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Pathfinder 1E Half Red, Half Black Dragon? O_o


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Gender stereotyping? I'm just saying pink is a stupid color for a dragon! My little pony, but it eats you after freezeflaming you half to death...

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Right. And you call it "My Little Pony" why? Don't answer that - it is a rhetorical question. The connotation of pink = childish or weak is a modern, gender-associated bias.


Okay. First of all I would like to say the I sincerely apologize if I have offended you in any way. I am serious, I'm sorry. I understand that many people gender stereotype but that was in no way what I was doing. I would laugh at Pink as much as Neon Yellow, Polka Dot Grey on Dark Blue, Green stripes on Red or any other unexpected combination for a DND Dragon. I am the kind of guy who laughs when somebody says something random like "Vanilla Pudding" when they introduce themselves. I happen to honestly find random things hilarious. I would have made the same comment if he would have said "It would be stupid to fight a Neon Orange Dragon with white tiger stripes." I would also like to add that Pink is the color of Brest Cancer awareness. Cancer is in no way an easy thing to overcome. Pink is not weak, I didn't say it was. I said "Who would fight one?" as in who would approach their DM and say "I'm in the mood to kill something pink...How about a Dragon?" I would prefer this to turn into a positive topic. Lets stop laughing at the fact that it might be different, and start talking about possible ideas for a pink dragon! After thinking about this for a little while I came to the conclusion that it could in fact be a good addition to the game if given the chance! Here is my personal design for an actual pink dragon...

Pink Dragon
Pink Dragons are among the rarest and most dangerous of their kind. Few can attest to the power of this rare and magnificent creature. Boasting a coat of bright pink scales, and wing membranes with intricate patterns this foe holds personal pride higher than any other. It is considered customary to bow one’s head while praising the Dragon’s physical prowess, and stunning appearance, although such praise is expected and unlikely to save you! If the Dragon considers your praise unworthy, or insincere you will soon come to know a terrible fate.

The breath weapon of this Dragon is a highly hallucinogenic pink vapor that causes terrible side effects when inhaled. All those affected by the vapor must pass a DC 17 Fortitude Save or gain the following conditions for the next three rounds of combat… Confused, Shaken, and Sickened.

3/day The Dragon may (as a standard action) entirely open its wings displaying the unique pattern on its wing membrane causing all those in a 60ft radius to pass a DC 20 Will Save or gain the Frightened condition.

Pink Dragons often collect a hoard as unique, and eclectic as the pattern of its wings. Often times choosing to collect colorful art pieces, kaleidoscopes, mind altering substances, beautiful jewelry, precious gems of all colors, fancy clothing (such as nobles outfits), and many wondrous items. These Dragons prefer to lay on a bed of unequal parts platinum to gold often times going to great lengths to ensure more of one that the other (though the particular ration of gold to platinum is dependent on the individual).
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RotRL 4 (Fortress of the Stone Giants) discusses this.

Wow! *facepalm* I am new to the PF modules. I realize now you just abbreviated The Rise of the Rune Lords! I just looked it up and this answers all my questions! Though I must say...what an odd place for the answers! :p I never even thought to look in a module!

You see according to that module this can happen, and does happen! In PF when Chromatic Dragons cross breed the father determines the color, but the child is more likely to have a personality of the mother (The exact opposite is true of the Metallic Dragons). Technically a Red can take a Black to wife, and my god would that be a terrible creature! The prowess of a Red, with the desire for cruelty of the Balck! I will say that such a pairing is highly unlikely due to the fact the Reds and Greens pride themselves on keep bloodlines pure. However I could see story actually happening! Reds are FAR superior to Blacks in PF, which means that a Red could do as it pleased. Thus the Half Red, Half Black hybrid could exist! But if any Reds ever found out that the male in question gave his very valuable Red genes to a Black...well...I imagine he would be killed. Reds have little tolerance for such things. OR perhaps this hybrid was done on purpose to create an easily controlled, highly evil, cruel, and sadistic sub-bloodline meant to be ruled over by the Reds! This hybrid would desire to kill anything, and everything so I assume it would make a fitting race of expendable soldiers for the Reds!
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First Post
Right. And you call it "My Little Pony" why? Don't answer that - it is a rhetorical question. The connotation of pink = childish or weak is a modern, gender-associated bias.


Gender associations aside, are pink dragons in some way not funny to you? Does the notion that somebody might find it funny offend you? If so, I'm sorry and won't bring it up again - but do you think any socialists nowadays are offended by the fact that red dragons are considered greedy, and the most powerful of the evil dragons? Or that caucasians are offended by the fact that white dragons are the weakest?


