It was their fault and their fault. They believed they could milk us easily because our loyalty and devotion was totally unconditional.
And they were right, they
can easily milk 'us'. And with 'us' I mean the consumer group that buys D&D products and services. Maybe not you and me specifically, but probably 95%+ of that customer base wouldn't be impacted, just a very loud minority. And yesterday people left D&D for reasons unconnected to OGLgate, as will people leave today, tomorrow, next week, next year, etc. On the other side, new people will join the D&D customer group. They just buy what they can afford and enjoy, they do not care about meta concerns around D&D or their owners.
Some people here and elsewhere seem to forget that a relatively small amount of D&D consumers even get exposed to OGL licensed material. They just buy D&D stuff to play with. Even of those that are exposed to OGL material, 80% of those haven't bought anything OGL, they are just playing in/with something their DM pulled from an OGL product. They couldn't care less about the OGL itself. If that DM is influenced by OGLgate, that doesn't mean that the group will stop playing D&D. If it's a friends group, that DM will keep playing D&D with it's friends, if not the rest of the group will find someone else to DM/play with... This is generally the hard reality of the situation. Are there exceptions, of course, but they are rare!
D&D is maybe now the key of the survival of the company. If they don't recover after the economic crisis, they will be praying for a good deal in a future acquisition. Do you want D&D owned by Disney, Amazon or Microsoft?
D&D is less then 20% of WotCs revenue, Magic is 80%+. Just look at the financial report. If you do some math, revenue from the rest of WotC (outside Magic) was actually declining in 2022 before OGLgate became even relevant for revenue numbers. D&D currently isn't a keystone for WotC OR Hasbro, nor would it become one anytime soon...
At this point I would say that WotC being acquired by Disney or Amazon wouldn't change anything. I see them as similarly 'bad' as Hasbro, just a whole lot smaller then Disney or Amazon. WotC being bought by MS I would actually see as an improvement! MS is not a 'good' company, but looking at how they've let their game studios operate, availability of console titles on PC. I think that their influence/relationship with their game studios is a LOT better then Hasbro's has been. I also think that the acquisition of Activision/Blizzard by MS is a good move, I can see them rehabilitating the mess that is Activision/Blizzard. I could also see them rehabilitating WotC (management) and they have the expertise to setup gamestudios for WotC properties (Magic/D&D)...