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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive


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"I was primarily talking about their last fight, if you know what I mean, what with them trying to kill Raden. But, as for the droid..." The mechanic points to the head of the droid. "CPU's actually from a military grade droid that was only in the prototype stage when the war ended. Zayda had it installed soon afterwards. Since then, with his modified law enforcement chip replaced, he was on a pretty good KO streak."


At the gaming tables, Sloor manages to just break even in his pursuits of even greater wealth, or at least the illusion that he is...
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Dr Simon

OOC: I guess that's going by your definition of "undue" at the moment, considering your recent fame in the arena.

OOC: Well, I guess anyone who looks like they're trying not to look like they're looking, if that makes any sense!

"Frecsing lawasy," grins the big alien, smoke pouring out of his mouth, the pockets of his jacket overflowing with new-won loot. "You awght taw try awt awne awf these things, Darius man: they're marbling great!" He extracts a somewhat rumpled stogie from somewhere and presents it to the jedi before raising his empty mug high with another hand and starting a chorus of "Refill!" that quickly, boisterously spreads to all those nearby, to the besalisk's obvious enjoyment.

For all that he seems somewhat... restless?

Darius takes the cigar gingerly and picks off some of the pocket fluff.

"I suppose it's the kind of thing a hardened mercenary would do..." he mutter to himself as he accepts a light and takes the tiniest draw. He affects to be seen holding it, sometimes clamped in the side of his mouth like Sloor does, without actually smoking the thing as much as he can.

BF, in which case I'll try to readjust my mental picture to one less James Bond and more Damon Runyon!


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack moves over to the other side of the workshop looking at other items and talks to Mir aside without the manager being privy to his low whisper, "Mir, you think you can persuade the guy to either look the other way or just give us the CPU and the modified law enforcement chip?"

"Those drekheads are cheaters and it is only right that we take the stuff away from them. And... well, use it ourselves."

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 7
Init: +10 Perception: +10
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Toolkit

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Darius takes the cigar gingerly and picks off some of the pocket fluff. "I suppose it's the kind of thing a hardened mercenary would do..." he mutter to himself as he accepts a light and takes the tiniest draw.
"Frekking right!" agrees Sloor with a slap to the back and a series of handless puffs on his own death stick. "REFILL!"

Attracted by the cries, an older twi'lek slave starts heading their way at a glacial pace, but *with* a brace of pitchers (the younger slaves all went with Darga when he retired).

"Sawmething you wanted taw talk abawt, spirk?"

<Response Darius?>


Mir looks at Mack as one of her brows raised. She cauisially looks about for any monitoring devices and answers in a low tone, "I might be able too, but I really do not see any need to do so." She then gets a strange questioning look, "Cheating? I do not recall any and even if there were, I think Darga would look favorbably upon such, as long as it helped him get more credits."

"We are already on shaky ground here and we do not need any more attention upon us than necessary." She shrugs in an apologetic way, "Sorry Mack."

"Perhaps we should try to get a look around. If asked we were looking for somewhere private." The woman says changing the subject.


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack looks back at the attractive woman with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, "Sure, let's go somewhere private."

"Thanks for the look around, pal."
He says to the workshop manager as he gestures for Mir to go ahead and lead the way.

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 7
Init: +10 Perception: +10
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Toolkit

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Not here," he says, glancing around. "I'm wondering what you think we should do next about, you know, what the Admiral said."
Sloor can't help chuckling as he takes a large swallow then forcefully clinks glasses with the slave's pitchers before that worthy can get fully out of range, "Well I *am* a little drunk right naw... But I'm thinking the key- the key, *I* think, is taw knaw the lay awf the land. Tell you what, Darius man: tawmawrraw, if the lord hasn't gawt anything fawr us yet, you and me'll gaw prawling fawr trawble in the wild places awf-" a wide gesture with the limbs not presently drinking or smoking "-this place."

"He is drunk," apologizes TB.

Sloor grins, unconcerned. "What daw you say?"


First Post
[sblock=For Force-Sensitives Only]
You're awakened from your sleep by an odd whispering. You attempt to listen to where the strange sounds are coming from, but you can't exactly pinpoint it. There also seems to be two distinct voices as well, at least you think so[/sblock]

Dr Simon

OOC: Gah! Going to be out of 'tinternet contact over the weekend, but Darius will have something to say about this on Monday.
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