D&D 4E Halflings are greater in 4e ?


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Look the blond girl in the first picture, and the redhair one in the second. They seems realy small for a human beeing. But, for a halfling, they are realy big !
By comparison :

Looks like they are now at least 1 feet greater (from 3 feet high to 4 or more feet high) !

But, are they really halflings ? Or did they kill the gnomes and toook his stuff ? Or maybe they are elves (à la elfquest), and the other elf-like character are in fact eladrins ?

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The Souljourner

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I think making halflings too big steals their coolness and makes them just slightly shorter elves. One of the cool things about halflings is that they're really small. Hopefully either those aren't halflings, or they're just not drawn to the right proportions.



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The Souljourner said:
Hopefully either those aren't halflings

Very small human ? Note that those two girls seem kinda roguish...

If they are halfling, the plus side is that -2 STR looks more realistic. The 3e halfling is smaller than most human children (-4 STR IMHO).
But, as you said, with halfling as high as dwarves, the "small size" is dubious : those two are even greater than a 3e gnome !


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Aloïsius said:
If they are halfling, the plus side is that -2 STR looks more realistic. The 3e halfling is smaller than most human children (-4 STR IMHO).
I agree. The 3E halfling stats were essentially based on the stockier, hobbitish halflings of yesteryear. That is, real halflings


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Hairfoot said:
I agree. The 3E halfling stats were essentially based on the stockier, hobbitish halflings of yesteryear. That is, real halflings
hum, no. Real hobbits ! And Hobbits are the IP of someone else than WotC...


WotC's bitch
Those girls look like human females. The second one is on the short side, but still well within human bounds.

Also, I'll probably end up banning anything shorter than 5', so whether halflings get taller or not isn't a big deal for me.


First Post
The first one definitely seems like a human woman to me- she seems smaller than the man, but that's because she's behind and lower than he is.

The second one could go either way, but I'm guessing it's a human female and the perspective is just slightly skewed.


First Post
3e halflings were a bit too small.

That being said, those don't look like halflings in those pictures. They look like women. You may have heard of them... they don't have their own stat block, but they are in the game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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