we've talked before. I think a caster going from no armor to medium and a shield and improving AC greatly, being able to save on DEX (not as important level 1 and maxing at +2 mod), and possibly Mage Armor taking a spell known and a slot to cast, is a very big leap for a feat. I understand that people won't want to invest multiple feats in it. But it decreases differentiation in the classes, and even in the races that grant racial armor and weapons. With these being cheaper, I'd really suggest breaking this down. Say any two increases. So light armor and simple weapons could have heavy armor, or medium armor, shield, or maybe medium armor and martial or whatever. That gives something to classes that already have some of this.

Polearm Master:
You can keep your enemies at bay with reach weapons. When you take the Attack action and attack with a reach weapon wielded in two hands, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon. The weapon’s damage die for this attack is a d4, and the attack deals bludgeoning damage.

Personally I'd rather go the other side of the PHB polearm master feat. The bonus action attack is a straight math upgrade, which is effective but not particularly interesting. And several of the earlier feats already can apply to a two handed reach weapon so it's already got efficiency upgrade feats. With all of those and a bonus attack, reach weapons might become the de facto "best weapon". I'd probably drop this feat.

I had a bit about adding new options that change how you play is more interesting, but I see you just moved that to Sentinel.

Savage Attacker:
Once per turn, on your turn, when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the damage dice and use either total.

This one has always sucked, I've never seen it taken even among the multiple tables at my FLGS. Why not make it in the same ballpark of improvement as others.

After much study you gain one of the following benefits:
• You gain proficiency in any combination of two skills or tools of your choice.
• You gain expertise in one skill or tool for which you are proficient.

I like this a lot. Would you consider adding languages to the first option?


This is often a power up from the -5/+10 people often consider too good. First, anytime to have disadvantage go for this. Second, if we look at the -5/+10 as -X/+2X, this would be balanced at -3.5 / +7. If you had advantage, that crosses the line at 6 or better, if you didn't it crosses the line at 5 or better. These aren't hard to get if you are maximizing to hit, especially if this would also grant you +1 to an ability score.
Disadvantage tends towards -3/4 on average, so I felt +2d6 was fitting since it averages 7 damage. Honestly I might drop it entirely for my game, I just wanted to include it for others.

I think this is balanced against two-weapon fighting, but I would love to be able to spend a feat and make a two-handed crossbow useful. Any ideas? Obviously you wouldn't be able to use a feat for a two-handed crossbow and a one-handed crossbow at the same time so it's not power creep.
Probably a subtle change to Dual Wielder and something about being able to load Hand Crossbows even when both hands are holding light weapons.

The wording sees a bit odd. Say I have a +4 CON and a d6 HD. If I roll a 1-5 I add 8 HPs, and if I roll a 6 I just add the 6 HPs? Or should the maximum of the die be with the result part?
Eurgh, yeah. The wording was giving me hell, and on reflection it's still terrible. If you have 16 Con, you should never roll lower than a 6 on a 1d6 hit die. However on a theoretical 1d4, you would never roll lower than a 4, but never roll higher either because 4 is the die's maximum. This is all the number on the die, it doesn't include adding your con mod.

This seems too much by auto converting all damaging spells into a type that ignores resistance and you might be boosting from other methods. If you want a conversion, I'd say pick two other damage types and you MUST convert them. This gives you a wider selection of spells (and secondary effects) but also locks you out of some damage types, hopefully thematically.
My think was basically "weapon users don't have this problem once they get a magical weapon." But you're right, type conversion might be a bit much for a half-feat. Guess I'll just have to go make better spell lists too

I know in real world boxing and wrestling are two differetn things, but I'd love an easy "unarmed fighter" feat instead of two separate ones. I think you're just spending a feat to do what others can already do with a weapon.
To be fair, you can quite easily ignore Grappler's existance (like most currently do :p) and happily run a grappling build.

I approve that this works with versatile weapons in two hands. Is it intentional it also works with ranged weapons? Also I noticed that it's not a bonus action, so it can stack with features that give you a bonus action attack. Intentional?
I'm guessing Wall O' Text syndrome is setting in: It specifies a melee weapon
The stacking with BAAs is intentional yes, I modeled it after Horde Breaker; a free but situation extra attack.

Can you take this more than once? If not, why not simplify the wording to "once per long rest" and take out all references to "luck point" currency.
Mostly to leave the door open for class features and magic weapons, although now you've mentioned it I really like the idea of being able to take it multiple times.

I'd probably suggest if you take it multiple times that you don't get two new maneuvers every time. Either make it one each time because it's cheaper, or taking it additional times just adds dice.
Honestly I think it's a problem with manoeuvres, a lot of them aren't very good. But yeah, I think I'll drop it down to a die and a manoeuvre per time.

I believe we've talked before. I think a caster going from no armor to medium and a shield and improving AC greatly, being able to save on DEX (not as important level 1 and maxing at +2 mod), and possibly Mage Armor taking a spell known and a slot to cast, is a very big leap for a feat. I understand that people won't want to invest multiple feats in it. But it decreases differentiation in the classes, and even in the races that grant racial armor and weapons. With these being cheaper, I'd really suggest breaking this down. Say any two increases. So light armor and simple weapons could have heavy armor, or medium armor, shield, or maybe medium armor and martial or whatever. That gives something to classes that already have some of this.
I would counter with the fact that a 1 level dip into Cleric already gets you all this.

This one has always sucked, I've never seen it taken even among the multiple tables at my FLGS. Why not make it in the same ballpark of improvement as others.
Ah but I did, it's just more subtle now. It applies to all the dice, not just weapons. What melee Rogue would want to be without it?


First Post
Although I'm a self professed feat junkie, and I really, REALLY wish WotC would put out more content, I think this may be better left alone. I suspect it will serve to unbalance the game. Reworking the feats only really benefits a few classes. But hey, it's your game, you can do whatever you want! It's what makes D&D so great.

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