That pink dragon with hallucinogenic breath looks BADASS.

On the topic of multi-colored dragons, I think that the cleanest way of doing it would be that the eggs of the mixed breed dragons have the chance of hatching either color (50% - 50%). BUT, I think that is a little on the boring side.

A creature that has been a bit downplayed in fantasy lately is the two-headed dragon. So... could we do something about that? Maybe "regular" dragons consider two headed ones abominations, and since mixed breeding increases the chances of them being hatched they have a taboo against that? I’m thinking 40% mother color, 40% father color and 10% two-headed.

I'm A Banana

Listen, if playing D&D has taught all of us anything is that there is nothing too stupid to fight.

Pink dragons, farting tentacled discs, strangely sticky treasure chests, tree stumps with squirrels on them that eat you, living transparent cubes, singing mushrooms that taste delicious, evil vampiric demon-worshiping manta rays...

As for dragon cross-breeds, I think the idea is pretty fascinating! You could go in a lot of different directions. IMC, usually environment and temperament lead to a kind of sexual selection amongst the dragons. Mostly this is just to keep my OCD in check because if I decided dragons could cross-breed, I would frickin' make a matrix, and there goes a week of my life. ;)

So reds and blacks stay away from each other mostly because reds love fire and blacks love swamps, and if the two were every to overlap in territory, we'd probably have a lot of toxic steam and then whichever dragon is more powerful would be left standing (probably the Red) and the other one would be dead.

...because if I started thinking about a "maroon" dragon, I'd start thinking way too hard about make-believe. ;)

I've got enough dragons. Between the 5 chromatics (white, black, green, blue, red), the 5 metallics (brass, copper, bronze, silver, gold), the 5 gemstone dragons (crystal, topaz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst), and the 5 "precious stone" dragons (pearl, jade, amber, jacinth, moonstone), I've got enough to have a big dragon fight at each PC level and still have dozens left over! A maroon dragon isn't going to fill a gameplay niche I need.


That pink dragon with hallucinogenic breath looks BADASS.

On the topic of multi-colored dragons, I think that the cleanest way of doing it would be that the eggs of the mixed breed dragons have the chance of hatching either color (50% - 50%). BUT, I think that is a little on the boring side.

A creature that has been a bit downplayed in fantasy lately is the two-headed dragon. So... could we do something about that? Maybe "regular" dragons consider two headed ones abominations, and since mixed breeding increases the chances of them being hatched they have a taboo against that? I’m thinking 40% mother color, 40% father color and 10% two-headed.

Thank you for the compliment I made up the Pink Dragon myself! :) I do have a question about your idea though. Did you mean to say 45% chances of the parents, or were you leaving the remaining 10% up to the possibility of a hybrid? I'm not trying to be rude! I am honestly asking because if so that seems pretty legit.
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Listen, if playing D&D has taught all of us anything is that there is nothing too stupid to fight.

Pink dragons, farting tentacled discs, strangely sticky treasure chests, tree stumps with squirrels on them that eat you, living transparent cubes, singing mushrooms that taste delicious, evil vampiric demon-worshiping manta rays...

As for dragon cross-breeds, I think the idea is pretty fascinating! You could go in a lot of different directions. IMC, usually environment and temperament lead to a kind of sexual selection amongst the dragons. Mostly this is just to keep my OCD in check because if I decided dragons could cross-breed, I would frickin' make a matrix, and there goes a week of my life. ;)

So reds and blacks stay away from each other mostly because reds love fire and blacks love swamps, and if the two were every to overlap in territory, we'd probably have a lot of toxic steam and then whichever dragon is more powerful would be left standing (probably the Red) and the other one would be dead.

...because if I started thinking about a "maroon" dragon, I'd start thinking way too hard about make-believe. ;)

I've got enough dragons. Between the 5 chromatics (white, black, green, blue, red), the 5 metallics (brass, copper, bronze, silver, gold), the 5 gemstone dragons (crystal, topaz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst), and the 5 "precious stone" dragons (pearl, jade, amber, jacinth, moonstone), I've got enough to have a big dragon fight at each PC level and still have dozens left over! A maroon dragon isn't going to fill a gameplay niche I need.

I actually found out that in PF there are legit rules for crossbreeding. Also, a while back ago they made a Dragon Magazine with an actual color wheel of all the different combos. Anyone have any idea what issue it might be in? Because that is something I would love to read up on!

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