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Have you ever gotten into a fight on game night?


We had been gaming with a new GM, Jim, for a few months and none of us were really happy with the way that he ran the game.

He was one of those 'pump your fist when you crit a PC' Dm's who really seemed to enjoy killing our PC's off. He would also roll the dice in plain sight, and then lie about the results. This would have been funny if it didn't usually result in a PC's death.

A new player had joined the group that night, Thom, and he seemed to clash with Jim from the start. After we had been gaming for about 8 hours, Jim made a really controversial ruling.

Out of the blue, in the middle of a combat, he changes the map scale from 5' squares to 10' squares. According to him, this means that you can no longer 5' adjust, and that any movement or spellcasting would result in attacks of opportunity against us.

Thom apparently didn't have the same level of tolerance that we did. He casually picked up one of Jim's miniatures and snapped it in half. Jim, and the rest of us, sat stunned as Thom casually picked up, and systematically destroyed, several more of Jim's miniatures. Jim finally responded by yelling at Thom to get out. Thom picked up his stuff and left as we all, except for Jim, sat around the table laughing.

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PSU Alumni

I totally don't mean to hijack, I love threads like this.
I'm getting plenty of sick enjoyment out of this. I always play with my close friends, I don't do Cons or the like so I (un)fortunately don't have anything to add.

I'm consistently surprised by the amount of Penn Stater's that hang out here. I plan on living here in State College for awhile, drop me a line if you have any questions about whats going on here. IE RathSkeller, and the Gaff are still very low-key compared to many of the other bars packed with 21 year old children.

I count: Uller, Chairman, Cardinal, King Stannis, and myself. I know I'm missing some others.



First Post
Let's see.

My friend was going to GM a MERP game. I didn't like another person in the group for various reasons (he'd stolen some of my miniatures and he was blatant idiot anyway).

So, we start playing. I get into an argument with the idiot (note, now there are two idiots). It go so bad that I just got pissed and started to leave.

As I started going out the door with my stuff, I turned to say goodbye to the DM. The idiot slammed the door in my face right when i turned around, resulting in a bloody nose.

I lost it, I took a swing at the guy. He tilted his head up a bit at the last split second and the punch hit his throat. He makes this "ach!" sound as he falls backward over a chair, hitting his head on the floor.

I paused for a moment, looking at my handiwork. Then left.

Of course, that happened when I was in 8th grade.

I've obviously matured since then...



When I was in college, and right after, a group of us played D&D and a variety of other RPG games every weekend.

During a session of Rolemaster we learned something new about one of the players. We learned that Warren was an extreme homophobe.

The circumstances that revealed this to us were very unfortunate.

Our characters had been taken captive and were going to be tortured. Warren seemed really tense about the who situation and kept stating that his character would commit suicide if the creatures tried to do anything weird to him. We all looked at him a little funny and played on. None of us suspected the reaction we were about to witness.

The DM decided to play off of what Warren had said and told him that the creatures were entering his cell with manacles, whips, chains and that they were talking in a suggestive manner.

Warren said that his character was dead. The DM asked how he planned to accomplish this, and Warren replied that he should be able to find something to kill himself with. The DM said no.

Warrens character attacked the guards and was knocked unconscious. At this point Warren seemed a little relieved.

The DM moved on to the next player and we all played out our cell scenario with some of us pretending to cooperate, and others being beaten up and tortured.

Then the DM looked back over to Warren and told him that his PC was regaining consciousness and that he felt a funny tingle and pain around his rear.

Warren completely lost his mind. He started screaming and crying and flipped the table completely over. He then tried to go after the DM with a knife that none of us knew he carried. To this day I firmly believe that he would have killed the DM if we hadn't stopped him.

Another player was able to flip a chair into his way, tripping him. I jumped on him and was able to immobilize his arm while yet another player stomped on his hand to get him to let go of the knife.

After about 10 minutes he calmed down enough for us to let him up. He stood up, grabbed his stuff, and then left. He didn't say a word.

I found out from his parents a few days later that he'd had a bad experience while he was in the service. Whatever it was that had happened had left him catatonic for a while and eventually resulted in a medical discharge. He never spoke to them about whatever it was.

I called him a week later and explained that he was welcome to game with us, and that we'd avoid any topics that made him homicidal. He laughed, and re-joined our sessions until the group finally broke up.


First Post
Teflon Billy said:
I got pushed down a flight of stairs in a Vampire LARP once.

A girl playing a Brujah was going on and on about how a wedding that was taking place was a disgrace becasue they said :Man and Wife" instead of "man and Woman" in the vows.

