Happy Free RPG Day! (2012 edition - How was your day?)

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Alas, I forgot. After finishing up at the museum, where it was nice and cool, I stepped into the heat of our hottest day of the year so far and completely forgot until much later.

I suppose I can console myself with getting to play our Pathfinder game Saturday. It was only after our session was over that I remembered. I see at least a couple of the Pathfinder things will be available via pdf.

Anybody know how the chocolates tasted and what the Gaming Paper adventure looks like?

Slowly but surely I'll get a matching set of Q-workshop dice with funky numbers, but no progress this year I guess.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
A local store which is a hole the wall comic store did this for the first time and I was very unimpressed by them. They limited what you could get to 2 items so I didn't even look at what was there as I was grabbing one item for me and another for a friend who couldn't make it. I bought some things from them but won't be going back there.

Our FLGS needs to limit each customer to two items because they get very busy, and they get four kits for the day. It's fair enough, too. There's probably plenty of that stuff on eBay already from folks who went somewhere and just grabbed everything they could. I live a few blocks down the street from Games Plus, so I poked my head in a couple of times and they were very busy all day long and people were also buying a lot of stuff, so good for them for doing the promotion but they get a pretty could crowd most days anyway. I, for one, and glad they purchase these Free RPG Day kits and think it is nice that I'm even given the chance to pick out one free item, let alone two. It's not like they even have to do it at all and there are plenty of places that don't (yet?).


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Our FLGS needs to limit each customer to two items because they get very busy, and they get four kits for the day. It's fair enough, too. There's probably plenty of that stuff on eBay already from folks who went somewhere and just grabbed everything they could. I live a few blocks down the street from Games Plus, so I poked my head in a couple of times and they were very busy all day long and people were also buying a lot of stuff, so good for them for doing the promotion but they get a pretty could crowd most days anyway. I, for one, and glad they purchase these Free RPG Day kits and think it is nice that I'm even given the chance to pick out one free item, let alone two. It's not like they even have to do it at all and there are plenty of places that don't (yet?).

I'm sure there are people that abuse it and sell the free offers. In years past I've heard store owners that have done it bitch about customers who do come in and grab stuff and then leave. Neither of those people are me. I use it to see new offers from smaller game companies but if I'm not able to sample the wares then I won't learn of some of the smaller companies. I'm I would guess the exact type of gamer that this should target. I am very willing to find and try new things, I tell lots of people what I find and like, and I spend way too much money on games. If I am limited to what I can get then I'm going to get the stuff I know I want.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I'm sure there are people that abuse it and sell the free offers. In years past I've heard store owners that have done it bitch about customers who do come in and grab stuff and then leave. Neither of those people are me. I use it to see new offers from smaller game companies but if I'm not able to sample the wares then I won't learn of some of the smaller companies. I'm I would guess the exact type of gamer that this should target. I am very willing to find and try new things, I tell lots of people what I find and like, and I spend way too much money on games. If I am limited to what I can get then I'm going to get the stuff I know I want.

Do they run games of the adventures and quick-starts?


Sadly, I have not been feeling well this weekend, so going out yesterday was not an option. So, nothing for me this year. Such a shame, since there was some nice stuff available.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Not to my knowledge and they didn't have any thing advertising that they do. It was a comic book store that sells very few RPG books or games.

I am surprised they even participated if they have little RPG stock and no game space. Still, something nice for their patrons who do game, I suppose.


First Post
I was happily surprised to find many of the Free RPG Day items available at the gaming store I visited later in the day. Not sure of what their policy was this year, but all the items were behind the counter and they offered me a choice of one after purchase. Still, I was happy that I got anything since it was so late in the day and I couldn't get into play.


My local store didn't participate this year. Apparently it's only free for the consumers....

Too bad, I really was looking forward to that DCC adventure.

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