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D&D 5E Having another wizard in the group...does it suck?


Considering that your last started topic was about how stingy your DM was being with loot, perhaps his campaign is not a good fit for you.

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Sometimes having two or more PCs of the same class is very interesting because there are tons of ways to roleplay the camaraderie or rivalry. Also, even if PCs are the same class they can play very differently if they have different personalities. Wizards of different schools also play much differently. Wizards that prepare different spells play differently too.

This is one of the best aspects of 5e in my opinion. Players can just play what they want to play; the party doesn't need to have specific classes or roles. Different configurations just make different stories, provide different strengths and different weaknesses.

It all works best when everyone agrees that we are building a great story and developing our PCs in a fantasy world, not competing against each other.


More than one wizard is great. The wizard is the most powerful class, and having more than one increases the party's power by a greater amount than any other class being followed more than once.

As for inviting more people to play, it should be accepted with every courtesy you'd want to extend to another person who wants to play. If the same game can have a large number of players, that's fantastic.


The only person the DM really must discuss it with is the Host. Talking it over with the players is probably a good idea, especially if there's a known personality conflict, but by no means necessary.

As for duplicating character types, there are a bijillion ways to make characters in 5E, even if they share a class. They can be of different races, which not only has mechanical differences, but should give each a different perspective and personality. Feats, Backgrounds, and Sub-Classes work further to differentiate them.

As for Wizards specifically (assuming cloned characters): with the limitations of Concentration, having a pair of wizards allows for some potent combos if they work together, especially at higher levels with limited spell slots.


Yeah, I don't get where you're coming from on this. That's not to say that you aren't entitled to your feelings about it, but as a DM, I would be shocked to learn that one of my players was mad about me inviting other people to my game or that other folks were playing his preferred class.


First Post
Try playing the "Ars Magica" TRPG, for perspective.

Also, boycott this DM's table. Don't waste one more evening at a game you don't like. You only get so many days between birth and death; spend them where you are glad to spend them, and not where you feel resentment.


First Post
My local DM keeps inviting more and more new players to our face-to-face group without ever consulting first his players. This is really starting to piss me off and I find it rude. We already have 5 players, one of which, me, is playing 2 characters. One of these players can only make it every other week or so and has missed a decent amount lately so we consistently have 4 and occasionally 5 players.

I play the group's wizard and barbarian. The DM has now invited another player who wants to play a wizard too. I have never been a fan of 2 wizards stepping on each other's toes in a party and now I hear this player wants to invite a friend too.

How do you all feel about 2 wizards in a party together? What is your experience with this? Also, how do you feel about the DM inviting player after player without first talking to the players?

The number of possible characters is an issue for the DM, not the other players. I'm personally a more-the-merrier type, but I've also played with DMs who simply will not go over 6, the theory being that it makes calculating and estimating difficulty a greater challenge the more people who play.

While it's not wrong to play more than one character, it seems entirely unnecessary, especially when there are other people who want to come into the game. I've done it but only to bring the party up to a total of 4, or as a follower.

As for a second wizard, there's nothing wrong with that either, however I totally get your concern. If the new guy plays his wizard in a unique style, or goes creative with it, I see no problem. I will say that it's probably more polite, when joining a game mid-campaign, to create a character that fills a gap in the current party, even if that gap is a bard, or a monk. Even a sorcerer. Still, give them a chance, it might turn out quite fun!


My local DM keeps inviting more and more new players to our face-to-face group without ever consulting first his players. This is really starting to piss me off and I find it rude. We already have 5 players, one of which, me, is playing 2 characters. One of these players can only make it every other week or so and has missed a decent amount lately so we consistently have 4 and occasionally 5 players.

I play the group's wizard and barbarian. The DM has now invited another player who wants to play a wizard too. I have never been a fan of 2 wizards stepping on each other's toes in a party and now I hear this player wants to invite a friend too.

How do you all feel about 2 wizards in a party together? What is your experience with this? Also, how do you feel about the DM inviting player after player without first talking to the players?
I think you should just play the barbarian then, and let the new guy play the wizard. Yes, having 2 wizards will suck player wise - you will definitely step on each others toes.

Honestly I think 5e functions best with between 3 - 5 PCs. There is no need for anyone to play multiple characters, in my experience.
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RPG's are a group activity as such the group should be consulted before new members are brought in. The host of the place you gather at and the DM have more say about the final decision but it is just polite to have the conversation and include all the current players.

As to a new player joining and being of the same class as another player, I personaly dislike it and if they were coming in as the class my character is I would express my reservations. But in the end people should play what they want to play and everyone try and have fun. The only thing that would make me so frustrated I would want to change characters myself would be if they came in as the same class-subclass-and fighting style/schtick.

In your situation, you should most definitely stop playing two characters, if you stay with the wizard than hopefully you are different schools and prepare different spells than the other wizard all should be OK. Out of combat play up your personality differences, no matter the class you are a different character focus on all the things not on the character sheet that make your wizard unique.

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