I assumed she was doing this in character, and proceeded to explain that "the whole frickin' ceremony was simply a nod toward ritual, so if they want ritual, why should you change it"?

She got shriller, I got louder...and she (very much "out of character") pushed me down the flight of stairs.

She was hot:)

Did you fall in love?


Teflon Billy said:
I got pushed down a flight of stairs in a Vampire LARP once... She got shriller, I got louder...and she (very much "out of character") pushed me down the flight of stairs.

She was hot:)

You know, I even think it's kinda cute the way
You poison my coffee just a little each day
I still remember the way that you laughed
When you pushed me down that elevator shaft

Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what's this poisonous cobra
Doing in my underwear drawer?
Sometime I get to thinking you don't love me any more



First Post
That's nothing

You guys have all gotten it easy. I killed off a new guy's character in my usual campaign (well I don't kill characters, he charged an Umber Hulk at level 4!) and he made like he was going to cross the table and do something to me. So ai told the guy "Go for it pee-wee, you step over to my side of the screen and I'll help you into a stretcher. And this pathilogical lair of martial mastery tried to kick me from across the table. I've never seen a leg move so slow with such lack of control and balance, I grabbed his leg and pulled him into the tabel groin first. The whole group all winced in pain and laughed grabbing their respective crotches mocking the gimp. But that wasn't enough pain for the psycho. He preceded to take an off balance, leg on table, I'm about to fall swing at me. SO I grabed his hand and tossed him over the table. (Me big and stong, him small and skinny). Any way as he slid over the table he takes all the gaming stuff with him and then slaps his skull on my television set knocking the dork silly. One of the other players had enough at this point due to his character sheet getting soaked with Mountain Dew. And so he escourted the super gimp out of the house. Now THAT kind of thing realy shouldn't happen. But I guess it does, pitty:rolleyes:


First Post

Wow!:) Where the hell do all of you find psycho people like this to play with? How do you ever let them in your house?:) It just boggles me, I suppose. I play with my family and friends--people that I know and trust.

The seeming casual level of violence that so many of you seem to have experienced--at the damn gaming table no less!--seems like something more from some gang fight in a street alley.

I can imagine that many of these nuts that have plagued so many of your games would potentially be killed in a very violent way by many of my Marine friends. I mean really--the proper use of deadly force is good and all, but when you threaten a person like some of these people have done, damn, that can get you killed real fast with more than a few people, and hospitalized with others, you know? I know I would unpack a whole lot of pain on someone who threatened me, that is for sure.:)

I'm just amazed at the violent, psychopaths that are so anti-social and have such tenuous holds on reality that they seem often to lunge at you and attack you from across the table, or start screaming, or attacking you physically in any way, and yet, these people are sitting at your table. Where do you meet these people? Have any of you learned your lessons from inviting freaks to your house? I mean, yeah, it's fine to invite new people over to play and all, but even if these people are known to your other friends or relatives, it's like where is the judgment involved to begin with. So many of these freaks seem so mentally unhinged, psychotic, and socially maladjusted it's incredible!:)

I'm glad that none of you got hurt dealing with such nuts.:)

Semper Fidelis,



Fortunately, none of the three situations that I described took place in my own home. During that three years that we've gamed in my home there has never been so much as an insult spoken in anger. A few semi-heated rule disagreements that were quickly defused, but nothing beyond that.

The first situation (Scott cheats, gets pushy, and then spends the rest of the afternoon looking for his teeth.) took place just after we had graduated from high school. It wasn't a life or death situation, we just decided to talk with our fists instead of our mouths. Fortunately, Scott didn't have much to say. I, on (and with) the other hand, said quite a bit. I was young and ready to fight, what can I say.

The second situation (Thom takes a strong disliking to Jims miniatures.) took place just last year. The only violence that happened was directed towards the DM's miniatures. For everyone, except Jim, this was a mildly humorous situation.

The third situation (Warren defends his PC's honor.) took place right after I graduated from college. It's very disturbing to see an actual knife brought into play when you are just sitting around a table trying to play a game. None of us had ever seen Warren exhibit any violent tendencies up to that point. I had been gaming with Warren for 2 years when this happened.

Any time you have a group of young males 'competing' against one another it is possible that violent outbursts will take place. Usually this will involve insults, pushing, or even escalate to the point where punches are thrown. The situation with Warren is one of those things that you can just never predict. He appeared to be a completely normal and well adjusted person, right up to the point that he pulled that knife out.

Each of you could be sitting across from a potential murderer every time you come to the gaming table and you wouldn't necessarily know it. I know that we never would have guessed.
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