Has Paizo ever talked about releasing their adventures in 5E format?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Their adventures is what they were first known for, and even as D&D and Pathfinder go through edition changes, that seems like something they can continue to monetize at presumably less expense than creating something from scratch.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Probably not in public, but probably internally. Don’t expect them to tie themselves as tightly to the D&D property as they were in the past even if they do put out some 5e stuff.

I dont understand why they havent. 5e has been out for what 5 yrs now? Unless theres some unspoken bad blood between the companies. Why wouldn't a company want to resell their back catalog of adventures? If anything a Runelords conversion would be awesome. I'd be happy if they just sold a conversion guide for the already printed hardback version.


I dont understand why they havent. 5e has been out for what 5 yrs now? Unless theres some unspoken bad blood between the companies. Why wouldn't a company want to resell their back catalog of adventures? If anything a Runelords conversion would be awesome. I'd be happy if they just sold a conversion guide for the already printed hardback version.

If you know why Pathfinder exists at all then you can assume Paizo’s management should not be very fond of WotC


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
If you know why Pathfinder exists at all then you can assume Paizo’s management should not be very fond of WotC

Paizo would definitely be wary of being too close to WotC again. While Paizo and WotC staffers get along on a personal level, someone at the business level at WotC made decisions in the run up to 4e that were deadly to Paizo's business model at that time. WotC might not have been intending to kill Paizo but their focus on their own narrow interests in not renewing the Dragon and Dungeon licenses and then their restrictive IP license weren't conducive to their previously extremely close relationship.
There's no way Lisa's going to put Paizo in that extremely stressful position again if she can avoid it.

But this time Paizo isn't relying on WOTC to put food on the table. If Paizo converted a few APs to 5e and 5e dies off, god forbid, then they still have PF and SF. I can understand the resentment Paizo may hold over WOTC for canning the Dragon and Dungeon magazines but their business model has changed since then. There would be no reliance on another company this time. Granted I dont know the whole details on everything that went down so there may be more to it I suppose. On the outside it just seems like an easy way to tap into both markets.


I don't think it's resentment, they just feel that supporting 5e would damage the Pathfinder brand in the long term. Especially now, when they are trying to launch PF2. Why would anyone buy that if they supported 5e? They want to lock people into their ecosystem, not become part of WOTCs


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I dont understand why they havent. 5e has been out for what 5 yrs now? Unless theres some unspoken bad blood between the companies. Why wouldn't a company want to resell their back catalog of adventures? If anything a Runelords conversion would be awesome.

I have zero insight into their decision making process, or anything else, but I suspect that if they did that their core rulebook sales would suffer. You could ask why doesn't Apple sell Android products? Because it would erode their own brand.


Basically what Morrus said. If they did people would not be talking about Pathfinder or Pathfinder II but they would be talking about Rise of the Runelords 5E or whatever.


I have zero insight into their decision making process, or anything else, but I suspect that if they did that their core rulebook sales would suffer. You could ask why doesn't Apple sell Android products? Because it would erode their own brand.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm sure that enters into the thinking. But I would point out that customers usually only purchase one cell phone, but often purchase materials for more than one game system.

Extending Golarion and its APs to D&D5e does not require new art or stories, only a system conversion and adjusted layouts. If that were 25% more effort I'd have to think that would be profitable in light that 5e's base is much bigger.

The harder pitch (IMO) is continuing to offer APs for PF1. While I personally would enjoy/prefer that, I can see where that might hold back the adoption of PF2.

Or, maybe I'm just full of it. This is the Internet. :)

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