D&D General Has D&D abandoned the "martial barbarian"?


But a lot of that is already represented in the Totem Warrior. Skin like steel? Bear totem barbarians get resistance to all non-psychic damage. Speed? Elk totem barbarians add 15 ft to their speed while raging, on top of their basic speed increase which makes them faster than equal-level monks up to 13th level. And strength is a core part of the barbarian, which is why a raging barbarian gets a damage bonus and advantage on Strength saves and checks.

Now, one might argue that these benefits are inadequate compared to the flashier benefits other barbarians get. But you're not likely to see anything that's strictly better.
The argument is exactly that. That the flashier benefits are are stronger and display their elements and focis better.

TheTotem Warrior is a great subclass. However the premise behind the thread is is that after the PHB, WOTC went straight to the Glitterworld for the barbarian an never looked back

You probably won't see barbarians one-hand greataxes though, because that would be a significant defensive upgrade (allowing a shield with a greataxe) which is out of theme. You could allow oversized weapons, which deal an additional damage die, but that creates the problem of carrying one around for use just when raging. I could also see a subclass that grows when raging, but at that point we're not exactly in non-magic territory anymore.

I don't think its that significant and this kinda put my point in focus. Barbarians can great lighting auras, a spiritual warrior mark, and bonus radiant damage.

But Greataxe and Shield or Oversized sword while raging is too much.


Starting at the 3rd level, your muscles ripple with power when your anger reaches its peak and allows you to wield mighty weapons effortlessly. While you are raging, have the following effects.
  • You may wield and attack with a two handled weapon with one hand without penalty.
  • If you are Small size or snaller, you no longer have disadvantage with attack roll with heavy weapons.
  • You may add double your proficiency to Strength checks and saving throws to resist effects that cause you to drop or release your weapon.
At the 3rd level, you make shove a target up to 2 sizes larger than you.

(6th level sublclass feature here)

At the 10th level, your grip while enraged is massive. While you are raging, you make wield a weapon made for a creature one size larger than you without penalty. While doing this, you have disadvantage to Dexterity saving throws and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.

(14th level subclass feature here)

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The argument is exactly that. That the flashier benefits are are stronger and display their elements and focis better.

TheTotem Warrior is a great subclass. However the premise behind the thread is is that after the PHB, WOTC went straight to the Glitterworld for the barbarian an never looked back

I don't think its that significant and this kinda put my point in focus. Barbarians can great lighting auras, a spiritual warrior mark, and bonus radiant damage.

But Greataxe and Shield or Oversized sword while raging is too much.


Starting at the 3rd level, your muscles ripple with power when your anger reaches its peak and allows you to wield mighty weapons effortlessly. While you are raging, have the following effects.
  • You may wield and attack with a two handled weapon with one hand without penalty.
  • If you are Small size or snaller, you no longer have disadvantage with attack roll with heavy weapons.
  • You may add double your proficiency to Strength checks and saving throws to resist effects that cause you to drop or release your weapon.
At the 3rd level, you make shove a target up to 2 sizes larger than you.

(6th level sublclass feature here)

At the 10th level, your grip while enraged is massive. While you are raging, you make wield a weapon made for a creature one size larger than you without penalty. While doing this, you have disadvantage to Dexterity saving throws and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.

(14th level subclass feature here)
6th level: carry capacity bonus, including the ability to carry oversized stuff. (CF bear totem)

14th: free shove once per turn on a hit. (CF wolf totem)

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
What class would Conan the "Barbarian" even be?
Not really a barbarian, given none of the paths make sense. Maybe a fighter that chooses not to wear armor and has a level dip in rogue?
from Basil Poledouris "Conan the Barbarian" soundtrack picture, Conan is labelled Thief/Warrior/Gladiator/King ( thanks to Ralif Redhammer )

Voidrunner's Codex

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